The REAL Human Cause of Climate Change

Torch light

House Member
Dec 4, 2017
Are you a believer?

The believer is the one who believes in God as One God without associate or son or peer,
and believes in the Next Life,
and in all the prophets and messengers of God without exception,
and in all the heavenly books: the Torah, the Psalms, the Gospel and the Quran..

and I add to this: and he believes in the interpretation of the Quran and the 'exclusive devotion to God alone' as taught by the interpreter of the Quran and the Bible: Mohammed-Ali Hassan Al-Hilly.

While the Zionist claims he is a believer: but he is a disbeliever in fact,
the Christian who believes in the Trinity is not a believer according to this definition,
the Muslim who glorifies the tombs of the religious figures is not a believer,
even the Hindus who worships the cow says he is a believer (in God, but he sanctifies the cow)

but (all these in addition to the idolaters and atheists) are the disbelievers and the associaters (associating others with God.)

So either he is an associater: associating the Jewish sages, the Christ, the saints, the imams and Prophet Mohammed himself by the way of exaggeration and enthusiasm.. or he associates the cow with God, or associates the idols or associates Satan with God.. these are the Satanists.

Or he is an atheist who is worse than the idolater.. because the idolater believes in God but he associates the idols with God, while the atheist denies God Himself.

Therefore, to answer the question: Yes, I am a believer.
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Torch light

House Member
Dec 4, 2017
It is impossible to see God's majesty, while you cannot see the soul of your dead father.
If you see anyone, he is not God then.

But we see God's marvels in the universe and creation.

When we see the tree leaf flutter in the wind: this is God's marvel. When you see the structure of the tree leaf, it is God's marvelous work.
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Torch light

House Member
Dec 4, 2017
About man-made climate change:

It will be very trivial influence of man on the climate whatever factories and industries are there: because the atmosphere of the earth is very tremendous: whatever you go higher in the sky the circle of the atmosphere around the earth will be more extensive.

CO2 is a factor, but cannot be the main factor in causing the Global Warming
Moreover, CH4 issued from the man and animal bowel gases and from marshes and with the natural gas is almost negligible

The genuine factor in causing the increased heat on earth is the distance between the earth and sun becoming less than before: only mildly: some miles may be.

The other factor is the alteration of the earth axis, which may cause heat in some regions and coldness in other regions.

Or the if the axis inclination (of 23.5 degrees) changes it may then cause the increased or decreased heat.


Time Out
Mar 19, 2020


Time Out
Mar 19, 2020
Do you see Climate Change? Or are you interpreting changing weather patterns? Like a Priest, Reverend, Iman, etc. interpreting the word of God?

I’m not doing research on climate nor am I a climatologist.

Do you see God...does he speak to you?


Time Out
Mar 19, 2020
Are you trying to say you have to believe in Climate change, without evidence, like one would believe in God?

I never said that.

Plenty of evidence for climate change.

Are you saying the climate doesn't change?

Do you speak with God?


Time Out
Mar 19, 2020
Climate has always changed but you can't see it with your own eyes
Do you speak with the Climate?

Observation is one of the steps of the scientific method.
How do you know the climate has ever changed or is changing?

Do you speak with God?