

House Member
Jul 10, 2004
Victoria, BC
Just the Facts said:
:) :roll:

People are really chomping on the bit to bash anything American around here.

Master was shaking his head at Western education, not Canadian.

I disagree, Facts. I have only been around here a short while but have read previous posts by most of my favourite members and have not found the place to be anti-American. What peapod was pointing out is the discrepancy in the logic of the American leadership.

Here in the frozen north we are not immune to such lapses of reality. Our politicos ride into office by telling us what we want to hear then spend their time servicing their own agendas. Personally, I vote for the “lesser evil” at nearly every election, striving more to keep the christian right out than to actually support any one party. To enforce religious beliefs via politics is both dangerous and evil. Ask the Jews.

But I digress. The topic is religion, not politics.

The christians are a most interesting bunch. I was raised catholic and had the good fortune to spend many years in my youth studying the bible. It was required. At the time I despised it, but now I appreciate the education. It has given me a foundation for the framework I live within today.

The christians, it seems to me, carry a sense of moral superiority. They sweep in and trample any belief that does not fall directly in line with their own. Case in point? The resident schools peapod mentioned. I have spoken with many native people about their experiences in such places. It’s horrific.

Throughout history the cruelty and arrogance of christians is well documented. When they were unable to frighten people with threats of hell and damnation – or, as in the Inquistion simple torture – they simply co-opted ideologies. Many of the christian holidays have been appropriated from Pagan celebrations. One of the biggies – Christmas – is actually the Pagan festival of Yule. Easter is determined by the moon, hardly a christian methodology. By adopting ceremonies and celebrations of other faiths, the christians more easily swallowed other faiths whole.

Are there “good” christians? Of course. I have met people from every faith that I have found to be wonderfully spiritual, who live to suit a higher purpose. Religion is the dress, not the soul of a person. Unfortunately, as with fashion, the dress can hide a multitude of sins. :)

As a lesbian and a closet anarchist, I find myself cautious about organized religion. My ideal society would be one of responsible anarchy where people were accountable for all their actions. I believe in the inherent good of mankind. Naïve? Perhaps. But I also believe that below the thin skin of societal rules and religion we all do exactly as we please anyway and mankind seems to be trundling along just fine

Haggis McBagpipe

Walks on Forum Water
Jun 11, 2004
Victoria, B.C.
Cosmo said:
I also believe that below the thin skin of societal rules and religion we all do exactly as we please anyway and mankind seems to be trundling along just fine

Your whole post was terrific, Cosmo, but this sentence in particular hit a note with me because it is so perfectly true. You know, you could just about make a signature quote with it.


House Member
Jul 10, 2004
Victoria, BC
Re: RE: religion??

MASTER said:
I never read more empty headed nonsense then the posts here. what has western education come to?seems like spoiled rotten little kid's that hold noting holy or sacred.

what has western education come to?

I wondered the same thing when I had to stop to figure out what you meant through the misspellings and improper use of apostrophes! :)

Actually, Master, I wonder why you are so upset by the opinions expressed here? We're all just floating ideas about, entertaining new concepts and enjoying the little side trips into the minds of the members of this forum. We're not exactly a summit for world peace, just a bunch of people enjoying some mental aerobics and having a chuckle or two in the process.

Lighten up, big guy!

Haggis McBagpipe

Walks on Forum Water
Jun 11, 2004
Victoria, B.C.
Cosmo said:
:oops: aww, shucks, thanks guys. :)

Usually I get pounced on for my views.

I can't imagine why, not when your views are obviously well thought out and equally well said. It's refreshing.

I can only think that those who pounce in anger on your views might be people who are uncomfortable that you, with your logic, force them to examine their long-held 'truths'.

Diamond Sun

Council Member
Jun 11, 2004
Within arms reach of the new baby..
Cosmo said:
:oops: aww, shucks, thanks guys. :)

Usually I get pounced on for my views.

What I've discoverd with this forum is that all views are acceptable here, and as long as you present them in a way that isn't offensive, or mean spirited, people will respect them, whether they agree or not.

That's why I love it here, we can disagree and still be friends.

double 2

New Member
Nov 14, 2004
north of Edmonton
peapod said:
Well we call it freedom of speech up here, we also have freedom to do our thinking to. And we might not like what is being said in the next igloo, but we try to allow people to have their own beliefs. I heard once that you had the very same thing in your country.
I have only two things to say peapod "hear hear" nicely said/


Hall of Fame Member
Jun 26, 2004
pumpkin pie bungalow
what the ? . I have spent the day fighting the most disguisting religious fruitcakes, they even threatened my computer, admen had to save me. And now this thread....what does it all mean :wink: ooooooooooooooooo spooky.


New Member
Nov 29, 2004
The most glaring aspect of the posts on this forum is the almost total lack of verifiable information.

Inform yourselves before you spout off!

Unholy Alliance by David Horowitz
The Sword of the Prophet by Serge Trifkovic
Islam and Dhimmitude by Bat Ye'or

Passing judgment on a person for who they are is intolerant, judging behaviour is a necessary survival skill.


Hall of Fame Member
Jun 26, 2004
pumpkin pie bungalow
infidel, see now the way you wrote that, well it rubs people the wrong way, or maybe just me. Your links mean what? They are just a biased point of view. I could post links that have a different point of view. We could post links back and fourth all day. Personally I do not read or would read frontpage magazine. But that is just me, but I have read it before and I do not agree with their arguments, so its not possible for them to inform me of anything.

Just the Facts

House Member
Oct 15, 2004
SW Ontario
Re: RE: religion??

Rick van Opbergen said:
Just read the comments on the website.

I agree Rick. The "editorial slant" of Jihadwatch is obviously very biased, but they don't pretend not to be. To their credit, they always provide links to the source of the articles they post. They're just a "watchdog" organization, not a source of news, so it's silly to accuse them of spreading misinformation. Their information is selectively one-sided, but that's their mission. One can get the other side here. :)


Electoral Member
Dec 6, 2004
Whitby, Ontario

Religion is good and bad depending on the situation.

In a peaceful homogenous society, religion can be a great unifying force. It provided hope for a lot of people when times were bad back in the day. There was lots of disease, war and other forms of adversity. In addition, there wasn't a lot of information or education to dispute the claims of religious doctrines.

For example, God created the Earth in 7 days; well for the average person living from 0 AD to 1600, there was really no proof to dispute it. We didn't have the information or the science (I'm a scientist) to propose alternate theories as we do today.

When religion goes bad is when a certain group suddenly believes in something else and splits off to form another religion. Well, a lot of the time, there groups usually don't get along so well and they start to fight. (Jews/Christians) (Buddhists and Hindus) (Irish Protestants/Catholics) Another time when religion is bad is when certain members of the religion misinterpret it and in a sense hijack it to do horrible things. (See Christian crusades & Al-Qaeda).

So in my opinion, I think religion itself is not a bad thing, however it would be better off if we were all the same religion. Because even though all major religions preach the same common sense human values, we always find a reason to fight/dislike/hate/judge. Even within religions, there are so many subdivisions and conflicts.

In today's shrinking world, I view religion as a divisive force rather than a unifying one.

Rick van Opbergen

House Member
Sep 16, 2004
The Netherlands
Hey, I really like your opinion DasFX, a totally agree with you (although one minor thing: you use the Irish Protestants and Catholics as an example of groups within a religion which can't stand each other. I think the root trouble between Protestants and Catholics in Northern Ireland isn't as much the religion, but where the religion stands for. Being Catholic stands more for being Irish and being in favor of Ulster becoming a part of Ireland - watch out, that's what it stands for I think, not what all Catholics are; contrary, being Protestant stands for being English and being in favor of Ulster staying a part of the UK).

Reverend Blair

Council Member
Apr 3, 2004
That's what it started as, Ricky but I wouldn't say that's how it stayed. Somewhere along the line it became very much Protestant against Catholic.

My Irish-Protestant great grandmother never did cozy up to the idea that my mother married a Catholic. My father's family is Ukrainian, my great grandmother's family had been here since the potato famine. Her dislike for my father's relgion had nothing to do with Ireland.

Paranoid Dot Calm

Council Member
Jul 6, 2004
Hide-Away Lane, Toronto