Suing the US for madcow


Electoral Member
Dec 4, 2002
Montreal, Quebec
Well it seems that the shit is hitting the fan because the truth is out there in which I believe and probably a lot of Canadians are is that the US is responsible for the epidemic of not only the US but other countries that use Canadian beef as their main source of beef.

The story which is out is that the cow that had BSE was NOT Canadian! In fact sources said that it was most likely american and the cow contracted the disease through its mother. So if this proves true, the US is at fault for the millions of dollars lost on false claims and what not.

Shutting down the border for this long isn't correct ever after all the tests were deemed safe, this is about the US trying to build up its ecomony with their subsized farming and not playing fair.

The US govt should be the ones paying Canada back if the tests prove that the cow was infact from the States, and it does not really surprise me at all since we know how the US got rid of its madcow disease..... they didn't do anything about it!


House Member
Feb 16, 2003
so...the Japs dont want Canadian beef and they will boycot the "good ol' us of a" should they open their boarders to Canada......that's easly fixed...double or even triple the duty/tax on jap cars, hit them where it hurts..remember their economy is on its knees also.....


Electoral Member
Jul 25, 2002
Stretch said:
so...the Japs dont want Canadian beef and they will boycot the "good ol' us of a" should they open their boarders to Canada......that's easly fixed...double or even triple the duty/tax on jap cars, hit them where it hurts..remember their economy is on its knees also.....

There are far too many Canadian traitors and appeasers to do such a thing. the overall business crowd will quash any move to help the farm industry if they think it will harm their own. Its all about profits and everyone else be damned.

We should do as you suggest but many of those japanese cars are manufactured here in Canada so we would be shooting ourselves in the foot.

Now electronic parts and devices - that is a different story.

Now all of this should apply to the US as well - they are cutting off imports of Canadian military goods now. We should say fine - no more natural gas at the rates you want. We should also say - if you dont need our military exports - you most certainly do not need our help with your phoney missile defence either.


House Member
Feb 16, 2003
true czardogs...they need to be hit anywhere where it will cost them.....afterall, the system can work both ways if the goverment had the guts and no vested interest


Electoral Member
Jun 6, 2002
so stop byuying sony and panasonic for infurior american brands bringing us back to boycotting american products... we cannot do both


Electoral Member
Dec 4, 2002
Montreal, Quebec
I don't believe that. I mean come on buy Asian stuff? I ain't 5'1 that could fit into a darn honda or kia.

I boycotted Intel and got AMD. Americans are too stupid to realize anything the govt is doing a great job at keeping them under their spell of ignorance.

If our govt had balls it would do something the US relies on us more than we do to them. I mean the technology to match bullet markings is Canadian.

Canada is the innovator and the one that helps the ignorant capitalists down south.If Canada was to stop exporting gas and electriicty to the americans they'd be in utter blackout situations causing a massive collapse in their economy.


Electoral Member
Jul 25, 2002
The hold up is all the spineless traitors in Ottawa and each of the provincial capitals that refuse to stand up for their fellow Canadians. They are accountable only to their contributors who of course are mostly corporations and their owners.

Klein has spoken up but only against Japan - he will never talk smack of the US as he is holding out to win the green card lottery for the whole province of Alberta.

The rest of us are just serfs to be used and thrown away after paying our tax dollars to enrich their lives.


Electoral Member
Dec 4, 2002
Montreal, Quebec
Well you have to figure you have to deal with things in a "kindly manner".

The only reason why they didn't lift the ban in the US because then Japan would boycott the US and not import their beef.

You gotta figure Albertans are almost the equivalent of Texans, with more brains.

I dunno I feel more safe eating Canadian beef than I do eating american or brazilian, which is now being used at mcdonalds in the US.

Lets figure it out Brazil being a country that maybe doesn't have as strick laws on chemicals and other things. Don't you think they are risking people's health more by doing that? I surely do.

Hey we aren't the UK that had hundreds of cows being slaughtered! Who knows if the results were correct to begin with also? Do you see a ban on american beef since the cow was originally american? I don't.


Electoral Member
Jul 25, 2002
hmm, American steriod and antibiotic beef or good old grain feed Canadian beef. Its no choice.

As well that whole Japan thing is just a cop out. All it would take is for America to say alright and start importing again - it would make the Japanese case as it should be - impotent.


Mar 24, 2002
czardogs said:
hmm, American steriod and antibiotic beef or good old grain feed Canadian beef. Its no choice.

As well that whole Japan thing is just a cop out. All it would take is for America to say alright and start importing again - it would make the Japanese case as it should be - impotent.

I'd have to say go with Canadian beef... It looks as if the United States are to blame for madcow getting into Canada to begin with. They just don't care, I bet there's been a lot of madcow down south which has been covered up!


Electoral Member
Jul 25, 2002
Andem said:
czardogs said:
hmm, American steriod and antibiotic beef or good old grain feed Canadian beef. Its no choice.

As well that whole Japan thing is just a cop out. All it would take is for America to say alright and start importing again - it would make the Japanese case as it should be - impotent.

I'd have to say go with Canadian beef... It looks as if the United States are to blame for madcow getting into Canada to begin with. They just don't care, I bet there's been a lot of madcow down south which has been covered up!

One of the biggest reasons for the holdup from the US is from all the lobbying being done by their own beef barons. They are making big bucks while the border is closed to Canadian imports.

One other thing - Canadian beef in the stores should be much cheaper with the glut of it on the market - but alas - the Safeways etc are jus gouging us. :evil:
Oofda! You Canadians really get in an uproar over cows huh? Look at Lushes, that's what you are supposed to be in an uproar about.

If you want to know if the cow was American then check its passport.

Me? I'm supporting "cattle without boarders". Let the free range herds go mad where they please.

Note: If you want your government to do the boycotting for you, then you are on the lazy-express to american thinking. I would suggest if you wish to boycott you do so on your own. It might not have the drastic effect you desire, but if you can't get behind a principle it's hypocritical to expect others to make policy on it.


Electoral Member
Jul 25, 2002
WulF-Krigan said:
Oofda! You Canadians really get in an uproar over cows huh? Look at Lushes, that's what you are supposed to be in an uproar about.

If you want to know if the cow was American then check its passport.

Me? I'm supporting "cattle without boarders". Let the free range herds go mad where they please.

Note: If you want your government to do the boycotting for you, then you are on the lazy-express to american thinking. I would suggest if you wish to boycott you do so on your own. It might not have the drastic effect you desire, but if you can't get behind a principle it's hypocritical to expect others to make policy on it.

Hey some of us boycott everything non-Canadian already but it needs to be nationalized through the feds.

I will not knock all Americans - like Wulf there are non-greedy buggers to the south. Look at the cross border party that took place last week. American farmers showed their support for ours. Good on them.

LOL - that was hillarious - let the cows roam free to go mad where they want! Thats what the buffalo are for!


Electoral Member
Jun 6, 2002
it looks like the americans and mexicans are letting some our our cow meet thru the borders again.... finally ... : )