Ratzinger is the new Pope

Vanni Fucci

Senate Member
Dec 26, 2004
8th Circle, 7th Bolgia
Oh I think gerry knows all of this Rev, he can't possibly be that stupid.

What gets me though is that he's willing to call people who support a woman's right to an abortion baby killers and murderers, and yet his church is consigning millions of actual children and their parents to a horrible death because of some asshole's literal interpretation of the bible.


And for those who have tried to argue that the Catholic church does not take the bible literally, I say bullshit, and this is the result.

Vanni Fucci

Senate Member
Dec 26, 2004
8th Circle, 7th Bolgia
Here's some notable quotes from the article I posted for the benefit of poor illiterate gerry...

“Resistance was truly impossible,” Georg Ratzinger said. “Before we were conscripted, one of our teachers said we should fight and become heroic Nazis and another told us not to worry as only one soldier in a thousand was killed. But neither of us ever used a rifle against the enemy.”

Some locals in Traunstein, like Elizabeth Lohner, 84, whose brother-in-law was sent to Dachau as a conscientious objector, dismiss such suggestions. “It was possible to resist, and those people set an example for others,” she said. “The Ratzingers were young and had made a different choice.”

n 1937 another family a few hundred yards away in Traunstein hid Hans Braxenthaler, a local resistance fighter. SS troops repeatedly searched homes in the area looking for the fugitive and his fellow conspirators.

“When he was betrayed and the Nazis came for him, Braxenthaler shot himself because he knew he couldn’t escape,” said Frieda Meyer, 82, Ratzinger’s neighbour and childhood friend. “Even though they had tortured him in Dachau concentration camp he refused to give up his resistance efforts.”

and then there's this gem...

His condemnations are legion — of women priests, married priests, dissident theologians and homosexuals, whom he has declared to be suffering from an “objective disorder”.

He upset many Jews with a statement in 1987 that Jewish history and scripture reach fulfilment only in Christ — a position denounced by critics as “theological anti-semitism”. He made more enemies among other religions in 2000, when he signed a document, Dominus Jesus, in which he argued: “Only in the Catholic church is there eternal salvation”.

...I didn't post this article to argue about whether his service in the Hitler Jugend was mandatory or not, because it's well documented that it was...


Time Out
Nov 21, 2004
Well...in reality I don't really give a rats ass what any of you think of the Catholic Church or it's teachings. Just like I don't give a rats ass if you don't think you support infanticide through abortion. I know the truth of both.


Time Out
Nov 21, 2004
and by the way....I am not a practicing Catholic..... in fact, if the church knew my lifestyle I would be excomunicated...lol..... but that is besides the point.

The Catholic faith has basic tenants... one of those concerns birth control, another concerns the homosexual act, women can not serve as priests( they can become nuns if their wish is to serve God), Preists and nuns can not get married, they are married to God. These are a few of the Catholic Faiths basics.... these are things that are believed to have been passed down through Christs ministry.... they are not negotiable no matter what changes society has made over the centuries.

One does not have to believe in these tenets.... just don't become a Catholic....... but one should respect the right of those that wish to follow the Catholic Faith and respect the fact that, as head of the Roman Catholic Church, it is the Popes job to ensure that Catholics abide by these tenents... these are tyhings ordained by Christ, in the eyes of the Catholic Church, not something that man has made up and can be changed by mans will.

It is the same with the Jewish Faith, the Muslim Faith.... there are basic tenents of each of these faiths that can not and should not be changed if they truly came from God.

Also, bt statements made by both Vanni and Rev, it is very obvious that neither of you truly know the Catholic Faith, and I seriously doubt that either of you want to really know it. I've lived it....I have chosen a different path then what it offers.... but that does not mean I don't understand the why's and wherefores.... if ya's are gonna denounce something it really behooves ya's to actually learn about what you are denouncing.....

I doubt that will happen though.
Re: RE: Ratzinger is the new

Reverend Blair said:
They are being told that if they use condoms they will burn in hell. Husbands bring the disease home to their wives, who have done nothing wrong according to the teachings of your church.

You can try to justify it any way you want, Gerry. The fact remains that your church is killing innocents with their regressive dogma.

Sexual promiscuity will also have you burn in hell. Blaming the church for AIDS is silly. If we were to follow every teaching of the Catholic Church, then the AIDS rate would probably be some rare unheard of disease.

Hard-Luck Henry

Council Member
Feb 19, 2005
Wasn't torturing and burning 'heretics' (or 'midwives', call them what you will) a basic tenet of catholicism a while back? I wonder what brought about a change in policy on that? Did the then pope have a private conversation with a burning bush, or something?

Vanni Fucci

Senate Member
Dec 26, 2004
8th Circle, 7th Bolgia
Hard-Luck Henry said:
Wasn't torturing and burning 'heretics' (or 'midwives', call them what you will) a basic tenet of catholicism a while back? I wonder what brought about a change in policy on that? Did the then pope have a private conversation with a burning bush, or something?

Very good point, Henry... 8)


House Member
Dec 1, 2004
Saint John N.B.
At the age of 78,and in somewhat frail health,the odds are good that the world will see another new Pope within a year or two. Big frigging deal!

Hard-Luck Henry

Council Member
Feb 19, 2005
Pope Benedict = end of the world. Apparently :roll:

ROME (Reuters) - Pope Benedict's ascent to the papacy took a conclave of 115 cardinals, four rounds of voting and followed a lifetime of service to the Vatican.

But ask Internet doomsayers eyeing a 12th century Catholic prophecy and they'll tell you it was all stitched up more than eight centuries ago and that judgment day is nigh.

The prophecy -- widely dismissed by scholars as a hoax -- is attributed to St. Malachy, an Irish archbishop recognised by members of the Church for his ability to read the future.

Benedict, believers say, fits the description of the second-to-last pope listed under the prophecy before the Last Judgement, when the bible says God separates the wicked from the righteous at the end of time.

"The Old Testament states: 'believe his prophets and you will prosper' -- so believe it. We are close to the return of the Judge of the nations. Christ is coming," wrote one Internet post by the Reverend Pat Reynolds.

"Thank God for the witness of St. Malachy."

St. Malachy was said to have had a vision during a trip to Rome around 1139 of the remaining 112 Popes. The new pope would be number 111 on that list, and is described in a text attributed to St. Malachy as the "Glory of the Olive".

To connect Benedict, a pale, bookish German, to anything olive takes some imagination. But Malachy-watchers point to the choice of the name Benedict -- an allusion to the Order of Saint Benedict, a branch of which is known as the Olivetans.

"When (he) chose the name Benedict XVI, this was seen as fulfilling the prophecy for this pope," wrote one entry on www.wikipedia.org.

Benedict said that he chose the name partly in honour of Pope Benedict XV (1914-1922), calling him a "courageous prophet of peace". On Wednesday, Benedict dedicated his papacy to "the service of reconciliation and harmony between peoples".

"Perhaps Benedict XVI will be a peacemaker in the Church or in the world, and thus carry the olive branch," speculated www.catholic-pages.com.

Another site, www.bibleprobe.com, went even further, showing a picture of Benedict holding olive branches in March during Palm Sunday celebrations.

"Is this the Pope of Peace (olive)?" it asked in the caption.

Critics widely dismiss the Malachy prophecy as a forgery and possible propaganda meant to influence a 16th century conclave. Doses of scepticism even appear on the most energetic Malachy web pages.

But believers point out similarities between the prophecy's descriptions and past pontificates. Pope John Paul II, number 110, was described in the prophecy as "de labore solis" -- or "of the labour of the sun".

He was born on May 18, 1920, the same day as a solar eclipse. The pontiff was buried on April 8, 2005 -- the same day as a partial eclipse, visible in the Americas.

More pressing for doomsayers are the prophecy's references to the last Pope on the list, Peter the Roman, who will lead the Church before "the formidable judge will judge his people".

Since Benedict is already 78 years old, they say Peter the Roman must be coming soon, and with him, the end of the world.

"His reign will only last a few years at most. This signals that we are living in what may be the end of days as we know it," said one website entry by someone calling himself SmartBob.

SmartBob sounds like a smart guy.

Reverend Blair

Council Member
Apr 3, 2004
RE: Ratzinger is the new

Oh good, it the end days again. I knew we needed something to fill in between the last time the world ended (2000) and the next time (2011, I think that is...something to do with the Incan calendar).

I just had a prophesy that the coffee is done though, so I'd best cut this post short.


Hall of Fame Member
Jun 26, 2004
pumpkin pie bungalow
All you have to do is read what this one's stance is on the thousands of sexual abuse cases againist the pedophile priests :roll: Which is more of the same, cover up and protect the pedophile. Oh yes, but don't forget its wrong to be gay, but okay to be a pedophile as long as you are a priest :pukeright:

Reverend Blair

Council Member
Apr 3, 2004
RE: Ratzinger is the new

That reminds me of the 11th commandment according to my new favourite song, Pea. "Thou shalt not cover up the acts of pervert priests."

I'm thinking I need to Eric Schwartz some money...


New Member
May 5, 2005
RE: Ratzinger is the new

Organized Religeon is bad. Very very bad. If we could all be religeon free the the world would be a better place...

Hard-Luck Henry

Council Member
Feb 19, 2005
Rowson after Bacon
