Shooting Feral Cats


Hall of Fame Member
Jun 26, 2005
Minnesota: Gopher State

All hail Bastet ~ Goddess of Cannabis!



Time Out
May 5, 2013
at my keyboard
I wonder how long before you snap, get warned by Loc and start pouting "That means you too CB", again.

I just pictured you all red and pouty faced, near tears, lol.

Oh pumpkin! Please don't go! I love it when you embarrass yourself!

Come back Av! Don't leave us!

Don't go away ma... err, sad!

Damn, I upset him so much, he ran away...

Duustan, Hibshi


Jan 6, 2007
What a crock of citiot BS sneaked in with some sense.
To begin with, farms that do not breed up some cats are not farms but hobbies. Cats are not native to this continent so if they are not decent to humans then kill the bastards. You have not spent time on any real reserves or you would not be yapping about their dog problems.

lol. yup, you know tons about me.


Time Out
May 5, 2013
at my keyboard
Bullsh!t. You ate them.

Hibishi Canadian BihaRi has limited English skills, Master Tober. We must take care to address him in his native tongue.
Tripur Bheiravi Diksha , Hibshi CDN Bihar we attempt to assist you ....

इस भूमि में संयम है जिससे आप को विदेशी, now....
Last edited:


Jan 6, 2007
Why on earth should a rational person involve government and public expense to deal with dump cats? Canada has become so wimpish in too many ways. Some years ago I ran over a raccoon on the highway right about dark one Friday evening. After I hit it, it was lying on the shoulder twitching with a broken back but still alive, so I put it out of its misery with a tire iron. People standing around like ghouls started whining that I should have called to get someone out to kill it government style. Bringing out a conservation officer on overtime on Friday evening to kill a coon? Even if they'd sent a cop, why? Cops have enough to do without having to kill a crippled raccoon I was equally capable of safely and cleanly killing. And yes, the word is "killing". It wasn't a "harvest". It is not necessary to say "euthanize". And when I was finished it was dead, not "passed away".

Just couldn't resist an attack, could'ja Soft bits? Out to defend wild puszy today are we? (You are too easy to bait, know that? I knew you wouldn't resist the chance to snipe at a "cat" thread. U R too too easy.)

Putting down cats because you want some target practice is not comparable to putting an animal out of its misery. But keep justifying it. And showing what a big man you are... lol.


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit

Putting down cats because you want some target practice is not comparable to putting an animal out of its misery. But keep justifying it. And showing what a big man you are... lol.
Real men shoot coyotes. Coyotes on the run.

meep meep


Time Out
Aug 6, 2013
Putting down cats because you want some target practice is not comparable to putting an animal out of its misery. But keep justifying it. And showing what a big man you are... lol.

Atta girl. Jest stay on home 'n do all them womanly thangs, ya hear Soft bits?


Time Out
Aug 6, 2013
Geez, this site is almost boring. Except for two turkeys and a feminist sniping there is no fire in peoples' guts. I was in a feral cat thread once on a US shooting site, and by the time it was two pages long guys were shouting at each other, calling each other murderers and wimps, pis sing up against the wall, threatening and all kinds of good stuff. The only one whose doin' that here is the feminist, and she is lame and too predictable. Doesn't anybody have a favourite tabby story about a long-dead cat whose memory calls for at least one good Donnybrook?

Now that will get you laid in El Paso....

Got any phone numbers?



Time Out
May 5, 2013
at my keyboard
Geez, this site is almost boring. Except for two turkeys and a feminist sniping there is no fire in peoples' guts. I was in a feral cat thread once on a US shooting site and by the time it was two pages long guys were shouting at each other, calling each other murderers and wimps, pis sing up against the wall, threatening and all kinds of good stuff. The only one whose doin' that here is the feminist, and she is lame and too predictable. Doesn't anybody have a favourite tabby story about a long-dead cat whose memory calls for at least one good Donnybrook?

Got any phone numbers?

One of our feral cats dragged down a duck and hauled it across three lots to her kittens...rough enuf tale for you, Tex?