Terrified Scottish Establishment DesperateTo Suppress Exposure Of Their Paedophile Ri


House Member
Feb 16, 2003
Why so many Paedophiles in British Govt.?

In 1999, an international investigation of child pornographers and paedophiles run by Britain's National Criminal Intelligence Service, code named Operation Ore, resulted in 7,250 suspects being identified in the United Kingdom alone. Some 1850 people were criminally charged in the case and there were 1451 convictions. Almost 500 people were interviewed "under caution" by police, meaning they were suspects. Some 900 individuals remain under investigation. In early 2003, British police began to close in on some top suspects in the Operation Ore investigation, including senior members of Blair's government.

Webmaster's Commentary:
In 2002, child sex murderer Marc Dutroux, possibly in an effort to evade punishment for his own crimes, offered to name the names of top officials involved in child sex trafficking across Europe. The Belgian authorities pointedly were not interested!


House Member
Feb 16, 2003
Did Scotland’s Lord Advocate spend more defending her reputation than this little girl received in compensation for being raped?

Saturday, 07 August 2010 07:11

'The contentious article in The Firm reported criticism of the fact that nobody had been prosecuted over a case in which £13,500 was awarded by the Criminal Injuries Compensation Board to Hollie Greig, a Down Syndrome child said to be the victim of a paedophile ring in Aberdeen.

It is very unusual for a Government appointee to sue the media for defamation. And, despite being the largest employer of lawyers in Scotland, the Lord Advocate chose to use a private lawyer, Peter Watson of Levy & McRae, to represent her in the action against The Firm.

Mr Watson also represents disgraced Glasgow City Council leader, Steven Purcell, who is now under police investigation. If evidence of criminal activity is found, the matter would be reported to Angiolini’s department, the Crown Office.

Levy & McRae also represents several major media outlets and has links to PR firm Media House, leading some to express concerns about potential conflicts of interest.'
Read more: Did Scotland’s Lord Advocate spend more defending her reputation than this little girl received in compensation for being raped?
Congratulations to Steven Raeburn, Editor of The Firm, for refusing to buckle to a bullying State machine
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Nominee Member
Jul 18, 2010
British Columbia
'Paedophilia within the British establishment is rife.Up and down the country, innocent children are being sexually abused by people holding positions of trust in ways that are beyond the comprehension of ordinary decent people. For those of us who are starting to understand ‘the Bigger Picture’, we know that some children are even caught up in ghastly Satanic rituals, in many cases actually losing their lives as they are situation that will unite people of all so-called classes, religious beliefs and political persuasions.

The above part of the quote is true in too many other places as well. The Vatican, the US Government, Canadian Goverment, ad infinitum. This is very serious as it involves people at the very top of the ladder who can control the situation, and no one is charged.

There is pedolphilia, child pornography and snuff films, mind-controlled sex-slaves and assassins, brain-washed soldiers. Some of the honest politians are dragged into situations, drugged, filmed, then blackmailed to 'stay out of the running', or perhaps blackmailed to stay and and keep their mouths shut.

There are so many people/children who go missing who are used as blood sacrifices for the satanist Illuminati, and also for dealing is organ stealing/blackmarket.

George H. W. Bush was put in charge of handling drugs coming into the USA, but it wasn't for a war on drugs, it was a war against other drug dealers for the drugs to supply to inner cities , to gangs, who then terrorize neighbourhoods and have people living in fear. The drug monies also finance the fame and fortune of many a musician, or actor (meaning the music and motion picture business, as well as the media, are controlled) as well as the billions from Wall Street Bankers and Corporations who run the World...the New World Order. They are evil satanists will no thought of killing anyone to get what they want! If anyone squeals, they're dead.

Just Google "Clinton's dead bodies" for an example, and I'm sure it goes back further from his Governership of Arkansas, and the drug drops in Mena.

Now who can tell me who will bring down these powerful people who are in power, eh?

Even queen Lizzy are members of the evil elite! Even Princes William and Harry. Poor Diana....she knew too much! Dead at 36!

God help us all!


House Member
Feb 16, 2003
Well, well, well ...

Saturday, 07 August 2010 07:53

... Sheriff (judge) Patrick Davies allows a convicted paedophile to go free but imposed draconian bail conditions on Robert Green who is accused of a 'breach of the peace' for 'handing out leaflets' in Aberdeen exposing the abuse of Hollie Greig by the Scottish paedophile establishment that is alleged to have involved another Scottish Sheriff
http://forums.canadiancontent.net/images/stories/August20101/question mark.jpg
WHY, Sheriff Davies, WHY?? It is a blatantly massive contradiction and clearly fundamentally unjust, so WHY, Sheriff Davies, WHY, when paedophiles benefit in both cases??
'What's going on here? - Robert Green, was arrested by two plain clothes police officers on the 12th of February of this year, and accused of a ‘Breach of The Peace’ as he was about to hand out leaflets on the streets of Aberdeen. His intention was to stand as a candidate in the forthcoming May Election with the intention of using this as a platform to draw attention to the appalling case of Hollie Greig.
On the April 30th 2010, after being re-arrested and driven on a 600 mile round trip back up to Scotland, Sheriff Davies, at the court in Stonehaven, Aberdeenshire, upholds bail conditions of Robert Green, accused of "breach of the peace", on the grounds that his appearance on the streets of Aberdeen may lead to "civil unrest". All of this hearing took place ‘In Camera’, more plainly 'In Secret'.
This means that Robert Green has to report to his local police station in Warrington, Cheshire, three times a week as part of his bail conditions and yet here’s a report which states that on the 20th of May, the same Sheriff Davies, fails to jail a convicted paedophile in the "interests of society". This action alone almost caused a massive 'Civil Unrest' outside the court in Stonehaven.
Yes you did read all that correctly.'
Read more ...
PS: He did the same with this guy, too
Read more ...
Then you have the Lord Advocate of Scotland, Elish Angiolini, who has twice refused to pursue the Holly Greig case. Her office took so long to process at least two child abuse/paedophile cases while she was Procurator Fiscal in Aberdeen that the cases were dropped - one of them by the Sheriff accused by Hollie Greig.

The message is clear ... if you are a paedophile ... this is the place you'll be safest ...

Oh yes, and here ...

... and here ...
http://forums.canadiancontent.net/images/stories/August20101/white house.jpg
Please circulate far and wide ... this is the link to send:



House Member
Feb 16, 2003
Drum Comment: Has the fight gone out of the press in Scotland?

Monday, 09 August 2010 09:22

(Did it ever have any?)

The most recent issue of The Drum carries four pages of what, at first glance, might appear arcane and technical detail of a dispute between the journal and the Lord Advocate, Scotland’s most senior law officer.

However, we make no apologies for devoting considerable amount of space to the subject, for in the background is a Down’s Syndrome girl, Hollie Greig, who allegedly suffered abuse at the hands of a paedophile ring.

The fact that nobody has ever been prosecuted in connection with the case has motivated the family to launch a campaign which is critical of the Lord Advocate, who became regional prosecutor of the relevant region of Scotland around the time the case was active.'
Read more: Drum Comment: Has the fight gone out of the press in Scotland?


House Member
Feb 16, 2003
The Rothschild's Oil, Paedophilia and Scotland

Monday, 09 August 2010 09:48

'In the previous article we discussed how Rothschild owned Shell Oil stands accused of covering up the immensity of safety concerns on its North Sea Oil Platforms, and how The Scottish Lord High Advocate, Elish Angelioni, stands as a Rothschild puppet. We also quoted from sources that accuse the Lord High Advocate of obstructing justice in the death of two Scotsmen on one of Shell's oil platforms.
In a remarkable coincidence, Sheriff Patrick Davies, who has falsely imprisoned and censored journalist Robert Green for exposing a high-level Aberdeen pedophile ring, and illegally impeded Robert Green's run for Parliament, also ruled in Shell's favor on the high profile oil platform deaths. Sheriff Davies and Elish Angelioni both seem to have assisted Shell Oil and the Rothschilds in limiting the damage from safety issues regarding the North Sea Oil Platforms.'
Read more: The Rothschild's Oil, Paedophilia and Scotland


House Member
Feb 16, 2003

Thursday, 09 September 2010 09:01

'Robert reports that over 100 people have now responded to his series of adverts in the Aberdeen Press and Journal asking for people connected with Beechwood Special School to get in touch with him. They are mostly parents or ex-pupils including 3 other victims of the abuse and also 3 teachers who admitted that they knew that Young took children into his study on their own with the door closed but as he was on the whole quite a popular figure noone thought to question this. The study had to be accessed via the secretary's office so it would be interesting to know what those who have held this post over the past two decades considered might have been going on behind that closed door.'


House Member
Feb 16, 2003
The Satanist and Paedophile-Infested Scottish Establishment Continues To Cover Up The Hollie Greig Scandal

Saturday, 18 September 2010 10:16

Below is an excellent summary from Robert Green on the basic facts that cannot be ignored - except by those who are desperate for this to go away. It won't.

Please read his letter to see how the establishment puts the protection of its own before justice for a Down's Syndrome girl raped over a decade by Scottish establishment figures.

Hey, people of Scotland, these are the lowlife running your country and dispensing 'justice'. How long are you going to stand for it??

How are you sleeping these days, Lord Advocate?

Please Circulate Far And Wide.

Make an effort - make a difference.

Thank you.

This is the link to send: http://www.davidicke.com/headlines/38642-the-satanist-and-paedophile-infested-scottish-establishment-continues-to-cover-up-the-hollie-greig-scandal