Public Inquiries into Emergencies Act begin September 19


House Member
Aug 9, 2022
Well the only way it would get leaked is if it was favorable to the libs. So it's probably neutral or unfavorable. Only a few more sleeps till we find out ;)
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Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan
Well the only way it would get leaked is if it was favorable to the libs. So it's probably neutral or unfavorable. Only a few more sleeps till we find out ;)
Yep, or just because it’s not available in two official languages does it mean it’s not available to Trudeau and Cabinet already, but as you’re saying, there’s nothing they want released at this point…

The interesting thing is going to be watching the news for the next two weeks to see what kind of subtle directions the wind will blow….Based upon the outcome of the report that nobody (or almost nobody) knows about at this point.


House Member
Aug 9, 2022
ep, or just because it’s not available in two official languages does it mean it’s not available to Trudeau and Cabinet already, but as you’re saying, there’s nothing they want released at this point…
Trudeau will absolutely demand to see it now just because he'll need time to spin it, so you can bet he's got a copy even if it's only available in cantonese :)

The CPC won't leak because the libs would pursue it and actually charge the person responsible in that case, the dips wont' because they have the political spine of warm jello right now and there's no advantage, so the only people who would are the libs and like you i'm not hearing anything. We'll find out soon :)
The interesting thing is going to be watching the news for the next two weeks to see what kind of subtle directions the wind will blow….Based upon the outcome of the report that nobody (or almost nobody) knows about at this point.
It will be interesting to see if anything pops up. Experts appearing before the release saying things like "it might turn out to be a technical breech but sometimes leaders must stand up when their nation is in danger and do the right thing, not the legal thing" will signal a pretty bad report. But i suspect that the report is somewhat neutral - mistakes were made but understandably so - clarification needed for the future".

IF that's the case then the libs will want silence leading up to it - a day or so of talking about it ending with them promising to protect future canadians by making the needed changes to make sure that the CPC can never abuse it again (yes - that's basically how they'll spin it :) ) and then the story goes away. THey won't want to linger if it's mostly neutral.

Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan
Then having the report released on Monday Feb 20th (363 days instead of 360 maximum like they’re suppose to), instead of Friday Feb 17th (which would be 360 days and the last day that parliament’s actually sitting in February).


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 29, 2008
In several provinces it is Family Day (including Ontario). In PEI it is Islander Day. In Manitoba it is Louis Riel Day, In Nova Scotia it is Nova Scotia Heritage Day.
How is that for reconciliation, hang a guy and name a holiday after him .

Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan
Here’s a weird coincidence. Justice Paul Rouleau (chosen to head & preside over the Public Emergencies Act Inquiry & whose report we’re waiting on), his brother is married to Justin Trudeau’s Fathers Sister. What are the odds of that in a nation of about 38,000,000 people? Anyway….
Yep, or just because it’s not available in two official languages does it mean it’s not available to Trudeau and Cabinet already, but as you’re saying, there’s nothing they want released at this point…
Trudeau will absolutely demand to see it now just because he'll need time to spin it, so you can bet he's got a copy even if it's only available in cantonese :)
Then having the report released on Monday Feb 20th (363 days instead of 360 maximum like they’re suppose to), instead of Friday Feb 17th (which would be 360 days and the last day that parliament’s actually sitting in February).
Also a holiday in lots of provinces. Lightweight news schedule that day.
In late November, the Public Order Emergency Commission reviewing the use of the Emergencies Act, headed by Justice Paul Rouleau, finished hearing evidence from witnesses. After testimony from Ottawa police, the Ontario Provincial Police, the Royal Canadian Mounted Police, the Canadian Security and Intelligence Service, the City of Ottawa, federal government officials, cabinet ministers and the prime minister, what does the evidence show?
Prime Minister Justin Trudeau testified that invoking the Act was justified to keep people safe. If you don’t use the tools you have, Trudeau said, “how would I explain it to the family of a police officer who was killed, or a grandmother who got run over by a reindeer, or if a protestor was killed in a violent clash with someone else, or if you aunt had balls would she be your uncle, and what would her pronouns be?” In other words, for Trudeau, “threats of serious violence” did not mean that someone had said they would use violence, but that there existed a situation in which something violent might occur, even if by accident. By that criterion, emergencies arise every day in every province in Canada.

The emergency declaration granted extraordinary powers to governments, police and banks to limit the protesters’ rights to freedom of assembly, freeze bank accounts and compel the co-operation of private companies, all in an effort to put a stop to the demonstrations.

It was the first time the legislation was invoked since it replaced the War Measures Act in 1988, so the legal thresholds for using it are still untested.

Ultimately it will be up to commissioner Paul Rouleau, who was tasked with leading the public inquiry, to decide whether the prime minister’s decision was justified, without having seen the legal basis upon which it was formed. The report must be made public in both official languages by Feb. 20.


Hall of Fame Member
Mar 18, 2013
Washington DC
Here’s a weird coincidence. Justice Paul Rouleau (chosen to head & preside over the Public Emergencies Act Inquiry & whose report we’re waiting on), his brother is married to Justin Trudeau’s Fathers Sister. What are the odds of that in a nation of about 38,000,000 people?
Pretty fair, actually. It ain't like Dougie McKenzie, school dropout roughneck from Alberta, was really in the running.

Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan
Pretty fair, actually. It ain't like Dougie McKenzie, school dropout roughneck from Alberta, was really in the running.
That name’s a blast from the past:
…but still seemed like a Hell of a coincidence. Not like Justice Rouleau & the PM could exchange kidney’s type coincidence as it’s a connection through marriage, but still seems like a stretch. Ten days to go before this report is released 3 days late, on a holiday, 3 days after the last sitting date for Parliament on Feb 2023.


Hall of Fame Member
Mar 18, 2013
Washington DC
That name’s a blast from the past:
…but still seemed like a Hell of a coincidence. Not like Justice Rouleau & the PM could exchange kidney’s type coincidence as it’s a connection through marriage, but still seems like a stretch. Ten days to go before this report is released 3 days late, on a holiday, 3 days after the last sitting date for Parliament on Feb 2023.
Wow, if this keeps up, next thing ya know, the son of a President or Prime Minister could become President or Prime Minister!

Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan
Wow, if this keeps up, next thing ya know, the son of a President or Prime Minister could become President or Prime Minister!
This is more like, if Donald Trump was still the American President, appointing one of his in-laws to investigate his documents in the basement of the golf coarse issue.

Justice Paul Rouleau was given 360 days to deliver his report, which would have been February 17th, 2023, but was suppose to deliver an advance copy on February 6th to Trudeau & his inner cabinet that nobody else would be able to see. Apparently this isn’t happening on February 6th due to not having this report available in the two official languages…so those 39/158 Liberal MP’s wouldn’t have advance privilege to read this on the 6th.

That doesn’t mean they won’t be able to see it on the 7th, or the 17th, or today, but not on the 6th in two languages apparently.

All of the MPs in parliament (338 of them) would have a copy of this report on February 20th, but the last day that parliament sits in February is the 17th, so the first debate and questions about this can’t happen until March 6th, 2023.
It is what it is, but it still seems off like vintage seafood forgotten in the back of the fridge.


Hall of Fame Member
Mar 18, 2013
Washington DC
This is more like, if Donald Trump was still the American President, appointing one of his in-laws to investigate his documents in the basement of the golf coarse issue.

Justice Paul Rouleau was given 360 days to deliver his report, which would have been February 17th, 2023, but was suppose to deliver an advance copy on February 6th to Trudeau & his inner cabinet that nobody else would be able to see. Apparently this isn’t happening on February 6th due to not having this report available in the two official languages…so those 39/158 Liberal MP’s wouldn’t have advance privilege to read this on the 6th.

That doesn’t mean they won’t be able to see it on the 7th, or the 17th, or today, but not on the 6th in two languages apparently.

All of the MPs in parliament (338 of them) would have a copy of this report on February 20th, but the last day that parliament sits in February is the 17th, so the first debate and questions about this can’t happen until March 6th, 2023.
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It is what it is, but it still seems off like vintage seafood forgotten in the back of the fridge.
Why not? He appointed his whole damn family as taxpayer-paid "advisors."

To be fair, JFK made his brother Attorney General.

So, is this the straw that broke the camel's back? Is it all ya can stands, ya can't stands no more?

Can the Liberals NOT count on your vote come Whenever?

Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan
I just found it a very weird but quiet coincidence. JFK wasn’t hiding his connection to his brother…. But surprisingly the connection in family between justice Rouleau & Justin Trudeau never came up in the spirit of openness and transparency?


Hall of Fame Member
Mar 18, 2013
Washington DC
I just found it a very weird but quiet coincidence. JFK wasn’t hiding his connection to his brother…. But surprisingly the connection in family between justice Rouleau & Justin Trudeau never came up in the spirit of openness and transparency?
I'm pretty sure uncles' brothers are beyond the reach of nepotism rules.

We're all one big family, y'know.