Sharks bigger than school buses once roamed seas, feasting on huge meals


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 26, 2009
Sharks bigger than school buses once roamed seas, feasting on huge meals
Author of the article:Associated Press
Associated Press
Maddie Burakoff
Publishing date:Aug 17, 2022 • 4 hours ago • 2 minute read • Join the conversation
This illustration provided by J. J. Giraldo depicts a 16-metre (52-foot) Otodus megalodon shark predating on an 8-metre (26-foot) Balaenoptera whale in the Pliocene epoch, between 5.4 to 2.4 million years ago.
This illustration provided by J. J. Giraldo depicts a 16-metre (52-foot) Otodus megalodon shark predating on an 8-metre (26-foot) Balaenoptera whale in the Pliocene epoch, between 5.4 to 2.4 million years ago. PHOTO BY J. J. GIRALDO /THE ASSOCIATED PRESS
NEW YORK — Today’s sharks have nothing on their ancient cousins.

A giant shark that roamed the oceans millions of years ago could have devoured a creature the size of a killer whale in just five bites, new research suggests.

For their study published Wednesday, researchers used fossil evidence to create a 3D model of the megalodon — one of the biggest predatory fish of all time — and find clues about its life.

At around 50 feet (16 metres) from nose to tail, the megalodon was bigger than a school bus, according to the study in the journal Science Advances. That’s about two to three times the size of today’s great white shark.

The megalodon’s gaping jaw allowed it to feed on other big creatures. Once it filled its massive stomach, it could roam the oceans for months at a time, the researchers suggest.

The megalodon was a strong swimmer, too: Its average cruising speed was faster than sharks today and it could have migrated across multiple oceans with ease, they calculated.

“It would be a superpredator just dominating its ecosystem,” said co-author John Hutchinson, who studies the evolution of animal movement at England’s Royal Veterinary College. “There is nothing really matching it.”

It’s been tough for scientists to get a clear picture of the megalodon, said study author Catalina Pimiento, a paleobiologist with the University of Zurich and Swansea University in Wales.

The skeleton is made of soft cartilage that doesn’t fossilize well, Pimiento said. So the scientists used what few fossils are available, including a rare collection of vertebrae that’s been at a Belgium museum since the 1860s.

Researchers also brought in a jaw’s worth of megalodon teeth, each as big as a human fist, Hutchinson said. Scans of modern great white sharks helped flesh out the rest.

Based on their digital creation, researchers calculated that the megalodon would have weighed around 70 tons, or as much as 10 elephants.

Even other high-level predators may have been lunch meat for the megalodon, which could open its jaw to almost 6 feet (2 meters) wide, Pimiento said.

Megalodons lived an estimated 23 million to 2.6 million years ago.

Since megalodon fossils are rare, these kinds of models require a “leap of imagination,” said Michael Gottfried, a paleontologist at Michigan State University who was not involved in the study. But he said the study’s findings are reasonable based on what is known about the giant shark.
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House Member
Aug 9, 2022
There are many who believe that megalodons still exist in the oceans today but are very rare.

bill barilko

Senate Member
Mar 4, 2009
You guys have your laughs but I've spent a lot of time fishing out of small boats in remote parts of the South Pacific and shit exists out there; one afternoon out of Vava'u Island in Tonga we spotted a shark that must have weighed 1,000 kilos it was bigger than the basking Shark we'd seen the day before.

It had the oddest look like something a child had drawn and could move laterally like nothing I'd ever seen.

The boat owner had spent almost 40 years working for the International Tuna Commission and he'd never seen anything like it either.

It wasn't interested in anything we were trolling and was gone in a flash not that we could have landed it.

Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan
The biggest, most formidable shark to have ever roamed the ocean may have been even larger than previously thought, according to a new study.

The research, published Sunday in the journal “Palaeontologia Electronica,” suggests that the megalodon, which dominated the ocean 3.5 million years ago, was more than three times the size of a great white shark.

Scientists have long struggled to determine the size of the megalodon because no complete fossil of the extinct animal has been found. Past studies have estimated the megalodon’s length and body shape by comparing it to the great white shark, which has similar large, serrated teeth.

But Sternes said those studies relied on assumptions about similarities between only the two shark species.

The new study compared megalodon fossils with more than 150 living and extinct shark species. It found the megalodon may have had a longer, more slender body resembling that of a modern lemon shark, rather than the great white. It could have ranged between around 54 feet long and 80 feet long, the study suggests…so picture a shark built like this but the length of an eight story building: