I predict the Conservtives will drop a couple points over this.
Mike Harris and Preston Manning just tabled a policy paper for the bone-headed neo-cons at the Fraser Institute. They tried to claim it was a research paper on Politics On NewsWorld, but the truth is that the Fraser Institute does no research...they put out policy papers.
Anyway, as part of the Fraser Institute's ongoing War on Canada, this pair of aging miscreants have come up with a paper suggesting that the feds get out of health care, the Canada Health Act be trashed, and the provinces be allowed allowed to experiment with various kinds and levels of privatization...including private insurance.
They have the full backing of Ralph Klein, of course.
So here we go. The Harperites' three pillars of robbing the poor to give to the rich have come out in public. They want make profits more important than not dying.
Harper refused to answer questions on it as he watched yet another vampiric secret agenda be dragged out into the light of day to sizzle in the sunlight.