Should Quebec separate from Canada?

Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan
Well we should have a Meech Lake Accord that the fruit is ripe

All that we really want is being more autonomous and be part of Canada on equal footing. But the fact that the federal government was and is still so stuck up left us separation as a way to get our autonomy.

Welcome to Canadian Content Forums Dentsdelion!!! In your post above, who's
the "we" you speak of?

Just Quebec?
All Canadian Provinces?
Just some people in Quebec?

Now that what fruit is ripe, in what way? Part of Canada on equal footing with whom?

El Barto

les fesses a l'aire
Feb 11, 2007
What would happen is quebec would go crying to france to bail them out and ultimately quebec would once again become a colony of france...
OMG that was a blind and ignorant comment. You I doubt you know much of what Quebec could do on its own. As a matter of fact , not even the best economist would know. No you sound more pissed off than anything that you had a bad situation that paints the whole province the same colour. Quebec would have a hard time yes , and as much as it has faults it also is ingenious enough to find solutions. It would be a hard few decades but it would pull through.
Instead of spewing cracks , you might as well say I Hate Quebec and be done with it.

Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan
Part of it currently: Saint Lawrence Seaway - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


The Saint Lawrence Seaway would still border Quebec (not Canada) right to
the Atlantic, & and Quebec borders the Atlantic anyway....Catch 22. Who
would own that Seaway? Who "owns" it now?

Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan
The USA & Belize bracket Mexico in the Gulf of Mexico. So what? Mexico still
has access to the Gulf of Mexico....but I suppose Europe could provide better


May 24, 2006
OMG that was a blind and ignorant comment. You I doubt you know much of what Quebec could do on its own. As a matter of fact , not even the best economist would know. No you sound more pissed off than anything that you had a bad situation that paints the whole province the same colour. Quebec would have a hard time yes , and as much as it has faults it also is ingenious enough to find solutions. It would be a hard few decades but it would pull through.
Instead of spewing cracks , you might as well say I Hate Quebec and be done with it.
You say that it would be a hard few decades but it would pull through. How do you know what quebec could do on its own?? Are you even better than the best economist? What a blind comment you made.
I guess you hate Canada.

El Barto

les fesses a l'aire
Feb 11, 2007
You say that it would be a hard few decades but it would pull through. How do you know what quebec could do on its own?? Are you even better than the best economist? What a blind comment you made.
I guess you hate Canada.
By saying Quebec could make it on it's own equals hating Canada? Are you sure ? Your logic or lack of is skewed . Your talking more out of emotion and bitterness than anything else. Quebec has energy, has lots of other things too. The problem is no one outside of Quebec you tend to think we don't do much. Take a closer look you may just be amazed?
But saying I hate Canada my god . I have news for you. I was born Canadian and I am going to die a Canadian. If that ever means taking up arms one day I'd do it. Hows that for emotional?
Why don't you just say you hate Quebec and be done with it. It would be way simplier.


Derailing Threads
Mar 7, 2008
Southwest WA


1. Mexico isn't hostile to Belize, lets be honest most Canadians especially the government would be hostile to Quebec if it seperated.

2. Theres how many other nations in that water way other than Just Mexico, Belize, Cuba and the US. Canada could effectively block the gulf I doubt all those nations could get together to block theirs. Not to mention Mexico could just ship it to the Pacific and use the canal.

3. Try checking the size of the comparisons next time. the Gulf of Mexico is slightly larger than the Gulf of St Lawrence.

No where near the same situation.