The Establishment Paedophile Networks - How They Operate: An American Example
'From Senator John Decamp: In mid-1993, after The Franklin Cover-Up [book] had been circulating for almost a year, the British-based TV station, Yorkshire Television, sent a top-notch team to Nebraska to launch its own investigation of the Franklin case. Yorkshire had a contract with the Discovery Channel to produce a documentary on the case for American television. Finally, the big day came. Their documentary was to air nation-wide on the Discovery Channel on May 3, 1994.
It was advertised in the TV Guide and in newspapers for that day. But no one ever saw that program. At the last minute, and without explanation, it was pulled from the air. It was not shown then, and has never been broadcast anywhere since. I have a copy of that program, which arrived anonymously in my mail in late 1995. When I watched this pirated copy, I could see clearly why the program had been suppressed. Conspiracy of Silence proved, beyond doubt, that the essential points I had stressed in the book (and more) were all true.'
John DeCamp on the Franklin Cover-up
I can tell you after 20 years of investigating all this worldwide that the paedophile and Satanic networks (both fundamentally connected) are the 'cement' that hold the establishment structure together in every country and, in turn, these 'national' networks connect into a global network.
What is happening in Scotland (a major world centre for establishment paedophilia and Satanism) is not happening in isolation - it connects into the Scottish and British governments and the Westminster parliament. If you want to find nests of paedophiles and Satanists look no further than the Houses of Parliament and Capitol Hill. Ain't that right, Father George?

'Did someone just say my name? My ears are burning, Barbara.'
Tick, tick, tick, chaps - don't make any long term plans, it will be a shame to cancel.

This is my time
'Men in skirts' Paedophile Ring Exposed - But Not By The BBC
'The Scandalmongers Gazette is aware that investigators have just received from the Crown Office, after years of rebuttals, the Post Mortem report of Robert Greig, the brother of Hollie`s mother Feral Annie. Robert died mysteriously in an alleged car fire in 1997. Despite extreme inconsistencies in witness statements and circumstances, no inquest ever took place and the cause of death was officially recorded as being due to smoke inhalation.
Conversely the actual Post Mortem report reveals that Robert has suffered considerable damage to his skull, two broken ribs and a broken sternum – injuries normally sustained by being beaten to near death with a pickaxe shaft. Independent professional medical opinion is of the view that Robert had alcohol forced down his throat, was battered into an unconscious state, then thrown into the burning vehicle.
Although not revealed at the time, following her Uncle’s unexplained death, Hollie told her mother that Robert had caught her father sexually abusing her and a confrontation had taken place – with threats of violence made against Robert.'
Rusty's Skewed News Views: ‘Men in Skirts’ Paedo Ring ExposedConversely the actual Post Mortem report reveals that Robert has suffered considerable damage to his skull, two broken ribs and a broken sternum – injuries normally sustained by being beaten to near death with a pickaxe shaft. Independent professional medical opinion is of the view that Robert had alcohol forced down his throat, was battered into an unconscious state, then thrown into the burning vehicle.
Although not revealed at the time, following her Uncle’s unexplained death, Hollie told her mother that Robert had caught her father sexually abusing her and a confrontation had taken place – with threats of violence made against Robert.'
What the Scottish Papers (Didn't) Say
'When we consider the fact it is historically proven that scandals and bad news sell gutter press journals like hotcakes, it appears illogical that the Scottish media would ignore a prime commercial opportunity to cash in on the recent reincarnation of interest and focus on the Aberdeen Ferryhill paedophile ring criminally responsible for the sexual abuses in the Hollie Greig - et al - case.
Further proof of them working against their own best business interests is wholly ignoring the coincidental, linked incidence of the Kafraesque style arrest of English journalist / broadcaster – and Parliamentary candidate - Robert Green by Grampian Police at his Aberdeen B & B on Friday - just before he could attend a meeting to publicise the case – on a concocted ‘breach of the peace’ charge to prevent him campaigning for a full investigation into the Scottish government’s Ministry for Muzzling, Whitewash & Coverup tactics regarding this festering leprous sore blighting the very name of Justice north of the border.'
Further proof of them working against their own best business interests is wholly ignoring the coincidental, linked incidence of the Kafraesque style arrest of English journalist / broadcaster – and Parliamentary candidate - Robert Green by Grampian Police at his Aberdeen B & B on Friday - just before he could attend a meeting to publicise the case – on a concocted ‘breach of the peace’ charge to prevent him campaigning for a full investigation into the Scottish government’s Ministry for Muzzling, Whitewash & Coverup tactics regarding this festering leprous sore blighting the very name of Justice north of the border.'

The corrupt and gutless mainstream media: the same the world over ...
Elish Angiolini, Lord Advocate of Scotland, and Common Purpose

The Lord Advocate of Scotland, Elish Angiolini, refuses to pursue the sexual abuse case involving Down's syndrome girl, Hollie Greig, who claims to have been raped by well-known members of the Scottish establishment; Angiolini's department in Aberdeen took so long to process the case of another girl who claimed to have been sexually abused that it was thrown out for taking too long to come to court by the very Sheriff who has been named by Hollie as one of her sexual abusers and rapists.
Now it turns out that Angiolini is a speaker for Common Purpose, the 'training of leaders' organisation long exposed in my books, on this website and in the research of Brian Gerrish at UKColumn who has been threatened by Angiolini's lawyers, Levy & McRae, for posting the story of Hollie Greig and the people she names.
The plot thickens, but nothing like as profoundly as it will.