Softwood Lumber Dispute


New Member
Mar 25, 2002
I feel the the US can put what ever kind of tax or charges they want on our soft wood lumber. But in turn maybe we should be doing the same thing to the power that they are getting from us.


New Member
Mar 26, 2002
It drives the prices up here, I dont know what they are thinking, but its pretty expensive to build a picnic table nowadays.. :(


New Member
Mar 24, 2002
It's Crazy

I don't know what everybody thinks about this in the United States, but it's just another scheme by the USA to create problems internationally. They have no right to do this to Canada when Canada gives them free trade with almost everything.


Electoral Member
Jul 25, 2002
They have no right to do this to Canada when Canada gives them free trade with almost everything.

Actually when Mulrony sold Canadas future by signing on the dotted line for the FTA he did give America every right to screw us over! Mulrony that brain dead turd included in the deal the "national treatment" clause which in essence gives foreign investors the same rights in the host country as the citizens of that country. It allows corporations unlimited access to our markets and businesses with no conditions.
Who can we complain too? Well there is the WTO, but they are controlled by the US and multinationals. We can overturn the FTA with six months notice if Chretien does not get his way. He wants to overturn this by entenching national treatment for 20 years! The europeans under the banner of Britian want to entrench this into the WTO also.
What does all this mean, well it simply gives more rights to foreign companies than our own citizens! For example when chapter 11 of NAFTA is enacted, foreigners have the right to sue Canada when we enact laws in our own land that may effect their profits. When the Canadian parliament tried to ban MMT(gasoline additive) the Ethyl corporation of the US sued us for $250 million for lost profits! The Canadian government eventually settled out of court and gave them about $20 million canadian. Canadian cabinet ministers were even required to read statements that MMT was not a health hazard. This flies directly against the reason we banned it to begin with!! The consequence is foreign corporations can dictate what laws we pass in our own country! There are now literally dozens of cases pending against Canada just because foreigners dont agree with our laws. One of the biggest is the Sun Belt Water Inc suing us for $10 billion because we wont let them export our own water!
Welcome to the wonder that is called Globalization, good for the ultra rich, screw everyone else.


Mar 24, 2002
Mulroney fucked this country up the ass. And he still has power! He was unsucessful in his political image so he's now behind the face of the ctv logo. Globalization is bringing the world into the american scheme which will fall one day. With the growing population, the swarming immigration and the dying economy, will the 'american system' survive?

Back on track, are there any kind of acts in place for canada to remove it's self out of these agreements? Who in their right fucking mind would allow foreigners to CONTROL our economy, system, businesses, LAWS etc. This makes me sick to my stomach and something has to be done. Obviously the PC and liberal goverments all know how to screw us over royally.

As you said before, Globalization is good for the rich. Now we just have to get the rich out of the scene, only way to do that is by sheer force.


Electoral Member
Jul 25, 2002
As you said before, Globalization is good for the rich. Now we just have to get the rich out of the scene, only way to do that is by sheer force.

As scary as it sounds, it just might have to be the way. In Canada we have politicians but right now we need patriots. Canada is under attack by a hostile power called globalization.

It is not a conspiracy theory, the facts are there if you hunt them down. Dont trust your Canadian news outlets to tell you the truth.

The news outlets here are all owned by just a few men. For example the Aspers own nearly every single daily newspaper in Canada today. israel Asper is a staunch Chretien supporter, even firing a editor for daring to print smack on Chretien. Remember Conrad Black(national post)? He was himself a member of the secretive Bilderbergers. (read my other posts to learn about these wonderful do-gooders)
Can we trust American news that is unfortunatly beemed into nearly every Canadian home? Ha aha aha. Made myself laugh there. CNN is nothing but blatent propoganda. I watch just to see how they butcher the news. When the news broke of the (intentional) bombing of Canadians in Afghanistan by boneheaded pilots, CNN had the story as number four in the line up of their headline news. A full nine minutes into the show, and after a commercial of course. They deemed the dow jones index, some idiot movie star, and Bush and another of his bright ideas as more worthy news. It took Bush that really caring guy a full day to say sorry and apologize. Yet just a couple of weeks earlier when some americans crashed their refueling plane into a mounside in Pakistan it was number one, two and five in the news line up. Hmmm makes you wonder.

Canada at best with the current take over rate has at the most seven years to rescue itself from certain takeover. Canadian politicians if they really wanted too can right now this minute with six months notice get out of BS that is called National Treatment via NAFTA. That window may soon close if the elitist get their way. We the people must fight for what little rights and freedom we have left. Elitists and corporations want to make us surfs just like the middle ages. No rights, no say, no hope, no future except work and death.

Five years ago I used to ignore the call of the anti-globalization movement. I never knew all the facts or really cared I was too busy working and making money proping up this failing system to take notice to the devious invasion we now face. Laugh if you want, ignore it if you want, its your ignorant right to do so. but stand by and do nothing and I will at best call you an accessory to the crime, at worst a traitor. If globalization continues unchecked world revolution is coming, so if your one of the worlds 10 percent that controls 80 percent of the total wealth, know this, we are the majority and always will be, and we can take it all away from you. By force if need be.


Electoral Member
Mar 24, 2002
Cache Creek, BC
czardogs said:
As you said before, Globalization is good for the rich. Now we just have to get the rich out of the scene, only way to do that is by sheer force.

As scary as it sounds, it just might have to be the way. In Canada we have politicians but right now we need patriots. Canada is under attack by a hostile power called globalization.

During this time and age with Quebec seperatists, and seperatists from almost every Province it seems, its very hard to find a few good patriots. We all know they exist, just not in the political scheme of things, lets face it, what good would it do them? They'd be opposed to all their parties beliefs (in most cases), they would get shunned by the rest of the party, made fun of, etc, etc. They would eventually be forced out. What we need is a government full of people NOT afraid to do something for the good of our nation, we're been getting screwed around for as long as I can remember.

Although no one will probably like this idea, in my mind, I would sooner elect someone who has a passion, a dream, a desire for this great(?) nation we call Canada. Rather than some two bit politician fool who lies to us through his/her teeth every election, then again there are a large number of people who actually elect them.

czardogs said:
Can we trust American news that is unfortunatly beemed into nearly every Canadian home? Ha aha aha. Made myself laugh there. CNN is nothing but blatent propoganda. I watch just to see how they butcher the news. When the news broke of the (intentional) bombing of Canadians in Afghanistan by boneheaded pilots, CNN had the story as number four in the line up of their headline news. A full nine minutes into the show, and after a commercial of course. They deemed the dow jones index, some idiot movie star, and Bush and another of his bright ideas as more worthy news. It took Bush that really caring guy a full day to say sorry and apologize. Yet just a couple of weeks earlier when some americans crashed their refueling plane into a mounside in Pakistan it was number one, two and five in the news line up. Hmmm makes you wonder.

Makes you almost listen to all those people with strange conspiracy theories, at least they (sometimes) are onto the right track, and sure some of them are a little paranoid about things, but really everyone should be. No one is standing up for us, our politicians are basically bending over and taking it up the @$$ like they have done for many years.

Canada IS the rich mans slave. :/


Electoral Member
Mar 24, 2002
well we were many years ahead of americans on areospce technology in the 60's, with the avro arrow. some of the technolgy for that didn't become obsolete till 1980's. They didn't like it and our great prime minister couldn't stand up to them. Is it any wonder why there aren't any great areeonotic programs in Canada? Did you also realize that the fta gives the us the supply of oil, and natural resouces before Canada if they needit. Yes we have to supply their trucks before going and getting our gas. Mulruney was so good (NoT)


Hall of Fame Member
Aug 30, 2005
Reply with quote
U.S. reduces softwood duties to less than 1%

A question: What are we doing differently that they dropped the tariffs down to less than 1%? Nothing as far as I know.

Ocean Breeze

Hall of Fame Member
Jun 5, 2005
#juan said:
Reply with quote
U.S. reduces softwood duties to less than 1%

A question: What are we doing differently that they dropped the tariffs down to less than 1%? Nothing as far as I know.

maybe it is them that is doing something differently...


New Member
Nov 13, 2005
the bottom line is that the us owes canada money under this contract. free trade was an oxymoron from the start. bringing red herring mulroney in after the fact is a red herring. oh btw, how are canadian stocks of herring faring?


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 5, 2005
Saint John, N.B.
Andem said:
Mulroney fucked this country up the ass. And he still has power! He was unsucessful in his political image so he's now behind the face of the ctv logo. Globalization is bringing the world into the american scheme which will fall one day. With the growing population, the swarming immigration and the dying economy, will the 'american system' survive?

Back on track, are there any kind of acts in place for canada to remove it's self out of these agreements? Who in their right *censored* mind would allow foreigners to CONTROL our economy, system, businesses, LAWS etc. This makes me sick to my stomach and something has to be done. Obviously the PC and liberal goverments all know how to screw us over royally.

As you said before, Globalization is good for the rich. Now we just have to get the rich out of the scene, only way to do that is by sheer force.

I believe NAFTA can be cancelled by any party with 6 months notice. That would be insane, but I think that is the process.

The Yanks piss me off on this one as well.

Probably the Canadian gov't should use US advertising to point out to US citizens how much more expensive it is to build because of this foolishness.

I would like to say we shouild slap a duty on oil and natural gas......but no gov't will do that as Alberta would go NUTS!!!!!

Before y'all start trashing Albertans, I would ask you to remember that each Albertan , man, woman or child, donates $3,500 per year to the Feds more than they get back in social programs.

At least here in the Maritimes, we're living on Alberta's dime.


New Member
Nov 13, 2005
and here i thought Canada was one country... all for one and one for all.
why can't Canada stand up to free trade iniquity without our cohesiveness brought into the equation?


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 5, 2005
Saint John, N.B.
Re: RE: Softwood Lumber Dispute

Ursula42 said:
and here i thought Canada was one country... all for one and one for all.
why can't Canada stand up to free trade iniquity without our cohesiveness brought into the equation?

Nature of the beast

"Canada is a group of remote population centres held together by bribery."

Paraphrased, but you get the if I could just remember who said it.

I think retaliation against the US with oil and gas duties is a great idea.........if had a centralized gov't with control over natural resources.....and we don't.

Yes, Ottawa could impose taxes, taxation is completely within the federal sphere of power, but it would make Albertans feel singled out because it would disproportionally affect THEIR natural resources.

What a pain, all around!

Martin Le Acadien

Electoral Member
Sep 29, 2004
Province perdue du Canada, Louisian
Re: RE: Softwood Lumber Dispu

no1important said:
U.S. reduces softwood duties to less than 1%

The U.S. Commerce Dept. will slash its duties on Canadian softwood lumber in accordance with a NAFTA ruling.

The duty will fall from 18.8 per cent to 0.8 per cent, although the change won't occur for about six weeks as the matter works its way through the "comments" period.

No mention on paying us the money they owe us though.

I bought some Canadian Softwood today as I work to rebuild my abode damaged by Katrina!

Got a nail airgun, makes a sound like "BUSH" everytime it goes off driving the nail! May havfta get Rev. Blair over for an exorcism with Two Rivers Red Holy Water if this keeps up, POPULARITY of the US Supreme Leader seems to be falling down here FAST!


Hall of Fame Member
Aug 30, 2005
Before y'all start trashing Albertans, I would ask you to remember that each Albertan , man, woman or child, donates $3,500 per year to the Feds more than they get back in social programs.

That statement is complete nonsense. The so-called "have-not" provinces get equalization payments that are meant to make it possible for all provinces to enjoy a certain minimum standard of living. Probably most men, women, and children in Alberta know nothing about this system though it's been in place for years. Alberta, B.C., and Ontario, the "have" provinces, give more money to Ottawa in taxes than they get back in services. . People in all provinces pay about the same rate of taxation depending on income. Alberta has relatively high oil revenues that are taxed just like the mining and forest industry in B.C., and the mining and other resources are taxed in Ontario. The federal government gives some of this tax money to the less fortunate provinces in equalization payments.