Privatizing Aboriginal Reserves


Custom Troll
Sep 24, 2006
Ultimately yes. We have to walk first before we can run though.
You should be a politician, oh wait, you already are eh Jim.

Seriously, what type of argument did you think I was using?
None, since your original claim was simply, "They aren't nations".

Never mind, I just remembered you are confused.
No they didn't. They just accepted the decision.
This statement, makes the preceding statement palpably ironic.

You make me laugh Jim.

There is no standard used by the federal government in place today.
Sorry for the fractured reply on this, but I wanted to make sure I was right, before I laughed at you, again...

Look up the Statute of Westminster. It was considered in the SCC ruling...

Thanks for the laughs Jim.


Custom Troll
Sep 24, 2006
It's good you can laugh. You certainly can't debate.
Says the guy that just got PWND, yet again.

I look forward to you telling me the Statute of Westminster, means nothing in regards to the Canadian Governments position on what a Nation is...

You aren't here for debate, not that I find it surprising you can't stick to your own claims. You're here for entertainment, so you say. Although I'm not sure how me making a fool out of you consistently and continuously, is entertaining to you.
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Trolling Hypocrites
May 27, 2007
Northern Ontario,
Says the guy that just got PWND, yet again.

I look forward to you telling me the Statute of Westminster, means nothing in regards to the Canadian Governments position on what a Nation is...

You aren't here for debate, not that I find it surprising you can't stick to your own claims. You're here for entertainment, so you say. Although I'm not sure how me making a fool out of you consistently and continuously, is entertaining to you.

There is wayy too much Déja-vu in his kind of a singer with the same tune all the time....isn't that what politicians do????


Custom Troll
Sep 24, 2006
Clearly you can't refute anything I have said.
Except for all the stuff that refutes everything you said, like...

There is no standard [Re; what constitutes a Nation] used by the federal government in place today.
Except for the standard the Government of Canada uses, which is also the international standard, which is used in the Statute of Westminster, which is the document that defines Canada as a Nation within the Commonwealth, which the SCC considered in their deliberations. When charged by the Federal Government of Canada to determine what constitutes a Nation.

But hey, that's all centuries old, time tested, globally accept, legal mumbo jumbo. You seem to think you morally know better.

If the standard defines Canada as a Nation, the same standard thus applies to First Nations, if they meet the criteria. Unless you're a morally ambiguous, logically inconsistent hypocrite.

Not everyone is a morally ambiguous, logically inconsistent hypocrite like you Jim, you should refrain from projecting.

There is wayy too much Déja-vu in his kind of a singer with the same tune all the time....isn't that what politicians do????
Singers aren't masochist in general.
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Time Out
Feb 2, 2006
Except for all the stuff that refutes everything you said, like...

Except for the standard the Government of Canada uses, which is also the international standard, which is used in the Statute of Westminster, which is the document that defines Canada as a Nation within the Commonwealth, which the SCC considered in their deliberations. When charged by the Federal Government of Canada to determine what constitutes a Nation.

You sure are a sucker for punishment. Despite getting repeatedly PWNed, you insist on picking yourself off the floor and coming back for more. International standard....LOL. Tell that to the folks in Somaliland.


Custom Troll
Sep 24, 2006
International standard....LOL. Tell that to the folks in Somaliland.
Now you're PWN'ing yourself for me? You really do suck all the fun out of this Jim.

Who knew someone had to explain the difference between what is the standard and what it is to gain recognition, to you, Jim?


Custom Troll
Sep 24, 2006
LOL. Your dodges are becoming ever more predictable.
Your hypocrisy and the irony of that, aside. You mean dodge as in when you dodge the facts in peoples posts, and instead latch onto cherry picked words, to formulate your latest strawman argument?

Ya, you'd be an expert on dodging than Jim.

Your mention of Somaliland, without any form of context, was nothing more than your own dodge. With a built in escape route. As per your usual cowardly MO.

Feel free to offer up some context as to how Somaliland relates to the issue.
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Time Out
Feb 2, 2006
Feel free to offer up some context as to how Somaliland relates to the issue.

If you are unable to see how Somaliland relates than this conversation is clearly over your head. Yet again, I accept your unconditional surrender and thanks for playing.


Custom Troll
Sep 24, 2006
If you are unable to see how Somaliland relates than this conversation is clearly over your head.
Before you go off on another tangent exposing your poor perception and cognitive skills, how about you explain how it relates to your following claim Jim...

There is no standard used by the federal government in place today.

Which isn't true, since they have a legally tested standard, hinged on the moral principle of, what is sauce for the goose, is sauce for the gander, or the ethic of reciprocity, which is what you are trying to evade now Jim, with your attempt to switch back to a legal argument.

If it isn't over your head and you think Somaliland applies to how you think the Government of Canada doesn't have a standard. Please feel free to explain. If you actually can that is Jim.

Unless you'd like to just go back to discussing what a Nation is, from a moral position. Although you seem to be having a great deal of difficulty differentiating legal from moral at this point, if you think the present position of Somaliland has any bearing on a moral position. And if you think so, you need to explain how, since your implication appears to be solely based on the legal precedent of international diplomatic recognition.

Perhaps if you employed some form of consistent standard, or relinquished your fears of being wrong, in an even cursory attempt to have an honest discussion, you wouldn't make such silly and juvenile errors.
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The Velvet Hammer
Mar 5, 2011
London, Ontario
My position was right because I was arguing from a moral position.

As has been said, I have issues with regard to the way we have defined aboriginal groups as "nations". That has more to do with how the political system and the legal system have mismanaged the situation.

So is it a legal issue or a moral one?


Custom Troll
Sep 24, 2006
So is it a legal issue or a moral one?
The funniest is when he uses a legal argument against a statement based on ethics and then uses an ethical argument against statement based on the law. The funny part is that I don't think he realizes he is doing it. I think he actually believes he is a great debater.


Trolling Hypocrites
May 27, 2007
Northern Ontario,
So is it a legal issue or a moral one?
You tell that guy that a crow is "black' and he will argue that it is "white"..

He'll even go as far as paint one white to argue his point..;-)

Or he'll switch the argument to other birds thinking it will prove his point, which is actualy arguing for argument's sake:roll: