Ratzinger is the new Pope


Time Out
Nov 21, 2004
Re: RE: Ratzinger is the new

Reverend Blair said:
Preaching abstinence has been an extremely inneffectual way to fight the spread of HIV, GerryH. Condom use, on the other hand has been very effective. That 80,000,000 number for orphans is partly based on the influence of the Catholic church and the US government programs that are just as sanctimonious and wrong.

The most effective way of eliminating aids IS through abstinance. Even condoms are NOT 100% effective. Abstinance is, but because high risk people are not responsible enough to follow the course of action that IS most effective, this is the Catholic Churches fault? I think not. The only ones at fault here are those that continue to have high risk sexual contact. NOT those giving alternate advice, no matter how much YOU or they may not like the idea of abstinance, it is the only 100% sure way of stopping the spread of STD's. It is also the only acceptable behaviour for those that purport(sp) to be followers of the Catholic faith. Again, if the Catholic Churches followers were to do what the Church supports and advocates there would be no problem.

Jo Canadian

Council Member
Mar 15, 2005
PEI...for now
The most effective way of eliminating aids IS through abstinance. Even condoms are NOT 100% effective. Abstinance is, but because high risk people are not responsible enough to follow the course of action that IS most effective, this is the Catholic Churches fault? I think not. The only ones at fault here are those that continue to have high risk sexual contact. NOT those giving alternate advice, no matter how much YOU or they may not like the idea of abstinance, it is the only 100% sure way of stopping the spread of STD's. It is also the only acceptable behaviour for those that purport(sp) to be followers of the Catholic faith. Again, if the Catholic Churches followers were to do what the Church supports and advocates there would be no problem.

The problem with that is that human nature will override any common sense when it comes to sex, being religious may help a bit but it isn't an end all to the problem. Not everybody is pious or has true control even faithful priests/nuns may sometimes lose control. At least with condoms you can minimize contracting anything by 99%. I'd rather take the 1% chance than the 100% chance if I was (unknowingly) in contact with an infected person. Also when it comes to sex, especially in places like Africa, no one is going to tell anyone they're infected, and on top of that many women don't have a choice. If Guilt will be used as a tool make them guilty for not using a condom rather than guilty for having sex. As it is now, guilt after unprotected sex would be followed by confessions afterwards.



Time Out
Nov 21, 2004
Well Joe, if they aren't "pious" enough to listen to the church about abstaining then they or anyone else, can't use the excuse for NOT using condoms on the fact that the Church condemns condom use. This also goes for sex before marriage, sex with multiple partners, etc.... if they have no problems with that, then thay can't use the Churches teachings about birth control as a reason NOT to use condoms. Again, put the blame where it belongs, on the individual choices, NOT the churches teachings.


Senate Member
Mar 8, 2005
Kamloops BC
I'll put the blame where it belongs squarely on the shoulders of the new Pope .To say its okay to cover up sex abuse says volumes about this guy 8O


Senate Member
Mar 8, 2005
Kamloops BC
Anybody else notice the CORPORATE MASS MEDIA'S SILENCE ON THE ISSUE I POSTED IN THIS THREAD :evil: There silence speaks volumes to their agenda :( And thats not telling us the truth

Rick van Opbergen

House Member
Sep 16, 2004
The Netherlands
mrmom2 said:
Whats with the Pope and the nazi connections two in a row have had some sort of nazi connection 8O They protect them at the end of the second world war and know guys with some sort of connection are running the show weird 8O
Two in a row? What was the connection between Pope John Paul II and the Nazis, if I may ask?


Senate Member
Mar 8, 2005
Kamloops BC
He sold the gas that killed the jews in the death camps Rick
The post I was talking about is on page 3 Rick :wink:


Senate Member
Mar 8, 2005
Kamloops BC
No it was before he became a priest Rick.He was a salesman for the company that produced zyclon b gas.I'm not sure i spelled that right?

Rick van Opbergen

House Member
Sep 16, 2004
The Netherlands
Do you have more links about the allegation that Pope John Paul II traded in Zyklon B? He worked in a chemical plant in 1942, yes, but to what extent did he trade Zyklon B then? Did he trade in Zyklon B? This is the first time I hear this, that's why the questions.

Reverend Blair

Council Member
Apr 3, 2004
Gerry, there isn't health worker on the planet that doesn't say that abstinence isn't the most effective protection against HIV/AIDS. Since expecting everybody to remain abstinent is not at all realistic, they promote condom use as the second line of defense.

The Pope (and the US government btw) oppose the use of condoms though. I guess in their insular and bizarre worlds they think that people will abstain if they are told to. They are, by refusing to accept human nature and the effectiveness of condom use, encouraging the disease to spread.


Electoral Member
Nov 5, 2004
Fruita, CO, Aztlan
mrmom2 said:
I wasn't trying to dam anybody Ten! I just thought it was strange there is so many connections to the Nazi's in the catholic church :wink:

Most of the connections are "second hand" (for lack of a better term). Mainly through some nazi puppet regimes that were clerical-fascist like in Slovakia and Croatia. Fairly good terms with the Italian fascists and Vichy, eventhough the church helped Jews in both places. Also close to the axis leaning neutrals like Salazar's Portugal and Franco's Spain. There's evidence of Nazis using the exit pipeline from Europe set up by the church for their more militant anti-communist supporters who were tainted with pro-german activity during the war, to escape to South America. I'm a devout Catholic bringing this up so I'm sure there are anti-Catholic sources that might have some more info.


Senate Member
Mar 8, 2005
Kamloops BC
ElPolaco I'm not anti catholic or religion its just not for me :wink: But i'm fine with whatever people want to believe as long as they don't push it on me :) Catholics seem to be one of the only groups that don"t do that .My problem with this new guy is him advocating keeping secret allegations of sexual conduct against the church 8O Thats just not right in my books :wink:

Vanni Fucci

Senate Member
Dec 26, 2004
8th Circle, 7th Bolgia
mrmom2 said:
ElPolaco I'm not anti catholic or religion its just not for me :wink: But i'm fine with whatever people want to believe as long as they don't push it on me :) Catholics seem to be one of the only groups that don"t do that .My problem with this new guy is him advocating keeping secret allegations of sexual conduct against the church 8O Thats just not right in my books :wink:

Nor should it be right in anybody's books, mom...

Reverend Blair

Council Member
Apr 3, 2004
RE: Ratzinger is the new

Popes have been messing in polotics from the very start. Benedict appears to be a worse piece of work than most, though.