That Pesky North Korea Issue


Time Out
Mar 16, 2007
Red Deer AB
The only weak progress is on the US side. NK shows that the US is never interested in seeing the sanctions lifted as they are money makes. The US is a war machine, it has no interest in seeing the world become 'peaceful'. Lying sacks of shit, just like the bankers who fund them.

Considering Jesus threw them out of the Temple 2x I would think the 3rd time He confronts them they (and their many friends)
they go down for the full count, melted where they stand.

And this shall be the plague wherewith the LORD will smite all the people that have fought against Jerusalem;
Their flesh shall consume away while they stand upon their feet,
and their eyes shall consume away in their holes,
and their tongue shall consume away in their mouth.

Trump asks Pompeo to cancel North Korea visit, citing weak progress on denuclearization

In series of tweets, the president sent "warmest regards and respect" to North Korean leader Kim Jong Un and scolded China for not helping more to force North Korea's disarmament.



Time Out
Mar 16, 2007
Red Deer AB
Now they are bad for quitting their N-bomb program? I fear nothing would make you warmongers happy. Your stocks take a dip or are you always an angry little turdball?

The US is the only one still fighting a war over there, lol. Thick as a fuking brick, lol
TOKYO (Sputnik) - South Korean President Moon Jae-in may help advance talks between Washington and Pyongyang by acting as a mediator during his visit to North Korea for a summit with North Korean leader Kim Jong Un in fall, the Yonhap News Agency reported citing an official from the presidential office.

"I believe President Moon's role has only become greater… Objectively, [Moon's] role as a facilitator and mediator to help expand the range of mutual understanding between the US and North Korea has become greater," the official was quoted by the media.



Hall of Fame Member
Apr 17, 2017
Twin Moose Creek
Japan shows China and North Korea it can shoot down ballistic missiles, with some help from the US

A Japanese warship, using a US ship-based anti-missile system, successfully intercepted and destroyed an incoming ballistic missile over the Pacific Ocean Tuesday evening, the Missile Defense Agency revealed in an official statement.
An upgraded Japanese Maritime Self Defense Force Atago-class guided-missile destroyer detected and tracked a simple, separating ballistic missile launched from the Pacific Missile Range Facility at Barking Sands, Kauai, Hawaii. Responding to the threat, the ship's onboard Aegis Weapon System tracked it and launched a Standard Missile-3 Block IB Threat Upgrade missile that intercepted it mid-flight.
"This success provides confidence in the future capability for Japan to defeat the developing threats in the region," Lt. Gen. Sam Greaves, director of the Missile Defense Agency, said in a statement apparently referencing Beijing's arsenal of ballistic missiles and Pyongyang's program, which the regime suspended after the Trump-Kim talks and which has involved test-firing ballistic missiles over Japan.
The Chinese People's Liberation Army Rocket Force "is developing and testing several new variants of missiles and developing methods to counter ballistic missile defenses," the Pentagon explained in its 2018 report on Chinese military power.
"We are committed to assisting the government of Japan in upgrading its national missile defense capability against emerging threats," Greaves said, according to Reuters.
The latest intercept will enhance the overall capabilities of Japan's Atago-class destroyers, which have been limited to air defense while the Kongo-class guided-missile destroyers have employed ballistic missile defense systems, Tom Karako, a missile defense expert at the Center for Strategic and International Studies, wrote on Twitter after news of the successful test.
The US and Japan are jointly developing another interceptor missile - the SM-3 Block IIA, but testing has been a little hit or miss lately. The system has been tested three times since the start of 2017, and it has only had one successful intercept.
The Missile Defense Agency called Monday's test a "significant milestone in the growing cooperation between Japan and the U.S. in the area of missile defense."

Just a little reminder that NOKO's advantage is fading in the negotiations Lol


Hall of Fame Member
Apr 17, 2017
Twin Moose Creek
Keeping the pressure on NOKO

Washington approves plane, missile sale to S.Korea

The United States on Thursday approved a new arms sale to South Korea worth $2.6 billion, with denuclearization talks stalled between Washington and the North.
Six Poseidon maritime patrol aircraft worth $2.1 billion form the bulk of the sale, the Defense Security Cooperation Agency said in a statement.
A second contract covers 64 Patriot missiles and support worth $501 million, the agency said.
Congress has 15 days to oppose the sale but that would be unlikely given the close relationship between Seoul and Washington, which stations tens of thousands of its troops on South Korean soil to defend against the threat from nuclear-armed North Korea.
The P-8A Poseidon, made by Boeing, can be used for intelligence and reconnaissance as well as for anti-submarine and anti-surface warfare.
"The proposed sale will support US foreign policy and national security objectives by enhancing Korea's naval capabilities to provide national defense and significantly contribute to coalition operations," the agency said.
The Patriots, to be made by Texas-based Lockheed-Martin, are designed to intercept tactical ballistic missiles, cruise missiles and other airborne threats.
South Korea will use the system "to improve its missile defense capability, defend its territorial integrity and deter threats to regional stability," the statement said.
"The proposed sale of this equipment and support does not alter the basic military balance in the region."
US President Donald Trump and North Korea's leader Kim Jong Un pledged at a historic June summit to denuclearize the Korean peninsula.
However, no details were agreed, and Washington and Pyongyang have sparred since over what that means and how it will be achieved.

Curious Cdn

Hall of Fame Member
Feb 22, 2015
Ba ha ha ha ha Trump getting ever so close to the Noble Peace Prize
We haven't yet heard what concessions the North Koreans expect of the Americans. If everybody wants a "nuclear free Korean Penninsula" that means no more US aircraft carriers or submarines can tie up, there and it curtails their having theatre nuclear weapons stored at Osan and Kunsan. The Americans will never agree to that. The North Koreans will drop out of these talks the same way that they always do.