Should we arrest the Boston Bomber?


The Velvet Hammer
Mar 5, 2011
London, Ontario
He's already been arrested and charged federally. This was just to preserve the right for the state to try him later, assuming they did so just in case he was aquitted of federal charges. Seems a rather standard kind of thing to do, no?


Time Out
Aug 6, 2013
He's already been arrested and charged federally. This was just to preserve the right for the state to try him later, assuming they did so just in case he was aquitted of federal charges. Seems a rather standard kind of thing to do, no?

I don't see the problem? More time, effort and resources are being used writing about it than it cost. One secretary, an automatic document processing program and bango, done. Minimal steps to maintain jurisdiction are often necessary to acknowledge and work within the rules of due process that protect everybody.

isn't he guilty as sin of the bombing?

It looks that way, but I wouldn't want to be tried by media where guilt might be determined by ratings. All anybody knows so far is what media tells us.


Satelitte Radio Addict
May 28, 2007
Toronto, ON
He is arrested on federal charges. This is state charges. Since he was already in custody, there was no need to rush to make the arrest. Once they file the charges, there are limits as to what they can do from that point on. So by delaying, they can compile a better case.


on dbl secret probation
Oct 19, 2005
Chillliwack, BC
I doubt the feds will give up custody. I'm sure they've dusted a cell out for him at the Fed Super Max in Florence Colorado.. the final stop for crimes deemed to have reached a certain level of infamy and having a political character to them. 23 hours a day in solitary.. no interaction with other inmates.. no view of the mountains.


Time Out
Aug 6, 2013
I doubt the feds will give up custody. I'm sure they've dusted a cell out for him at the Fed Super Max in Florence Colorado.. the final stop for crimes deemed to have reached a certain level of infamy and having a political character to them. 23 hours a day in solitary.. no interaction with other inmates.. no view of the mountains.

So much for the prohibition in the US constitution against cruel and unusual treatment, eh? Who needs liberal democracy when fascism can be so much more convenient. Besides, cruel and unusual treatment must feel so warm and cozy when you're the one dishing it out?