Public Inquiries into Emergencies Act begin September 19


Satelitte Radio Addict
May 28, 2007
Toronto, ON
I think the pension is the only thing he really cares about. He knows he's toast next election. He's not going to add seats, he may well lose seats, and it'll be his forth kick at the can - his party will almost certainly decide they need a new leader after that. He may hang on to his seat but his days as leader are done.
The smart move by the NDP would be show him the door right before the election and bring in a new leader and say the last guy was an idiot .... I'm better.
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House Member
Aug 9, 2022
The smart move by the NDP would be show him the door right before the election and bring in a new leader and say the last guy was an idiot .... I'm better.
I don't think there's a mechanism for that. There's an automatic leadership review after every election but not much other than that to actually force the leader out.

Lets remember - it's not like they actually think they might win an election so they really didn't build their bylaws to remove bad leaders (you'd think they'd have learned that they CAN win with the right guy during layton's time, but no.

Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan
So, the first 1/2 of the link above answers the question of whether Ford, or Jones, are required to appear before the committee, and they aren’t. Whether they should is another matter, a highly political one.

The real reason for this inquiry is to determine whether invoking the Emergencies Act was Justin-ified. That means, this is a federal inquiry into a federal decision, it’s not about Doug Ford and the province of Ontario.

It’s dangerous for any politician to appear at an inquiry like this one and if Trudeau were to back out tomorrow, there would be little that could be done to force him to testify, even though it is about his decision.

Perhaps one thing they are considering as they weigh these options is that much of the media coverage has been about what Ford did or didn’t do in an inquiry called to examine a decision taken by Trudeau.

Ford’s testimony would be interesting, and he should probably go, but it isn’t key apparently to answering the question: Was Trudeau justified in invoking the Emergencies Act?


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
Justin can't get out of it. If he tries he may as well resign and call a leadership race. He'd never survive. Too many Liberal minded types opposed the mandates as fervently as anyone else.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 29, 2008
Justin can't get out of it. If he tries he may as well resign and call a leadership race. He'd never survive. Too many Liberal minded types opposed the mandates as fervently as anyone else.
That there hits the nail on the head . A truly grassroots movement with no ideological bent , spanning the entire voting spectrum .
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House Member
Aug 9, 2022
I think that’s it, but it still comes off as greasy. It initiates a precedence that others, including Justin, can use to justify doing the exact same thing.
It is greasy. But in fairness if he goes he either walks away unharmed or harmed - there's zero chance of him actually benefitting. And ford is a politician and got to where he is by not being afraid of a little grease here and there. It was greasy that he didn't let his people go to local debates in the election, but it was a successful tactic.

In the end ford is premier of Ontario. A little slime isn't going to hurt him like it would in the west. So i guess he'll stay home and Trudeau will have to find someone else to blame.

Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan
OTTAWA – The Ottawa police commander overseeing the response to the Freedom Convoy said he already had a full plan and a fleet of tow trucks ready to clear out protesters the day before the Trudeau government controversially invoked the Emergencies Act.

But the then-Ottawa Police Service (OPS) superintendent Robert Bernier stopped short of saying the act’s powers weren’t useful or necessary to police during his testimony to the Public Order Emergencies Commission Wednesday.

Useful & Necessary are two very different things. I’m sure suspending peoples rights might have been “Useful” but was it “Necessary!”


House Member
Aug 9, 2022
But the then-Ottawa Police Service (OPS) superintendent Robert Bernier stopped short of saying the act’s powers weren’t useful
Police always think extra powers are useful. Getting rid of all those pesky civil rights would be very useful. But the point is he had a plan and didn't NEED the act.

Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan
The point is the protesters were there legally and never needed to be removed at all .
Not questioning the Legality of things, but there is always a best before day on these situations.

The convoy protest made their point the first weekend when Trudeau went into “Selfie Isolation” and refused to meet with them like every other protest, etc….

Point made. Done deal. Time to go back to work. I’ve seen these protest situation‘s drag out beyond beyond (like 240+ days camped out in the park in front of the Saskatchewan Legislature Building), and it’s not an endearing quality.
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House Member
Aug 9, 2022
Not questioning the Legality of things, but there is always a best before day on these situations.
That's very true, but traditionally you go get a judge to say "party's over boys, time to go home". A judge usually is the one to say when a protest is crossing the line into being unlawful. Others may have opinions but the police don't actually have the authority to rule if something is illegal, nor does the prime minister. That power lies with a judge.

So if they wanted to pull the 'best before' card they really should have gone and gotten an injunction. I suspect that after the first weekend if it stretched on beyond that a judge would have had some sympathy but perhaps the answer was they were worried that a judge might NOT say it's unlawful .

In any case, it looks like the cops had the tools to clean it up.
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Hall of Fame Member
Nov 29, 2008
That's very true, but traditionally you go get a judge to say "party's over boys, time to go home". A judge usually is the one to say when a protest is crossing the line into being unlawful. Others may have opinions but the police don't actually have the authority to rule if something is illegal, nor does the prime minister. That power lies with a judge.

So if they wanted to pull the 'best before' card they really should have gone and gotten an injunction. I suspect that after the first weekend if it stretched on beyond that a judge would have had some sympathy but perhaps the answer was they were worried that a judge might NOT say it's unlawful .

In any case, it looks like the cops had the tools to clean it up.
The judge that issued the ruling on honking horns basically said it was a legal protest .
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Time Out
Feb 11, 2020

In retrospect the emergencies act was Trudeau's version of the invasion of the ukraine - he thought it would make him look tough and would be over in a few days and pretty quick everyone would forget about it.

However it's been dogging him and he just can't seem to make it go away and it pulls at his credibility and i'm sure he now looks at it as a mistake. It's clear the powers weren't necessary to resolve the situation and the flip flopping on the reasons have made him look pretty suspicious.

Right now he needs to have a strong good-news fall session to help bolster his badly flailing approval ratings, and this is going to detract from any positive messaging he can muster.

Well, old untouchable Trudeau has no fear of what the commission comes up with. The dicktator of Ottawa will still walk away a free man. This fascist PM leader of ours knows full well that he can do whatever he pleases and there will be no actions or consequences taken against him. The blackface idiot dodges another bullet.

Apparently, the judge in charge of this EA commission was a Trudeau liberal appointee judge. What does that tell us all? The judge will say that you are free to go Mr. Trudeau. The fascist dicktator is once again free to carry on with his lies and bullshit. Trudeau is running one of the most corrupt governments in Canada today and he has three more years to go. God help us all.

This EA commission is just a total farce and a waste of time and effort, and we the taxpayers will once again have to foot another bill for this blackface lying idiot who laughs at, we the peasants every day just like his communist old man, or maybe he is not his old man, who gave Canadians the finger on a train leaving Alberta several decades ago.

The only good news that we should look forward to is that he calls an election so we can hopefully boot the globalist fascist dicktator out on his arse hole. And what I would really like to see is that he gets charged for crimes against humanity for what he did during the covid scamdemic to we the peasants. (y)
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Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan
The judge that issued the ruling on honking horns basically said it was a legal protest .
Yeah, and the injunction on the honking horns came into effect Feb 7th & was in place for 10 days (re Trauma re noise).

On Feb 14th, Trudeau imposed the Emergencies Act.

On Feb 16th (the day before the above injunction on the Honk-Honk would have expired), it was extended for another 60 days.

The Emergencies Act was called off Feb 21st hours before the Senate could Wade in on it.

The injunction on honking horns in Ottawa would have expired sometime in mid-April. Hopefully nobody honked their horn in Ottawa before the snow melted that Spring.
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House Member
Aug 9, 2022
Well, old untouchable Trudeau has no fear of what the commission comes up with. The dicktator of Ottawa will still walk away a free man.
True as far as it goes BUT there is one consequence that is important to him, and that's his reputation on the world stage. He already took a major hit and got called out hard when he called the emergency act, if there is now an official judicial finding that he had no grounds to do so and called it without lawful excuse it will be a major embarrassment for him. It will likely even affect his speaking tours somewhat (once he retires from public life). He will absolutely hate it if people can 'officially' call him a dictator who abused his powers to suspend civil liberties.

And we'll have to be sure to rub that in their face every chance we get :)
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Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan
….He will absolutely hate it if people can 'officially' call him a dictator who abused his powers to suspend civil liberties…..
I don’t know if he’s a dic-tator but he’s some kind’a tater.
Dude is already an international joke & he knows it as far as his reputation on the world stage goes. This inquiry is not going to help his reputation….but can it really hurt it more than it already is???


House Member
Aug 13, 2022
That's very true, but traditionally you go get a judge to say "party's over boys, time to go home". A judge usually is the one to say when a protest is crossing the line into being unlawful. Others may have opinions but the police don't actually have the authority to rule if something is illegal, nor does the prime minister. That power lies with a judge.

So if they wanted to pull the 'best before' card they really should have gone and gotten an injunction. I suspect that after the first weekend if it stretched on beyond that a judge would have had some sympathy but perhaps the answer was they were worried that a judge might NOT say it's unlawful .

In any case, it looks like the cops had the tools to clean it up.
The cops appear to have had the necessary tools, what seemed to be lacking was the political will to deal with the situation in a professional manner. Or quite possibly the politicians thought they could induce a riot and come in looking like heros. Instead of the zeros they really are.