SPLIT TOPIC: Canadian economics


Mar 24, 2002
gnuman said:
Sure you need Quebec heck look at the problems Ontario hydro has. Quebec supplies hydro power to a lot of areas.

Québec may very well provide hydro to it's neighbours, but Ontario's supply from Niagara Falls alone powers New York and Ontario. Since Ontario owns the largest part and most of the actual falls, we have a great source of hydro-electricity. The reason why Ontario is going through trouble is because the hydro grid is in trouble with privitisation.

gnuman said:
Andem there is an incident where this guy who moved to Ontario (who was a francophone and well was "assimilated" in his words) and couldn't qualify to put his kid into a french school. So there is the same problem there as there is here. The cause of this problem was simple, they switched it from protestant and catholic school boards to english and french, you'd be lucky to finish in the same school you originally went to.

That's strage he was denied access to a french school. I attended French immersion briefly and I was not at all fluent in french. Infact my french sucked. I'm sure if an anglophone was eligable, a fracophone would be eligable.


Electoral Member
Dec 4, 2002
Montreal, Quebec
Well the school's decision was based on the father not remembering his french since its been a long time since he spoke french so it disqualified them. I think Canada should make english and french official languages but its too late.

Bilingualism in the rest of canada is different, there is means you are good in english (written and oral) while knowing some french its the opposite in Quebec.

The schooling system is deterriorating I find when teaching the second language. My highschool used to be bilingual (french and english) and what the french people learned in english was about grade 2 words, and basic sentence structure.

Schooling should be left up to a parent(s) decision honestly, whether or not ot send them to english or french, the problem is that in Quebec it doesn't want to lose its French "culture" so they have to be assholes about it and force the kid into french schooling until he graduates from HS. There used to be a loophole in Quebec where if you could send your kid to 1 year of private schooling in english he then qualifies for english schooling, now it has been changed and is being looked by the courts.


Electoral Member
Dec 4, 2002
Montreal, Quebec
WulF-Krigan said:
I swear I tried to read this all...

But I kept laughing...Gnumanerguy...I gotta ask you. What would happen to all these third world countries if the US pulled out all its support?

If the US closed down every buiseness it had that expanded into Canada, China, or Europe?

I'm no economist, but my guess would be...um...mass economic panic. Stock crashes. Plagues. Brimstone. Pitchforks at the castle. Baby burnings. All manner of awefulness.

Now...Imagine what would happen after that all settled down?
Nations refusing to communicate politically with one another. Military build ups over differances...Like who screwed who on what budget...and eventually open war, conquest...heh...RISK for real.

Life would become brutal, calous, cheap, and short.

Politics, communication, discourse between nations is what keeps the world (and economy) going. If those things break down, so does the machine. If the machine breaks down alot of people die of many number of things.

Who would be hurting honestly? The world does NOT revolve around the US. The only reason why the US expands its companies into other countries is to save money, and also to get around certain laws that are setup in the US. Currently one biochem company is now moving out of the US and into Canada because of price cap regulations which it finds unfair.

As far as I can tell the US doesn't have that much of a big influence in the EU, while Canada does have a lot of companies from the US and also benefits from Canada's economy.

I didn't say that the US should pull out its support for third world countries now did I? All I said is that the US should mind its own business and stop forcing its military into other countries. The US would be hit hard if they pulled out every single company they owned and ran it in the US. Heck HP or Dell has their technical support departments in India!

Well look at the market conditions right now, who is causing the downturn? The US. Canada's economy has always been better than the US and the EU is also doing much better than the US. So the US is dragging the world economy down on trying to find its imaginary weapons of mass destruction and bullying other countries.
Who would be hurting honestly? The world does NOT revolve around the US. The only reason why the US expands its companies into other countries is to save money, and also to get around certain laws that are setup in the US. Currently one biochem company is now moving out of the US and into Canada because of price cap regulations which it finds unfair.

Who would be hurting the most? Everyone who wasn't the 5% if you follow me.
Globally 50% of the wealth is held by 5% of the people. In the US, 50% is held by the top 10% of the citizens. But essentially, if those people stop spending money...those who depend on the exchange of money suffer.
Farmers and others who actually produce a needed commodoty (food) would be fine. Militaries (would take food) so they would be fine. But by and in large it is the "civilized" people of the world who would suffer. If -ANY- major power (China, US, Russia, Britian, France, Canada) threatens to pull out of a country and refuse to deal with them both countries will suffer.
Point for point I think the US could hold out as long as any nation could but not any substainally longer period.

As far as I can tell the US doesn't have that much of a big influence in the EU, while Canada does have a lot of companies from the US and also benefits from Canada's economy.

Umm...I'm not comparing the US to Canada. Never was. Simply saying if any world power pulls out all economic dealings people will suffer.

I didn't say that the US should pull out its support for third world countries now did I? All I said is that the US should mind its own business and stop forcing its military into other countries. The US would be hit hard if they pulled out every single company they owned and ran it in the US. Heck HP or Dell has their technical support departments in India!

You said it yourself...mind your own buiseness. Up above you stated US companies expand to other countries to save costs. Thus US buisenesses are in other countries...and they are minding them. ;) Militiary force is (often) used to ensure stability. Sometime used to correct or take control of regiems that are too unstable to be effectively controled.

Well look at the market conditions right now, who is causing the downturn? The US. Canada's economy has always been better than the US and the EU is also doing much better than the US. So the US is dragging the world economy down on trying to find its imaginary weapons of mass destruction and bullying other countries.

Ever wonder if that was deliberate? Ask yourself what does a poor US economy provide the US. Think about it and you might find the answer there.
Canada's economy has ALWAYS been better than the US's? Or not as volatile. I mean, how are you quantifying better? GNP could be used in which case the US is still one of the best.
And the US going to war because of economics...well, see above...when I was allueding to why it might be allowed to happen.

Economics function (by large part) on perception. If people think the economy is good then it is good. If they think it's not then it's not.
Clinton takes office and says the economy is GREAT and bam! Deficite is gone.
Bush takes office and says the economy is in trouble and bam! We are in a recesion.
But if you know about the stock market you know this...when the economy suffers stock prices drop. If you buy them at thier lowest point and sell them after they have gone up you make money. If you have alot of money at the start then you make ALOT of money.
So end run is a shrewd investor with a ton of money (say 5-10% with 50% of the wealth) buying low and selling high makes alot of money.
Meanwhile when the "common" man sees a bad economy he stops investing. He sells his stocks to "play it safe"...he loses and the rich gain.

Can you guess why Economics is not a mandatory class in highschool? I mean, in the end it is the most vital thing to our "civilized" survival. But capitalism simply doesn't work (as a method to hold power) if everyone does it. In fact, pop culture in America teaches people very bad economic habits.

So, you should ask...who's gaining? Ain't me and you...atleast not in any way that matters globally.


Electoral Member
Mar 24, 2002
Cache Creek, BC
gnuman said:
I didn't say that the US should pull out its support for third world countries now did I? All I said is that the US should mind its own business and stop forcing its military into other countries. The US would be hit hard if they pulled out every single company they owned and ran it in the US. Heck HP or Dell has their technical support departments in India!

Not all our (HP) technical support is in India, most of HP Technical support is ran in BC, Alberta and Ontario with the exception of those Nova Scotia people. True there are some India centers, but they get paid equivelent of $250 cdn a month, compared to the average salary of an agent in Canada of about $1500 or so after tax. India support sucks ass, Im sure everyone can agree on that, but it is cheaper, and when push comes to shove, its all about dollars and cents...


Electoral Member
Jul 25, 2002
Shmad said:
gnuman said:
I didn't say that the US should pull out its support for third world countries now did I? All I said is that the US should mind its own business and stop forcing its military into other countries. The US would be hit hard if they pulled out every single company they owned and ran it in the US. Heck HP or Dell has their technical support departments in India!

Not all our (HP) technical support is in India, most of HP Technical support is ran in BC, Alberta and Ontario with the exception of those Nova Scotia people. True there are some India centers, but they get paid equivelent of $250 cdn a month, compared to the average salary of an agent in Canada of about $1500 or so after tax. India support sucks ass, Im sure everyone can agree on that, but it is cheaper, and when push comes to shove, its all about dollars and cents...

Question for everyone:

Do you think it is right or moral for a company who is turning a profit to move large sections of its operations overseas or elsewhere in the hunt for cheap labour to increase those before mentioned profits? Especially one where most of its goods are sold here in North America?


Mar 24, 2002
czardogs said:
Shmad said:
gnuman said:
I didn't say that the US should pull out its support for third world countries now did I? All I said is that the US should mind its own business and stop forcing its military into other countries. The US would be hit hard if they pulled out every single company they owned and ran it in the US. Heck HP or Dell has their technical support departments in India!

Not all our (HP) technical support is in India, most of HP Technical support is ran in BC, Alberta and Ontario with the exception of those Nova Scotia people. True there are some India centers, but they get paid equivelent of $250 cdn a month, compared to the average salary of an agent in Canada of about $1500 or so after tax. India support sucks ass, Im sure everyone can agree on that, but it is cheaper, and when push comes to shove, its all about dollars and cents...

Question for everyone:

Do you think it is right or moral for a company who is turning a profit to move large sections of its operations overseas or elsewhere in the hunt for cheap labour to increase those before mentioned profits? Especially one where most of its goods are sold here in North America?

If you remember anything, remember this: North American (capitalist) corporations are all about GREED. We have offices in Singapore and they hire very very qualified people... But their pay is very low. This is for an American stockholder company which does most of its business in North America and some in Europe.


Electoral Member
Dec 4, 2002
Montreal, Quebec
To addon another comment on this post Intel aka ChipZilla has now shipped its production lines to China to help increase profits.

I guess this tells us one of two things:
1- They are really losing a lot of money and the economy is crap
2- $$$$$$$$$$$$$$ says it all.

When a company such as Intel is looking to save money things don't look too good.


Electoral Member
Dec 4, 2002
Montreal, Quebec
I'm half gnu half man I feel bad for them humans ;)

Anywho I predicted yesterday that the dollar would be 74cents today and I was right. After looking at DOW going down 200 points and Japan and a few other countries buying up the loonie I guess we are doing something right and the world sees it.

Last time the dollar rallied it just went to 67cents a few years ago but people are now seeing for the first time how good our economy is and the jobless rate is going down slightly but something is still better than nothing!
Hey! Now why is it all Child Axe Murderers have to be crazy?!

I mean really! Can't we have a normal...or dare I say reasonable child axe murderer...oh! Let us, perhaps, try for a civilized child axe murderer.

Someone needs to go out and clean up the image of these child axe murderers.

So, as a public service, if you are a child axe murderer please....please...put a drop of vizeen in each eye, comb your hair, take a bath if needed, wear a tie, and smile. Be as polite as possible while murderering. Keep in mind, yours are not the actions of a lone child axe murderer, but rather you will leave all you touch with an idea of what any axe murderer is like.


P.S.: I know it's not a popular view, but I support child axe murderers...Children should most certainly not own axes. And if we have to kill the axe to keep it out of the hands of children then I am for it all the way!


Mar 24, 2002
WulF-Krigan said:
Hey! Now why is it all Child Axe Murderers have to be crazy?!

I mean really! Can't we have a normal...or dare I say reasonable child axe murderer...oh! Let us, perhaps, try for a civilized child axe murderer.

Someone needs to go out and clean up the image of these child axe murderers.

So, as a public service, if you are a child axe murderer please....please...put a drop of vizeen in each eye, comb your hair, take a bath if needed, wear a tie, and smile. Be as polite as possible while murderering. Keep in mind, yours are not the actions of a lone child axe murderer, but rather you will leave all you touch with an idea of what any axe murderer is like.


P.S.: I know it's not a popular view, but I support child axe murderers...Children should most certainly not own axes. And if we have to kill the axe to keep it out of the hands of children then I am for it all the way!

Crackhead! Get with the picture wulf-blitzer. Poor 10 year old girl was murdered in Toronto and it was a very sad day in the city both on the discovery of her body and the funeral :(

It's sad it had to happen like that. I'm not an emotional type person but I am when it involves innocent children :(