The Liberals are Wagging the Dog


The End of the Dog is Coming!
Mar 19, 2006
And have been since Trump was elected.

Oh no, 51st state! Trump is talking about taking over Canada! Only we can save you!

The fact of the matter is that the president of the United States is a shoot-from-the-hip guy who enjoys watching people run around with their hair on fire, and the Liberals never saw a single crisis they didn't want to capitalize on. Trump acts like your typical internet troll, and the Liberals act like Chicken Little. Trudeau was out telling business leaders to take the 51st state thing seriously, and that seems to be the message his successor and rank and file are carrying.

The Canadian government has been in a constant state of crisis. I don't know if it started with the pandemic, but they have been in crisis mode since.

The Liberals attacked the Canadian military, stating that there was an epidemic of misogyny and predatory men raping women. The media gobbled this up and in the process, they accused a lot of soldiers and ruined their careers, demoted them, or just smeared their names enough to fuck their careers. A general my son served under in Afghanistan was attacked by the Liberals and the media for playing golf with the Chief of Defense Staff, General Vance. Vance had had an extramarital affair with an American major, not even in the same military, but ME TOO baby, and what was a domestic issue became political. The general, who had golfed with Vance, his friend of 20-plus years, said, "Fuck this," and took his voluntary release. He didn't want his family subjected to the same abuse as the other families who were caught up in the political witch hunt and reckless journalism.

Similarly, the RCMP were subjected to the same national smearing. The number of incidents did not warrant the outrage or the coverage, but institutions where the members aren't allowed to speak out have always been a personal whipping post for Liberals. It's easy to beat down someone who can't speak publically against their government. I know there were a few bad apples, but why not smear them all? That's what the Chretien Liberals did to us over the Somalia scandal; they labeled us all racist because of five guys. I remember going Christmas shopping with my son, who was six or seven, and in the parking lot, I was called out as a racist and called on by four aboriginal fellas to throw down. I put my son in the car and drove back to the base.

You have to ask yourself, What positive things have the Trudeau Liberals done for Canada?"
  • They did legalize weed
And now for the bad stuff:
  1. They have messed our military capabilities up so severely, just to get them back to pre-2015 status would require borrowing on our national debt into the 100s of billions. Our jets are fifty-plus years old. In the history of Canada, only one government has stripped its military of its equipment, giving it to another nation with no intention of rearming them and cutting the operating budget by a billion, and that is the Justin Trudeau government.
  2. They legalized hard drugs, causing addiction to explode in Canada, creating a black market system for entrepreneur gang members to redistribute.
  3. We now have cartels working in Canada cooking up Fentanyl.
  4. They have caused an affordability crisis by borrowing money to buy special interest votes.
  5. They invited a million people into our country with nowhere to put them, causing a significant housing crisis.
  6. They gave us the Carbon tax, which did nothing to advance R&D for alternative energy or lower global temperatures but became a burden on the middle class and poor.
  7. They have been riddled with scandals from Aga Khan to JWB to WE and the juggernaut of them all, the Green Slush fund.
  8. They ignored foreign meddling in our electoral system and still have not handed over unredacted documents. Instead, settling for a white-wash Liberal Inquiry.
  9. They lied about the vaccines, pitting Canadians against Canadians. [AN MNRA DOES NOT SUPPRESS TRANSMISSION OR STOP YOU FROM GETTING or GIVING COVID] Don't believe me? Look it up. But that didn't stop them from saying that Canadians who didn't want to be immunized were perpetuating the pandemic. It didn't stop them from mandating vaccines in the military and cross-border trucking. The Canadian truckers from all over Canada who descended on Ottawa in protest were called misogynist fringe, far right, possibly Neo Nazis. I suspect that the nazi flag was a Liberal plan to bolster the message that "Honk honk means Heil Hitler," which was coined by Liberal Canadian MP Ya'ara Saks while debating the Emergencies Act . This was going on while the protest was winding down. Police had negotiated a peaceful withdrawal, which was underway, but the Liberals needed their crisis and with the help of Jagmeet Singh and the NDP, voted to enact the Emergencies Act. They arrested the leaders and held them while freezing the bank accounts of many supporters. Tamara Lich was arrested for a mischief charge on February 17, 2022. Justice Julie Bourgeois denied her application for bail on February 22, 2022, citing Lich was a flight risk and she didn't know who Lich was working for. (EYE FUCKING ROLL) Diane Magas, defense lawyer for Lich, expressed concern about the neutrality of Justice Bourgeois on the basis that she ran for a federal Liberal party seat in 2011. Her denial of bail was protested in Ottawa. On March 7, 2022, the bail denial was overturned.
  10. Ignored Palestinian protesters in Canada who have torched buildings, shot up Jewish girls' schools and synagogues, and harassed JEws in their neighborhoods.

There's more, but isn't it enough that they have never balanced their budget once during their entire tenure in power?
If you're wondering how costs doubled, see printing money.

The country is a mess, and Carney is lipstick on a pig.
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Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan
It’s working though, even with their track record, & even with Trudeau still leading them, & with the sham Liberal Party leadership race for Trudeau’s selected replacement to be coronated in a few weeks to become the Canadian Prime Minister without a Federal election taking place…
(These are just some of the Trudeau Cabinet Ministers endorsing Carney ‘cuz he’s such an ‘outsider’…even though they’ve all worked with Freeland for years)

…all while Parliament is still prorogued so the Liberals can avoid providing documents on their Green Slush Fund contradicting the speaker of the house’s order…
This is all with Mark Carney not announcing his platform, or as of yet having a seat in Parliament as an MP, or even being involved in a leadership debate for the Liberal party (there will be two eventually, and both will take place in Montreal because Montreal)…
1739134763545.jpeg…& if the liberal party allows Canada to have a federal election in the next couple months, the Libs will have at least potentially secured themselves the position of official opposition due to the gains they’ve made in Quebec in the last week or so.
Trump being Trump has been an absolute gift to the Trudeau Liberals (soon to be the Carney/Trudeau Liberals, I guess).
(For Tec, YouTube & “What’s behind the shift in polls? A look at the latest federal numbers | CTV Question Period”)
  • Wow
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