Here's me trying to talk to Aeon, g-d only knows why I tried...but the point is you are begining to sound a little like him..
thomaska wrote:
I'm just trying to reconcile the fact that we are Ignorants-chicken-bastards, aka stupid poultry based illegitimate progeny, who according to Aeon and et al like him, couldnt find our ass with both hands in a closet, can manage to pull off the biggest conspiracy since the fake moon landings.
Aeon, do you seriously think that if someone had the resources and intelligence to pull this off, that you would be able to crack the case with Google and Yahoo? I mean if they've already killed so many people, don't you think the people who are spewing this CT stuff would start dissapearing also?
Seriously though, what is he? Is President Bush the backwards hayseed that most leftists portray him as, or is he an evil genius?
Whats more likely?
A group of freedom hating terroists slip through the U.S. porous borders, take enough flight instruction to fly, no need to worry about landing...,get thorugh the pitiful security at airports, and manage to hijack the planes.
Insert your favorite incredibly comlex and convoluted conspiracy theory, which has millions of moving parts and involves tens of thousands of people here:___________
Aeon's retort:
Those who took flight lessons, one was named hanjour, couldnt even fly a cesna, but on 9-11 was able to hijack who was headed to california, turned the plane and make it heading to washington, fly for 45 min withouth being intercep( even though we knew already that both world trade were already hit by airplane), able to find washington at 10000 feet in the air, did a 270 degree turn at 500 mph, fly 4 feet over the ground at 400 mph, and slam into the pentagone, sorry but only naive people could believe this. (sic)