Prediction Time


Electoral Member
Feb 21, 2005
Lesser Vancouver
Hmmm? Based on the general public's memory of recent events having the lifespan of a gnat, I confidently predict the following:
Liberals: 130
Conservatives: 100
BQ: 55
NDP: 22
Independent: 1
Result: Another Liberal Minority. Or in other words, another election that accomplishes nothing! Why? The only place the Libs will be punished is in the Atlantic Provinces and possibly the West Coast. The Conservatives are going nowhere in Ontario, Quebec and the Atlantic Provinces. The BQ is the BQ and Quebecers will continue to demonstrate their parochial view of the country with no particular concern about what any of the rest of us think. The NDP continue to be a non-factor.
As far as the Leaders go, the Economist was right, he (Martin) really is 'Mr. Dithers' while plain vanilla no hot sauce please Harper plods along his lonely road. Layton is what a friend of mine describes as 'A mile wide and an inch deep' and Duceppe continues in his role as Class Clown.
A really fine bunch to choose from isn't it? As my father always said; "Don't vote for them, it only encourages them."

Reverend Blair

Council Member
Apr 3, 2004
Everybody west of Thunder Bay says that, Mr.Mom. It's not accurate though. You are still choosing your MP and, whether your party of choice gets elected or not, MPs do a lot of work.

Since the next government will again likely be a minority government, even independents have a very direct influence.

Voting for a candidate also influences the platforms of the parties. If the BQ and NDP get a lot of votes, the Liberals move left and the Conservatives try to appear more moderate. If a lot Liberals from the left side of that party get elected, then their issues move to the forefront.

There is also press coverage. More seats gets a party more coverage, therefore they wield more influence when participating in the national conversation.

There is a lot more to our system of government than a simple win/loss quotient.


Electoral Member
Feb 21, 2005
Lesser Vancouver
Re: RE: Prediction Time

Reverend Blair said:
If you don't vote, then you have no right to complain about the resulting government. That easy.

While my father had a healthy contempt for politicians, he never failed to vote. I have followed that tradition faithfully even though there have been times when I assumed the role of the "Hatpin Lady" and closed my eyes and let the "Pencil of Fate" select my chosen servant. :roll:

Reverend Blair

Council Member
Apr 3, 2004
Canadians don't seem to really care, Crit. That's what's showing up on all the news I've seen and heard. Most of them don't even know what Gomery is. They haven't heard a name they recognized yet. The testimony is all in French, translated to English, which makes it a Quebec problem in a lot of people's minds.


Electoral Member
Mar 22, 2005
Québec, Montréal
Quebecers are still Canadian right now. ;)

Les révélations entendues aux audiences de la Commission Gomery qui enquête sur le programme fédéral de commandites, avant même la publication de celles du président de Groupaction, Jean Brault, scandalisent 81 pour cent des Québécois, dont 70 pour cent des sympathisans libéraux.

The revelations heard before the Gomery Commission has scandalized, even before Jean Brault's testimony, 81% of Quebecers in wich 70% are liberals supporter.


Electoral Member
Jan 25, 2005
After last night's CBC news which was basically 50% Pope Funeral and 50% Gomery enquiry. Then seeing my local paper today which was basically the same thing.

I would be surprised if Canadians don't start to see the "problems" that the Liberals have created. Not to say that the other parties are completely innocent but the Liberals, PQ and the BQ have all been caught with the hands still in the cookie jar.

Its amusing to see the Liberals jump all over the Conservative party when one of their party workers does something questionable and claim that it is the entire Conservative party that thinks or acts that way. But when it is one of their own workers or MP's then it is an individual problem and by no means indicates that a party can be implicated by the actions of one of its members. Quite funny actually. Pot and the kettle. :)

I think(and hope) this thing gets plenty of media play and blows up bigtime on ALL of the political parties because I personally believe that all of the parties do it. Of course, the NDP and Conservative don't have any access to federal money but have plenty of access to provincial money.

Reverend Blair

Council Member
Apr 3, 2004
Quebecers are still Canadian right now.

Yes they are. When people hear everything in translation, a lot of them assume the scandal happened in Quebec and only in Quebec though. The recognition just isn't there because the names aren't there. This thing has also been going on for too's background noise for a lot of people now.

I would be surprised if Canadians don't start to see the "problems" that the Liberals have created.

It depends on the media coverage, but I think this will blow over in a hurry. The feeding frenzy isn't building ratings or selling papers. If it wasn't for the publication ban, this would already be gone.

You're also going to see a lot more scandals coming out...whether Harper threatens to sue or not. We've already had a taste of that with the Grewal thing. There will be more.


Electoral Member
Mar 28, 2005
Whitby, Ontario
It depends on the media coverage, but I think this will blow over in a hurry.

You keep saying this but the fact of the matter is that there are criminal trials set to begin in June. Which will be around the same time Canada will be singing, na na na na, na na na na, hey hey hey, GOOD BYE!!! to the Liberals.


House Member
Dec 1, 2004
Saint John N.B.
If Quebec does go,the only difference we will see is the incessant cries for federal dollars will be replaced with fervent cries for international welfare!.