Who would be hurting honestly? The world does NOT revolve around the US. The only reason why the US expands its companies into other countries is to save money, and also to get around certain laws that are setup in the US. Currently one biochem company is now moving out of the US and into Canada because of price cap regulations which it finds unfair.
Who would be hurting the most? Everyone who wasn't the 5% if you follow me.
Globally 50% of the wealth is held by 5% of the people. In the US, 50% is held by the top 10% of the citizens. But essentially, if those people stop spending money...those who depend on the exchange of money suffer.
Farmers and others who actually produce a needed commodoty (food) would be fine. Militaries (would take food) so they would be fine. But by and in large it is the "civilized" people of the world who would suffer. If -ANY- major power (China, US, Russia, Britian, France, Canada) threatens to pull out of a country and refuse to deal with them both countries will suffer.
Point for point I think the US could hold out as long as any nation could but not any substainally longer period.
As far as I can tell the US doesn't have that much of a big influence in the EU, while Canada does have a lot of companies from the US and also benefits from Canada's economy.
Umm...I'm not comparing the US to Canada. Never was. Simply saying if any world power pulls out all economic dealings people will suffer.
I didn't say that the US should pull out its support for third world countries now did I? All I said is that the US should mind its own business and stop forcing its military into other countries. The US would be hit hard if they pulled out every single company they owned and ran it in the US. Heck HP or Dell has their technical support departments in India!
You said it yourself...mind your own buiseness. Up above you stated US companies expand to other countries to save costs. Thus US buisenesses are in other countries...and they are minding them.
Militiary force is (often) used to ensure stability. Sometime used to correct or take control of regiems that are too unstable to be effectively controled.
Well look at the market conditions right now, who is causing the downturn? The US. Canada's economy has always been better than the US and the EU is also doing much better than the US. So the US is dragging the world economy down on trying to find its imaginary weapons of mass destruction and bullying other countries.
Ever wonder if that was deliberate? Ask yourself what does a poor US economy provide the US. Think about it and you might find the answer there.
Canada's economy has ALWAYS been better than the US's? Or not as volatile. I mean, how are you quantifying better? GNP could be used in which case the US is still one of the best.
And the US going to war because of economics...well, see above...when I was allueding to why it might be allowed to happen.
Economics function (by large part) on perception. If people think the economy is good then it is good. If they think it's not then it's not.
Clinton takes office and says the economy is GREAT and bam! Deficite is gone.
Bush takes office and says the economy is in trouble and bam! We are in a recesion.
But if you know about the stock market you know this...when the economy suffers stock prices drop. If you buy them at thier lowest point and sell them after they have gone up you make money. If you have alot of money at the start then you make ALOT of money.
So end run is a shrewd investor with a ton of money (say 5-10% with 50% of the wealth) buying low and selling high makes alot of money.
Meanwhile when the "common" man sees a bad economy he stops investing. He sells his stocks to "play it safe"...he loses and the rich gain.
Can you guess why Economics is not a mandatory class in highschool? I mean, in the end it is the most vital thing to our "civilized" survival. But capitalism simply doesn't work (as a method to hold power) if everyone does it. In fact, pop culture in America teaches people very bad economic habits.
So, you should ask...who's gaining? Ain't me and you...atleast not in any way that matters globally.