Most likely but your death would take longer to play out, years of suffering and then death. If you lived close by and didn't want to leave your next best bet would be to pick what ridge you want to watch it come from. (assuming you have time to get the beer and the lawn chair) According to one predicted map the ash fall out should stop about 3 miles from my doorstep (800 mile radius), I'm not so sure that would be considered being lucky, sure you are alive but life has just taken a sharp left turn
That sort of amount of material should cause a mini iceage or at least a few years without summer. That doesn't sound all that appealing when your feet will be your mode of transportation Going further north in a cooling world, nope not for me, looks like my only hope would be to head right into the fallout area and trudge straight through it for some 1600 miles, on foot, in winter.