The bizarre 'safe cures' of 19th Century that 'work like magic'


Executive Branch Member
Mar 16, 2005
kelowna bc
Even Queen Victoria was into drugs Opium and through the British East India Company
she was the biggest drug dealer in history. They even had a machine to blow smoke up
your rear end thus the saying don't blow smoke up my *ss.
We have just as much nonsense going on today. all the stuff in health food stores is not
what it seems either. The latest course of science demonstrates there is little or no
difference between organic and conventional foods


Hall of Fame Member
Jun 26, 2005
Minnesota: Gopher State
Dr Thompson says,

It's still sold in New England!


Adorable Deplorable
Jun 18, 2007
She'll be back. And she doesn't do acid! Only cat nip, medicinally of course!;)

We laugh at all this stuff because it's so quaint yet the strip malls are littered with Natural Herb & Supplement Stores.

It's just how we package it that's different today.

An example being the way 'wellness' has crept in and permeated the quackery of today. Slap that smarmy word on a piece of crap to make beaucoup dollars.

The Wellness Belt .being a prime example.

Energy bracelets too and other scams and mumbo jumbo that fall under the guise of promoting this so-called 'wellness'.

Same goes for 'green' from our eco pals. Now manufacturers, packagers and marketers of just about anything only need use the color green to make some thing or another appear like it's gonna save the planet.


The Velvet Hammer
Mar 5, 2011
London, Ontario
An example being the way 'wellness' has crept in and permeated the quackery of today. Slap that smarmy word on a piece of crap to make beaucoup dollars.

The Wellness Belt .being a prime example.

Energy bracelets too and other scams and mumbo jumbo that fall under the guise of promoting this so-called 'wellness'.

Same goes for 'green' from our eco pals. Now manufacturers, packagers and marketers of just about anything only need use the color green to make some thing or another appear like it's gonna save the planet.

"Light" or "Lite" would be another example of that.

Marketing, marketing, marketing! That's what it's all about. I think (a lot of) people just want someone to do their thinking for them, package it up in an attractive way, and then they can consume, consume, consume!

So looking at all these novelty ads, I've come to the conclusion that we haven't changed all that much in a hundred years. We sure as hell, as consumers, have not gotten any more savvy!


Time Out
Jun 1, 2012
St Calixte Quebec Canada
An example being the way 'wellness' has crept in and permeated the quackery of today. Slap that smarmy word on a piece of crap to make beaucoup dollars.

The Wellness Belt .being a prime example.

Energy bracelets too and other scams and mumbo jumbo that fall under the guise of promoting this so-called 'wellness'.

Same goes for 'green' from our eco pals. Now manufacturers, packagers and marketers of just about anything only need use the color green to make some thing or another appear like it's gonna save the planet.
Yeah like this

The scammers in this snake oil type thing,hired this cemebrity,to say they trinket can cure anything,yeah like a piece of wood got magical powers.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 25, 2008
Vancouver Island
I mind when I was little,getting a spoonfull of kerosene oil with sugar,damned if i remember what for.Then there was a spoonfull of the very tasty Minards liniment.My cousin was smeared with bear fat when he fell on the stove,did nothing to prevent scaring.

The bear fat is not to prevent scaring, it is to protect the damaged area from infection.

There are lots of what big pharma likes to call myths that are perfectly good medicines. Just they don't make a profit off it. As an example opiates are a much more effective and healthy pain medicine than most of the synthetic crap that "science" has produced.


the universe is electric
Jan 26, 2006
RR1 Distopia 666 Discordia

Does Marijuana Cause Cancer? Research Says Marijuana Fights Cancer

Lisa Garber
Activist Post

Does marijuana cause cancer? The censorship-happy government’s war on marijuana may be sorely misplaced, especially when considering all the other issues in need of focus. Dr. Sean McAllister of the Pacific Medical Center in San Francisco has spent years researching cannabidiol, a cannabinoid found in cannabis, the plant that flowers marijuana. “Cannabidiol offers hope of a non-toxic therapy that could treat aggressive forms of cancer without any of the painful side effects of chemotherapy,” he says.

You might remember Cash Hyde, the 3-year-old boy from Montana diagnosed with brain cancer but who beat it with his father Mike’s help and marijuana oil. Well, Hyde’s case isn’t the only one revealing the positive relationship between marijuana and cancer.

Does Marijuana Cause Cancer? THC as Therapy

In 1998, Cristina Sanchez of Complutense University in Madrid reported in a European biochemistry journal that THC—the famed psychoactive component in marijuana—“induces apoptosis [cell death] in C6 glioma cells,” which are a type of brain cancer.

Lead author of another study and Harvard University researcher Anju Preet says, “THC can have a potential therapeutic role.” His findings, presented in a 2007 American Association for Cancer Research in Los Angeles, showed that THC has a direct antitumoral effect.

THC’s First Human Trial

The first clinical trial studying THC’s antitumoral effect on humans was conducted by Manuel Guzman and his team of Spanish scientists. Guzman administered THC to nine patients who had not responded to traditional brain cancer therapies for the study. As published in a 2006 issue of the British Journal of Pharmacology, tumor cell proliferation reduced in response to THC administration through a catheter – showing the medical benefits of marijuana.

THC and the Lungs

Another Harvard study reports that THC slows lung cancer progress. Moreover, unlike chemotherapy which damages all cells—healthy or cancerous—THC specifically destroyed tumoral cells without harming healthy ones.

In another study published in the Journal of American Medical Association, spanning from 1985 to 2006, over 5,000 men and women smoked about one joint daily for seven years. Co-author Stefan Kertesz found that subjects, rather than having damaged lungs, showed increases in lung air flow rates. Surprising findings indeed.

Cannabidiol and Breast Cancer

With backing from the National Institute of Health, Dr. Sean McAllister conducted a study and found that cannabidiol inhibited breast cancer cell proliferation, metastasis, and tumor growth.

McAllister researched cancer’s relationship to the ID-1 gene—a protein active during embryonic development but, in healthy subjects, turns and stays off. In the case of breast cancer patients, the gene turns back on, which causes malignant cells to metastasize. In the journal Molecular Cancer Therapeutics, McAllister wrote that cannabidiol switches off the gene’s expression.

McAllister found that cannabidiol can even work alongside standard chemotherapy treatments by performing synergistically with pharmaceuticals. This means that maximum, toxic doses don’t have to be administered.

Despite accusations that marijuana smoking can compromise the immune system, mountains of research indicate that the plant has more to offer than a high. More studies are undoubtedly in the works.

In this research, Manuel Guzman located in Madrid, Spain discovered that cannabinoids substantially inhibit the growth of tumors in a variety of lab animals. In the study he also found that not one of these tested animals endured any kind of side effects seen in many similar chemotherapy treatments.

If all of the research doesn’t appeal to you, then maybe the 2,500 total studied patients throughout these 37 controlled studies may. None of the patients reported any kind of adverse side effects from the use of THC and based medication – further adding to the benefits of medical marijuana and strengthening the positive connection between marijuana and cancer.

So, does marijuana cause cancer, or does it fight cancer?

An example being the way 'wellness' has crept in and permeated the quackery of today. Slap that smarmy word on a piece of crap to make beaucoup dollars.

The Wellness Belt .being a prime example.

Energy bracelets too and other scams and mumbo jumbo that fall under the guise of promoting this so-called 'wellness'.

Same goes for 'green' from our eco pals. Now manufacturers, packagers and marketers of just about anything only need use the color green to make some thing or another appear like it's gonna save the planet.

In New Glasgow NS there is a huge new ugly building which makes me ill looking at it. The twits didn't even point the windows sunward. It's called the Wellness Center.