Should Military be used to keep Quebec in confederation

Canadian with a hyphen

Electoral Member
Apr 9, 2006
Re: RE: Should Military be used to keep Quebec in confederat

Machjo said:
Canadian with a hyphen said:
Machjo said:
FiveParadox said:
Refusing to switch over to English is "[refusing] to keep up with the rest of the world"?

No kidding. It's a little ethnocentric if you ask me. Thinking that Anglos are somehow a superior super-race, eh?

Long live the Uebermensch!

this thread was not supposed to take this direction...
only one who is really inferior feels that others are "super-race".
english speakers are not superior in any away and i am sure most people agree with me on this ...
the superior people(if there are any) are the ones who CAN have a discussion WITHOUT referring to others or selves as "Uebermensch"


I was sarcastically referring to the comment:

"Refusing to switch over to English is "[refusing] to keep up with the rest of the world" which was Five's (and my) understanding of what IamCanadian was expressing.

I was merely indicating that the idea that those who refuse to learn "my" language are somehow refusing to keep up with the rest of the world (which I suppose refers to the community of speakers of "my" language being "my" world) is actually quite ethnocentric to say the least. What? For someone to refuse to switch to the language of the English is somehow uncivilized?

I don't know. Maybe I (and Five) misunderstood what IamCanadian intended. If so, maybe you can enlighten us.

Machjo- My appology ...


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 19, 2004
Ottawa, ON
Re: RE: Should Military be used to keep Quebec in confederat

quote="iamcanadian"My Experience comes from dealing with Le Conseil Scolaire du District Center Sud Ouest, a segragated cult Public School System that exists to serve French Speaking Canadian Families in Ontario and to screw everyone else. In trying to overcome corruption involving pver a million dollars they defalcated from the Provincial Government under the Ministry of Education.

Your bias already shows in your wording.

In that pursuit I founds there are French Speakign Canadians throughout the public service particularly in the management of countless millions of public tax dollarrs that are intentionally and purposefully diverting millions upon millions of dollars to provide advantages to French Speaking Canadians over other Non-French speaking Canadians.

If what you are saying is true, then you ought to report such illegal activity. If not, you are putting yourself at teh mercy of a defamation lawsuit. You are aware taht what you are saying right now could be used against you in court.

Furthermore I found that their practices are racially motivated and involve biggotry against all newer imigrants to this country and not just issues of English vs French as they would have people belive.

I've witnessed racism in the police and immigration offices, and yes it permeates the system. Government employees are in fact a reflection of the rest of us whether or not we like it. And no those cops and immigration officials to which I refer were not francophones but anglophones in victoria and Kitchener, along with a francophone landlord in Montreal. So to propose that only French people have that racist "gene" is really calling the kettle black.

Their underlying purposes if to keeping all other races from mingling with their own by offering a separate education system designed to keep people out of theirs and not truly to bring French Education to any Non-French speaking families.

I doubt you're telling the truth here. If this is true, then these people are not typical French Canadians. Many French Canadians are indeed zenophobic without a doubt (I'm French Canadian myself so I can get away with it). but generally speaking they are very aggressive in their promotion of the spread of the French language. So why would they oppose anyone wanting to go to a French language school system? It would completely go against their interests.

They don't want other people to learn French. They want to remain distinct and separate and to have advantages over other Canadians who thei feel are inferior to them.

As I mentinned above, this is a very odd group you met then. I'd be curious to know more about this group.

These elitists make themselve elite by undermining the interests and generally screwing the Non-French Speaking Canadians everyway they can.

Not wanting others to learn French when they feel their own language is threatenned and that they must therefore expand the number of French speakers in the province? Something doesn't jive in your story. I'm not accusing you of lying, but perhaps having misinterpreted some event or action, or reading too much between the lines. Because if your story is true, then it's an odd one.


Executive Branch Member
Mar 16, 2005
kelowna bc
Yes use the army and hold Quebec in confederation.
Quebec was given a large region on its northern border, that area belonged to the Native peoples, who Canada swore to protect, when turning the region over to Quebec. This goes back to the early twentieth century, around l910 I believe. All the northern native people have to do is ask for protection and by treaty we are duty bound to protect them. Those who lead the seperation should be hanged in the Quebec Parliament Buildings as a reminder to others. quebec should be forced to pay for the cost of the civil war, through the revenue coming from the James Bay power system. Terrible idea? No. Its what the allied powers did to Germany, and what America is doing to Iraq to this very day.
The one thing Zoof brought up that I sometimes question, is that multiculturism is more a dividing factor than a unifying one.
In the beginning in was a compromise that kept people together, and now it is perhaps the instrument that divides us into a collection of social fuedal communities within a divided country.


House Member
Jan 31, 2006
I remember an ariticle I read years ago in the Post that said Canada is one of the few Democraticly Elected Countries that hasn't had a Cival War. I remember thinking could that happen in Canada, I still wonder can it happen?


Executive Branch Member
Mar 16, 2005
kelowna bc
My dad once told me he watched kids eating out of grarbage cans in in Italy and Germany during and immediately after the war.
He said when he saw this as a Canadian soldier he realized that any kind of a disaster can happen in any country of the world, if the right circumstances make it so.
We could end up in civil war, and those who say Quebec or Alberta or any other province or people are of less value than the rest of us. Its those attitudes that foster the seperation cancer.


Electoral Member
Nov 30, 2005
Civil War in Canada will happen after pigs learn to fly.

Canada has become a nation of pussies over the last 30 years.

This is why those in control feel they can keep abusing the public without fear from the general population.

Any other country would have revolutions over what Canadians put up with, in a heart beat.


House Member
Dec 1, 2005
Independent Palestine
Anything can happen in any nation even Canada. The seperatists were prepared to use violence if they had won or lost but decided against it in 1995. It is unpredicatable in any nation.

I believe Canadians would be strong against a seperation of their country by unilateral declaration of independence which is what I believe this thread is about and will even fight to maintain their country together.

And by the way unilateral declaration of independence are illegal and are usually not recognized by nations.

ANd Canadians are not pussys.


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 19, 2004
Ottawa, ON
quote="damngrumpy"Yes use the army and hold Quebec in confederation.

And the reason? What benefit does it have beyond giving the world news medea some ratings?

Quebec was given a large region on its northern border, that area belonged to the Native peoples, who Canada swore to protect, when turning the region over to Quebec.

Now this could be a legitimate argument.

This goes back to the early twentieth century, around l910 I believe. All the northern native people have to do is ask for protection and by treaty we are duty bound to protect them.

Even without a treaty we'd be duty bound to protect them. For crying out loud, the whole of Canada is their land.

Those who lead the seperation should be hanged in the Quebec Parliament Buildings as a reminder to others.

Nah. If separation actually leads to deaths, then burn 'em. If not, peaceful separation, then maybe forgive.

quebec should be forced to pay for the cost of the civil war, through the revenue coming from the James Bay power system. Terrible idea? No. Its what the allied powers did to Germany, and what America is doing to Iraq to this very day.

Very bad idea. We did that in WWI, and Hitler used it to gain support for WWII!

The one thing Zoof brought up that I sometimes question, is that multiculturism is more a dividing factor than a unifying one.
In the beginning in was a compromise that kept people together, and now it is perhaps the instrument that divides us into a collection of social fuedal communities within a divided country.

The problem is that language serves both as a source of identity AND a means of communication. Thus if we force assimilation, we have a common language, but minority ethnic groups fight back. If we allow total freedom, we end up Balkanizing without a common language, equally bad. In the end, the best slution would in fact be bilingualism (native language plus auxlang). This would allow people to have their cake and eat it too. They could still preserve their ethnic language while communicating with the rest of Canada in a common auxlang. Problem solved.


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 19, 2004
Ottawa, ON
Sassylassie said:
I remember an ariticle I read years ago in the Post that said Canada is one of the few Democraticly Elected Countries that hasn't had a Cival War. I remember thinking could that happen in Canada, I still wonder can it happen?

It's just as easy to have war as to have peace. It's our choice.


Electoral Member
Nov 30, 2005
Quebec can have a war over this but not Canada.

It will be French Canadians fighting with French Canadians. Why should the rest of Canada care or get involved? It's their business according to them.


Council Member
Jan 17, 2006
Canadian with a hyphen said:
If the Supreme Court rules Quebec CAN NOT legally seperate ,
should military force be used to keep Quebec in confederation?

What do you guys think ?


If we decides to seperate, which is our business not yours, and then some barbarians decides to use military forces to keep quebec in confederation, then guys like me will fight until the occupation forces will be out, just like my fellow insurgent in iraq.


Electoral Member
Nov 30, 2005
Don't worry if Quebec decides to sepparate the rest of Canada will stay out of it and let Quebecers fight over their country all they want.

It's none of Canada's business what Quebec decides to do. It is not Canada's problem. It is a lot cheaper to draw new maps that to maintain two official languages and two distinct cultures with different lifestyles and productivity to accomodate Quebec and bilingual French Speaking Canadians everywhere.


Governor General
Dec 20, 2005
Vancouver, BC
aeon, with all due respect (and no offense intended, of course), I don't think that the Province of Québec belongs only to those who reside there. As a citizen of the Province of British Columbia attempting in earnest to learn the French language, and as a citizen who has the right to go to and come from Québec as I please, I would suggest that Québec is just as much a home to me as British Columbia.

I would suggest that the separation of Québec would not just be creating a nation — it would be tearing a huge and important part from another. I sincerely hope that Québec can come to an understanding with the rest of Canada so as to save the unity of this nation, while recognizing that we are all British Columbians; we are all Nova Scotians; we are all Quebecers — and this, above all else, because we are¹ all Canadians.

:!: Revision : (1) Corrected a typing error.


Electoral Member
Nov 30, 2005
Not everyone feels this way of course everyone I know don't not care one bit if Quebec separates and some look forward to them going on their own, if for nothing more that allowing the world know the truth about Canada being an English Speaking Country with a French Province and not the impression they all got from the Olympics that made it look like most people in Canada speak french and we have a minority that is English Speaking.

That was the last straw for me since the Olypics are National Symbols and not provincial ones the government should not have so far as to give the world an impression that Canada is equally French and English which is completly not true.

Canada is 100% English Speaking and 20% also speak French. So enough with the sherades and misinformation.


Hall of Fame Member
Feb 16, 2005
aeon said:
Canadian with a hyphen said:
If the Supreme Court rules Quebec CAN NOT legally seperate ,
should military force be used to keep Quebec in confederation?

What do you guys think ?


If we decides to seperate, which is our business not yours, and then some barbarians decides to use military forces to keep quebec in confederation, then guys like me will fight until the occupation forces will be out, just like my fellow insurgent in iraq.

You would be the first one looking for a diaper after wetting your pants at the hint of gunfire.


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 19, 2004
Ottawa, ON
What about two states, common citizenship?

In other words, Quebec and Canada would be two separate nations, but our citizenship would remain common. Perhaps our passports would simply state "Canada and Quebec", or alternatively "Quebec and Canada". This would mean that Canadians could freely move to Quebec while Quebecois could freely move to Canada. Canada could scrap official bilingualism just as Quebec could maintain French as its official language. Canada and Quebec would effectively be two equals among nations. But we'd still share a common citizenship. If a Canadian chooses to move to Quebec, he must abide by Quebec's laws. Same the other way around.

Woudl that work?


Governor General
Dec 20, 2005
Vancouver, BC
Thoughts on Common Citizenship

Perhaps we could make the separation between the Province of Québec and Canada more de facto, than it is de jure? Perhaps, for example, we could change the long name of Canada to Canada and Québec, have citizenship shared between the two "regions", and give the province the right to opt out of, or enter into, legislation created by the Parliament of Canada?


Electoral Member
Nov 30, 2005
Making a big deal out of nothing.

Quebec wants to be treated as a separate country when it suits them and want to be part of Canada when it suits them.

Everything will be just fine with two separate countries that interact like any two separate countries.


Council Member
Jan 17, 2006
Re: RE: Should Military be used to keep Quebec in confederat

FiveParadox said:
aeon, with all due respect (and no offense intended, of course), I don't think that the Province of Québec belongs only to those who reside there. As a citizen of the Province of British Columbia attempting in earnest to learn the French language, and as a citizen who has the right to go to and come from Québec as I please, I would suggest that Québec is just as much a home to me as British Columbia.

I would suggest that the separation of Québec would not just be creating a nation — it would be tearing a huge and important part from another. I sincerely hope that Québec can come to an understanding with the rest of Canada so as to save the unity of this nation, while recognizing that we are all British Columbians; we are all Nova Scotians; we are all Quebecers — and this, above all else, because we are¹ all Canadians.

:!: Revision : (1) Corrected a typing error.

True,i totally agree with you what you say, but there is no need to talk about military occupation if quebec gets seperate, in 1995 , the seperatist lost by 1% , and no violent incident happened, just none.Sending military will just make the situation worst.

Canadian with a hyphen

Electoral Member
Apr 9, 2006
aeon said:
Canadian with a hyphen said:
If the Supreme Court rules Quebec CAN NOT legally seperate ,
should military force be used to keep Quebec in confederation?

What do you guys think ?


If we decides to seperate, which is our business not yours, and then some barbarians decides to use military forces to keep quebec in confederation, then guys like me will fight until the occupation forces will be out, just like my fellow insurgent in iraq.

Your fellow insurgents in Iraq...LOL ...

what makes you think that Quebec belongs to you only ? I have said it in previous posts , My canada includes Quebec and ALWAYS will ( i hope).
i respect the people's will in wanting to live free of english canada and their wish to never buy another ceral box with english on it.
On the other hand,there are many people in Quebec that do NOT want seperation...cree and inuit people have voiced their opinion many times asking the rest of Canada to help them stay in confederation ... separating them from Canada is a BARBARIAN act - I think-
