Re: Solving Torontos Gun Crime: Cut Immigration From Jamica
MMMike said:
I'll give you the benefit of the doubt bryantt and assume you have come here to discuss, not to troll. Why don't you start by showing a little respect... newbie.... or go rant somewhere else.
Why would I?
What bleeding heart Liberals don't understand is that for all their misguided efforts to help the less fortunate - although well intentioned - they're efforts usually serve to propagate criminality.
Toronto Gun crime is a perfect example. don't refuse a single Jamaican in the interests of 'progressive socialism' - despite Jamaicans being responsible for an astronomical amount city murders!
Bleeding heart liberalism that is killing our citizens.
MMMike said:
While I won't dismiss a cultural connection off-hand, it is oversimplification to say the problems are Jamaicans.
Yes, you're right. Jamaicans aren't the problem. Its Jamaican criminal culture thats being exported to Canada in all its insidious ways thats the problem.
And guess who predominately practices Jamaican criminal culture??? You guessed it!! Jamaicans!! Wake up!!!
MMMike said:
Where are your statistics to prove this?
Globe and Mail. Toronto Sun.
MMMike said:
And how many of these "Jamaicans" actually grew up most of their lives right here in T.O.? Most of these kids are products of the society they live in.
If that we true, then every poorass white, indian, european and latino-Canadian, living in a broken family - and there are millions - would be strapped and murdering on the streets of Toronto.
But they arent. Its just a small, criminal Jamaican element committing murder.
MMMike said:
Is there nothing else about the people committing these crimes that you notice.... er, like coming from poverty, or single family homes?
See above. Total liberal bullshit. Guess what friend? Blacks arent the only impoverished, underprivileged strata in society that hail from largely broken homes that AREN'T responsible for an OVERWHELMING DISPROPORTIONATE AMOUNT of murder!
At what point to you actually start assigning responsibility? Do you hold the gunmen accountable? No? The devil made them do it? Parents accountable? No? They got screwed by their own parents?
You epitomize the fatalist liberal ideology that excuses and shirks away human greatness by failing to embrace the accountability inside of each of us.
You have believed a lie. Now you are excusing grown men - men at an age you shouldn't even be questioning whether they have 'free will' (19-29) - who are killing our citizens and you shrug it off cooly citing 'their childhood' as the culprit. Lame. Stupid. And very, very dangerous.
MMMike said:
Like growing up not really integrated into society and with very little education or employment prospects?
Please. Do you have any idea what country your in?? This is CANADA. Not some assbackwards african nation with half their population toiling sand and the economic mainstay is yams and goat dung.
Canada has more opportunities than any WILLING and ABLE immigrant needs to become a success if they so CHOOSE.
Free education up to 12. gratuitous welfare and oh so many social programs for the disabled, enfeebled, mentally challenged, or members of ETHNIC minority GROUPS. don't believe me? doesn't surprise me one bit.
OSAP. Government backed commercial loans to pay for higher education, all the way through.
The opportunity abounds. You are just too blind to see it.
MMMike said:
Believe me, I'm no bleeding heart Liberal, but it doesn't take an Einstein to realize that there is a such thing as "root causes".
Believe me, you are. If you wern't, you'd be calling for accountability and attempting to take action. Not finding sorry reasons to excuse and grant clemency to some man who just blew a childs head off in public. You are totally blind.
But what about his parental upbringing????? awwww..... the poor guy (25). Yes, let them all stay and terrorize our town and our families, so we can retain the right to pat ourselves on the back for being good little socializts while these murderers continue to kill our countrymen.
Deaf. Blind. And stupid.
MMMike said:
Not that that cancels out personal responsibility but if we want to make improvements for the longterm we need to give these young people some sense of hope and community.
Travel to a piss poor thirdworld country then come back here and tell me how 'little opportunity' Canada offers.
You lament the lack of Opportunity. Hope. Community. You are clearly a broken record for all the broken dreams and empty promises you mistakenly think Canada represents.
You couldnt be more wrong. THis is CANADA!!!!!!!. This is not Kazaghkstan. Or Abungdai. Or the Sudan. We are a GREAT FUCKING EIGHT economy. Do have a clue what that means?
It means we have mastered the social, legal, political and educational paradigms and their integration to generate an organic, dynamic wealth generating mechanism we each can contribute to, and according to our efforts, each take away from.
If you cant make it here, guess what, you wont be able to make it anywhere. This is cream of the croop. Open your eyes.
Just to give you a hint - most immigrants break their backs to get in here, then break their backs working here to make a life. They succeed - some incredibly - by the sweat and determination of their own brow combined with the multitude of opportunities this Government grants those to them who will USE IT.
Get real. You are talking childish defeatist nonsense to those who have actually come here and MADE SOMETHING of themselves despite incredible adversity.
MMMike said:
That being said, of course changes have to be made to the justice system to deal with violent crime more seriously. You had one thing right - making illegal guns even more illegal doesn't do a thing to make this city safer.
Crime is taken seriously. Its the criminals who don't take justice seriously we need to be concerned with.
This falls squarely on the shoulders of the small group of criminal Jamaicans who are making our city a dangerous place.
We owe these people nothing. Let the self proclaimed law abiding Jamaican citizens assimilate, take their rightful place and perform their rightful civic duty. Or cut off immigration from Jamaica.