Political lies are everywhere, but universal disasters are not lies


Trolling Hypocrites
May 27, 2007
Northern Ontario,
Why don't you shove your quran-ayat where the sun don't shine and keep your preaching to yourself!
No one in the forum believes your shity preaching anyways!

Torch light

House Member
Dec 4, 2017
My words are not for those who reject them, but for those who accept them .. and are a good news for believers and a bad omen for blasphemers.

The Quran ayat increases the fortune of believers and the misfortune of non-believers.

Quran 17: 82, which means:
(And We reveal of the Quran that which is a cure [of the psychological diseases and the ill nature] and a mercy for believers h, but wrong-doers: it only increases their loss i.)

82 h Because they will be admitted into Paradise on account of their following the Quran and working according to its statements.

82 i Because they do not believe in it, so they will lose their Next Life.


Torch light

House Member
Dec 4, 2017
Isaias is coming:

When we look at the picture in the above post #33 in this thread, which is continuously updated by the NHC, we see Isaias approaching Florida: the meteorologists expect that it will strengthen once again to become category 1 hurricane.. it is about to slam the south-eastern coast of Florida and the eastern coast of America, especially the Carolinas.

So here I warn the people of Florida and Carolina of God's wrath: to refrain from their atheism, idolatry, adultery (in the name of love that they commit) and their transgression on peoples of the earth: specially the Muslim countries, of which the USA government intends wrongfully to support the Wicked Zionists of Tel Aviv against the Arab and Muslims in Palestine.

So the American and all peoples of the earth should observe the Ten Commandments of God that God commanded in the Bible and in the Quran.



Time Out
Oct 21, 2019
isaias is coming:

When we look at the picture in the above post #33 in this thread, which is continuously updated by the nhc, we see isaias approaching florida: The meteorologists expect that it will strengthen once again to become category 1 hurricane.. It is about to slam the south-eastern coast of florida and the eastern coast of america, especially the carolinas.

So here i warn the people of florida and carolina of god's wrath: To refrain from their atheism, idolatry, adultery (in the name of love that they commit) and their transgression on peoples of the earth: Specially the muslim countries, of which the usa government intends wrongfully to support the wicked zionists of tel aviv against the arab and muslims in palestine.

So the american and all peoples of the earth should observe the ten commandments of god that god commanded in the bible and in the quran.


Torch light

House Member
Dec 4, 2017
The atheists, Satanists and Zionists words are the fiction, and they misguide people with their assertions and lies...

The likeness of atheists with people is like what Satan suggests to man.

[God – be glorified – gave a parable about the hypocrites who covenanted to help and support the Jews, but they broke their covenants, and He said:]

(Quran 5: 16. Like the devil [King Balaq] when he said to man [Balaam]: "Be ungrateful [to the grace of your Lord!]"

Then when [Balaam] became a disbeliever, [King Balaq] said: "I am quit of you; for surely I fear [that] God, the Lord of the worlds [may punish me.]"

17. So their end is, both [the king and Balaam] are in the Fire, therein dwelling forever; such is the rewarding of wrong-doers.)

The complete interpretation of these ayat:

In this instance, I mean: both 'the atheist and Zionist' and 'those who follow them and listen to their words' will lose in the end.
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Hall of Fame Member
Nov 25, 2008
Vancouver Island
Like all religions. To be fair there is some good advice in all of them. Mostly irrelevant today but at the time they had a use.
Ignoring the religious aspect for a moment the thought in the bible of taking Sunday off is still a good idea. I learned a lot about this being self employed, I would just work everyday until there was nothing left of me.
The other has to do with care of food when there is no refigeration.

Torch light

House Member
Dec 4, 2017
Quran 17: 99, which means:
(Have they not seen that God Who created the heavens and the earth is Able to create the like of them?
Moreover He has appointed for them a term, of which there is no doubt;
yet the wrong-doers refuse anything but to disbelieve [and deny the truth.]

See the complete interpretation here:

Comment about this aya:
God Who created the planets including the earth is All-Able to create the like of them, and God has appointed for everyone his death hour... there is no doubt about the death .. but in spite of this the wrong-doers cannot believe on account of their transgression and wrong-doing.
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Torch light

House Member
Dec 4, 2017
This world would function better without religions of any sort.

These are only the assertions of atheists, blasphemers and Satanists.

Not every religion is true: God's religion the Islam: the exclusive devotion to God alone without associate or son is the truth.

How can you live without admitting God Who created you and is Most Merciful to you and is All-Seeing and All-Hearing of your words and acts??

The atheist is the liar in fact: so by means of asserting his words, wants to turn the falsehood into truth, and this is impossible.

So to whom you complain your suffering and ask your need and ask for mercy and ask for safety? .. the atheist is the liar.. so he complains to his cup of wine..

Quran 10: 12, which means:
(When the affliction visits man, he calls on Us:

>> [when he is ill, lying in bed] on his side [to cure him of his illness],

>> or sedentary [and cannot stand; he calls on Us to cure his legs],

>> or standing [: he calls on Us to remove his affliction.]

But when We have removed his affliction from him, he goes on [with his disbelief and hypocrisy], as if he never called on Us to [remove] an affliction that visited him.

Thus have [devils] made the deeds of 'those having a lot of sins' seemly to them.

The interpretation by Mohammed-Ali Hassan Al-Hilly
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Hubba Hubba
Apr 18, 2005
Das Kapital
Scientists and meteorologists expect that hurricanes are getting stronger year after another.
They think it is due to the Global Warming.
To us, the Quran interpreter and the believers with him, we think the reason for this is more serious:
It is true that there is a process of the earth and its atmosphere getting warmer year after another,
but this may be due to the earth getting nearer to the sun more than before.

They 'think'? Don't come here with 'think'.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 25, 2008
Vancouver Island
These are only the assertions of atheists, blasphemers and Satanists.
Not every religion is true: God's religion the Islam: the exclusive devotion to God alone without associate or son is the truth.
How can you live without admitting God Who created you and is Most Merciful to you and is All-Seeing and All-Hearing of your words and acts??
The atheist is the liar in fact: so by means of asserting his words, wants to turn the falsehood into truth, and this is impossible.
So to whom you complain your suffering and ask your need and ask for mercy and ask for safety? .. the atheist is the liar.. so he complains to his cup of wine..
Quran 10: 12, which means:
(When the affliction visits man, he calls on Us:
>> [when he is ill, lying in bed] on his side [to cure him of his illness],
>> or sedentary [and cannot stand; he calls on Us to cure his legs],
>> or standing [: he calls on Us to remove his affliction.]
But when We have removed his affliction from him, he goes on [with his disbelief and hypocrisy], as if he never called on Us to [remove] an affliction that visited him.
Thus have [devils] made the deeds of 'those having a lot of sins' seemly to them.
The interpretation by Mohammed-Ali Hassan Al-Hilly
You should learn a little biology. Gawd did not create you. Your father not withdrawing did.

Torch light

House Member
Dec 4, 2017
You should learn a little biology. Gawd did not create you. Your father not withdrawing did.

Certainly, your father inserted you, but who created the seed?
The father did not decide, neither did the mother? The father did not control and did not create the sperms, neither did he decide it would be a male or a female, neither did he decide his shape and color and his biology.

Quran 56: 58-59, which mean:
(58. Have you considered [the semen] which you emit [into the wombs.]
59. Do you yourselves create it [as an embryo] or are We the Creators?)

See the complete interpretation of these ayat here:

Torch light

House Member
Dec 4, 2017
Therefore, you see the sun come from the East, and you say it is because of the rotation of the earth around its axis.. this is true.. but it is God That rotated it around its axis and He created the earth and the entire universe.
Therefore, consider these great ayat of the soora 56: 57-74, which mean:

(57. It is We Who have created you: why then will you not accept the truth [about the ‘sending of souls to the Next Life’?]

58. Have you considered [the semen] which you emit [into the wombs.]
59. Do you yourselves create it [as an embryo] or are We the Creators?

60. It is We who have ordained death among you, and We have not done it before,
61. to exchange [new bodies:] the likes of you, and to reincarnate you [again] into [these new bodies], that you know not about [their recreation.]
62. And having known the first formation, why don’t you then consider?

63. Will you consider that which you cultivate?
64. Is it you [yourselves] who plant [and grow] it, or are We the planter?
65. Had We willed [to harm and deprive you of it], We could have made it broken straw [without grains], and you would then have repeated your words, saying:
66. "We are the losers."
67. "In fact, We are completely deprived [of the fruit and product of our cultivation.]"

68. Will you [people] consider the water which you drink?
69. Is it you that send it down from the clouds, or are We the sender?
70. Had We willed [to harm and deprive you of it], We could have made it 'bitter and salty' [like the sea water]; so would you now be grateful [for such bounties which God bestows on you?]

71. Have you considered the fire which you ignite by striking?
72. Is it you who produce its tree, or are We the Producer?
73. We have made it an admonition and a boon for those dwelling in the wilderness.

74. Then glorify the name of your Glorious Lord.)

See the complete interpretation of these great ayat here:



Listen also to this nice recitatl of this great soora 56 in the book of the Quran
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Torch light

House Member
Dec 4, 2017
Isaia is coming certainly:

This hurricane weakened to a tropical storm, and once again it has strengthened may be to become a hurricane, and to
make its landfall not on Florida, but on Carolina; God is the All-Knowing.

This dangerous storm has soaked the eastern coast of the US which may be followed by dangerous effect of other storms .. God is the All-Knowing.



Time Out
Oct 21, 2019
Isaia is coming certainly:

This hurricane weakened to a tropical storm, and once again it has strengthened may be to become a hurricane, and to
make its landfall not on Florida, but on Carolina; God is the All-Knowing.

This dangerous storm has soaked the eastern coast of the US which may be followed by dangerous effect of other storms .. God is the All-Knowing.

God is fiction, weather is physics.

Torch light

House Member
Dec 4, 2017
God is fiction, weather is physics.

God is True.. the atheist is wrong. Physics is the creation of God Almighty.

To God belong the physics: the material world and the metaphysics: the spiritual world. God has given to man only a little bit of the knowledge of the material world, and many men denied His existence.. God does not guide the wrong-doing man.

God has complete disposal about the wind: whether it is violent or smooth, hot or cold, etc.

Quran 2: 164, which means:
(Behold, ---
>> in the creation of the heavens and the earth;
>> in the succession of the night and the day;
>> in ships which run upon the sea with that which benefits people;
>> in the [rain] water that God sends down from the sky, thereby reviving the land [with the plant and fruit] after its death, and dispersing all kinds of beasts therein;
>> and in the changing of winds,
>> and in the cloud [that God] has subjected between the sky and the earth,
--- are signs to people who understand.)

See the complete interpretation by Mohammed-Ali Hassan Al-Hilly here:

Such ayat of the Quran will guide many people, and will turn many people in the opposite direction: will increase them in contumacy and arrogance: this is up to God's guidance or misguidance.

Therefore, you atheist, will come to know your God Almighty and Most Gracious either in this World or in the Afterlife when you will regret. So why do you deny and all signs indicate God's might? This is not good for you in this life of the World also when you will be afflicted: then to whom will you resort.. and you insist "fiction" it maybe you will be worse than fiction and you wish you would be fiction.
Your pride will prevent you tell others about your situation.

Torch light

House Member
Dec 4, 2017
Moreover, God gave to man a little trivial bit of knowledge about the physics, and many people denied even the existence of their God while they go on in their lusts and commit the disobedience of God Most Gracious.. so God will nt give them more knowledge especially about the metaphysics: the spirit world or the Afterlife.

Quran 96: 5-8, which mean, that is in the first soora revealed to Prophet Mohammed:

(5. He [God] taught man [some knowledge and some sciences] that he [man] did not know [before that.]

6. [Moreover, man longs to know the forefuture and the metaphysics.]
No, [We shall not teach him that; for then] man will surely rebel a.

7. If he knew [the metaphysics or the forefuture], he would forgo [the religion and the heavenly scriptures and would deny the existence of the Creator.] b

[Then God – be glorified – started to threaten this associater who denied the ‘sending to the Next Life’ and the ‘Judgment’, so He said:]
8. Finally, the return [of the unbeliever c] will be to your Lord d)

6 a i.e. will blaspheme and will be arrogant.

7 b i.e. he would say: I do not need the religion.

It is also narrated that the Prophet – salam to him – said: “Think about creatures, but do not think about the [essence of the] Creator.”

8 c After his separation from his material body.

8 d Then We shall punish him for his unbelief, association and denial of the ‘sending to the Next Life’ and denial of the Judgment.

See the complete interpretation of the entire soora {it is a short soora: the first soora revealed to Prophet Mohammed - salam to him}

Here is also the beautiful recitation of this great soora:

Torch light

House Member
Dec 4, 2017
"Isaias regains hurricane strength and is expected to make landfall tonight with dangerous winds and storm surge... ...strong winds and heavy rainfall likely from the eastern carolinas to the mid-atlantic coast tonight and Tuesday"



Hall of Fame Member
Nov 25, 2008
Vancouver Island
God is True.. the atheist is wrong. Physics is the creation of God Almighty.
To God belong the physics: the material world and the metaphysics: the spiritual world. God has given to man only a little bit of the knowledge of the material world, and many men denied His existence.. God does not guide the wrong-doing man.
God has complete disposal about the wind: whether it is violent or smooth, hot or cold, etc.
Quran 2: 164, which means:
(Behold, ---
>> in the creation of the heavens and the earth;
>> in the succession of the night and the day;
>> in ships which run upon the sea with that which benefits people;
>> in the [rain] water that God sends down from the sky, thereby reviving the land [with the plant and fruit] after its death, and dispersing all kinds of beasts therein;
>> and in the changing of winds,
>> and in the cloud [that God] has subjected between the sky and the earth,
--- are signs to people who understand.)
See the complete interpretation by Mohammed-Ali Hassan Al-Hilly here:
Such ayat of the Quran will guide many people, and will turn many people in the opposite direction: will increase them in contumacy and arrogance: this is up to God's guidance or misguidance.
Therefore, you atheist, will come to know your God Almighty and Most Gracious either in this World or in the Afterlife when you will regret. So why do you deny and all signs indicate God's might? This is not good for you in this life of the World also when you will be afflicted: then to whom will you resort.. and you insist "fiction" it maybe you will be worse than fiction and you wish you would be fiction.
Your pride will prevent you tell others about your situation.
Got proof? Not some crap in your book of tall tales.