Re: RE: Ratzinger is the new
The most effective way of eliminating aids IS through abstinance. Even condoms are NOT 100% effective. Abstinance is, but because high risk people are not responsible enough to follow the course of action that IS most effective, this is the Catholic Churches fault? I think not. The only ones at fault here are those that continue to have high risk sexual contact. NOT those giving alternate advice, no matter how much YOU or they may not like the idea of abstinance, it is the only 100% sure way of stopping the spread of STD's. It is also the only acceptable behaviour for those that purport(sp) to be followers of the Catholic faith. Again, if the Catholic Churches followers were to do what the Church supports and advocates there would be no problem.
Reverend Blair said:Preaching abstinence has been an extremely inneffectual way to fight the spread of HIV, GerryH. Condom use, on the other hand has been very effective. That 80,000,000 number for orphans is partly based on the influence of the Catholic church and the US government programs that are just as sanctimonious and wrong.
The most effective way of eliminating aids IS through abstinance. Even condoms are NOT 100% effective. Abstinance is, but because high risk people are not responsible enough to follow the course of action that IS most effective, this is the Catholic Churches fault? I think not. The only ones at fault here are those that continue to have high risk sexual contact. NOT those giving alternate advice, no matter how much YOU or they may not like the idea of abstinance, it is the only 100% sure way of stopping the spread of STD's. It is also the only acceptable behaviour for those that purport(sp) to be followers of the Catholic faith. Again, if the Catholic Churches followers were to do what the Church supports and advocates there would be no problem.