The Parties Over for The Wild Rose Clan


Hall of Fame Member
May 20, 2012
The wild hog party goes down squealing

It could only happen in Alberta, the land of cowboy Steve and not so Big Oil, Canada's Banana Republic.

Where the leader of the opposition, after attacking the Con government for five years, and trailing them in the polls by only five points.
Has suddenly decided that if you can't beat them, you should join them and is leading her members back to the trough.......

Alberta Wildrose defections would complete stunning political collapse - The Globe and Mail

Leader Danielle Smith is among several Wildrose MLAs planning to cross to Alberta’s governing Progressive Conservative party, CBC News has learned.

Sources say the MLAs include:

  • Party leader Danielle Smith (Highwood)
  • House leader Rob Anderson (Airdrie)
  • Jeff Wilson (Calgary-Shaw)
  • Gary Bikman (Cardston-Taber-Warner)
  • Blake Pederson (Medicine Hat)
  • Jason Hale.(Strathmore-Brooks)
CBC News was told by two party sources earlier Tuesday that Pat Stier (Livingstone-MacLeod) was among the group crossing. However, Stier posted a statement late Tuesday evening on his website saying that he is staying with the Wildrose.

"When a time for change becomes necessary for elected officials, in my opinion they should then follow a procedure that includes their electorate in the new process, prior to making such a change," he said.

"Unfortunately, the procedure that has been pursued by some of my Wildrose Caucus members would appear not to have provided the electorate such an opportunity, therefore I cannot support it."

Members of the 14-person caucus met Tuesday afternoon to discuss an offer from the PCs, led by Premier Jim Prentice.

MLAs Shayne Saskiw, Drew Barnes and Rick Strankman said on social media that they were planning to stick with the Wildrose, which is the official opposition.


Danielle Smith among Wildrose MLAs crossing to Alberta PC party - Edmonton - CBC News
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Hall of Fame Member
May 20, 2012
Danielle Smith promised she was different from the Progressive Conservatives. She promised she’d hold them to account. But now, she’s abandoned her duty as leader of the opposition to join the PCs — in return for a political pay-off. Once upon a time, Smith believed in recall, the right of Albertans to fire their MLAs. Well, we still do. Join grassroots Albertans in the fight to recall Danielle Smith, the politician who sold us out. Visit

Recall Danielle

A crowdfunding website is raising money for some Alberta Wildrose caucus staff who have lost their jobs since their leader and eight others crossed over to the Progressive Conservatives.

The gofundme page, called “Wildrose for Wildrose,” has raised more than $8,000 since it was set up Thursday night.

“People have been crying since Tuesday afternoon,” said one staffer, who spoke on condition of anonymity for fear of jeopardizing future job opportunities. “People are shell-shocked. We’re going through the stages of grief.

“People are desperate.”

The staffer said some have reached out to the nine floor-crossers for reassurance or help, and have been met with silence.

She says four are expecting babies in the next few months. She describes the job losses as callous just before Christmas.

Dozens of people have so far donated to the fund, including NDP member of the legislature Brian Mason, who pitched in $500.

Fundraising drive for Wildrose staff fired days before Christmas


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 25, 2008
Vancouver Island
I can never figure out why some Albertans want to get rid of the party that made the province what it is today. Must be an inferiority complex or something.
If BC wasn't so infested with freeloading lefties we could be just as prosperous.


Senate Member
Jun 24, 2011
It could only happen in Alberta, the land of cowboy Steve and not so Big Oil, Canada's Banana Republic.

Not true. It happened with the PCs and the Alliance federally. Those parties weren't exactly friends either but they still merged.


Make Canada Great Again
Sep 6, 2008
Rent Free in Your Head is not dead.. but if they are looking for the Conservative vote, quit having a skirt run the party that every time the leader (she) has a hot flash she runs to the other side.

The WildRose needs to set out a new agenda.

Alberta should have the same kind of "statehood" as Quebec. Autonomy over our own immigration, language laws, education (bring in Charter schools), gun laws (yes, gun laws), medical (create a 2 tier system, government and private).

What Danielle Smith has done is nothing short of treason. The voters who supported her, voted Wild Rose, not Conservative.

Wildrose names Heather Forsyth as interim leader and vows to fight on |



Hall of Fame Member
May 20, 2012
Preston Manning apologizes for role in Wildrose defections

Preston Manning is now apologizing for the role he played in last week’s defection of Danielle Smith and eight other Wildrose MLAs to Jim Prentice’s Progressive Conservatives.

In a Facebook post, the former leader of the federal Reform Party said he was asked by the caucus to share his experience in uniting his party with the federal PCs 15 years ago.

Reports state that Manning's talk was the turning point in the MLAs' decision to cross the floor.

But Manning now says that he failed to mention that the unite-the-right decision back then was approved by democratic means -- discussions with the grassroots, a vote by members and ultimately the 2000 federal election.

Manning now regrets not making that more explicit to the Wildrose caucus.

“My failure to strongly recommend a similar process to the Wildrose caucus was a mistake on my part,” he wrote.

“It was a disservice to those who sought my counsel and to those who have placed their trust in my commitment to democracy – a mistake for which I now sincerely apologize to all concerned.”

The defections left the Wildrose with five MLAs, the same number of seats held by the provincial Liberals.

The speaker of the Alberta Legislature, Gene Zwozdesky is now deciding who should be the Official Opposition.

The PCs now hold 72 of 87 seats.

On Monday, the Wildrose caucus announced that Calgary-Fish Creek MLA Heather Forsyth will lead the party on an interim basis while the race is underway to select a new leader.


Preston Manning apologizes for role in Wildrose defections - Edmonton - CBC News

captain morgan

Hall of Fame Member
Mar 28, 2009
A Mouse Once Bit My Sister

Funny comment from you on this considering that somewhere in the neighborhood of 30% of the TSE(X) is made up of O&G companies and the Fed budget is in the red because of the fall in oil prices.

It would seem that the Banana Republic in this case is the ROC moreso than AB and/or SK.

I can never figure out why some Albertans want to get rid of the party that made the province what it is today. Must be an inferiority complex or something. If BC wasn't so infested with freeloading lefties we could be just as prosperous.

The only people squealing about removing the PCs in AB are the free-lunch crowd and greentards that believe life owes them something


The End of the Dog is Coming!
Mar 19, 2006
I viewed the Wildrose as just another divisive separative party. What drives people on the left nuts is that the Conservatives have such a strong hold in Alberta and ah **** it... Merry Christmas everyone.


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
The coming and going of the a Wildrose cleaned up the house on the banks of the mighty N Sask.

Funny comment from you on this considering that somewhere in the neighborhood of 30% of the TSE(X) is made up of O&G companies and the Fed budget is in the red because of the fall in oil prices.
TSE(V) is pretty much a split between Oil/Gas and Mining. It's the market that is creating the most jobs.

captain morgan

Hall of Fame Member
Mar 28, 2009
A Mouse Once Bit My Sister
My reference was directed more at the senior exchange.... Look at the market cap in addition to taxable revenues and those numbers add up to a lot of econ activity and tax revenues in the country.

Ultimately, I just thought it was funny that the reference to 'Banana Republic' was thrown in there considering that the observation is akin to 'the tail wagging the dog'


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
My reference was directed more at the senior exchange.... Look at the market cap in addition to taxable revenues and those numbers add up to a lot of econ activity and tax revenues in the country.

Ultimately, I just thought it was funny that the reference to 'Banana Republic' was thrown in there considering that the observation is akin to 'the tail wagging the dog'

Nothing Ventured, nothing gained.

The Province of BC failed the industrial economy drug test.


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
Amazing isn't it?

The province with tons of nat resources, multiple well protected deep water ports and direct access to the entire US West Coast economy can't get their crap together.

It is but Ports are Federal. The reason BCs economy is doing okay is all the ActionPlan money to build the Asia Pacific Gateway so AB and SK can get goods to markets. Grain potash, oil and gas going out with sea cans of parts off to eastern assembly facilities for that Asssembled in Canada sticker on your TV coming in.