Police State News 3


Senate Member
Mar 8, 2005
Kamloops BC
As you san see its happening in our country too :x
Our city here has purchased a night vision capable camera thats portable 8O They move it around the city I have pics of it :evil:


Senate Member
Mar 8, 2005
Kamloops BC
What does photo radar have to do with a night vision camera that can be put up to watch my house or neighborhood :? What it got to do with camera's going up all over citys downtown cores to watch people :? My father and his father never had to put up with this shit and I won't either :x Where does it end ITN go take a look at London cameras up the ass there.Now there going to tax pople by the mile in their cars :evil: F**k that shit my car will never become a cab for the goverment :wink:

I think not

Hall of Fame Member
Apr 12, 2005
The Evil Empire
Well they won't get me either, I have a nice piece of property in the middle of nowhere. I'll build my house, hookup the internet and drive Peapod up the wall for the next few decades on Canadian Content :p


Senate Member
Mar 8, 2005
Kamloops BC
No is it good Jay? :? Everytime one of you guys mention a book and I go looking for it in this town people look at me like I'm from outer space :lol: I love it 8)

Vanni Fucci

Senate Member
Dec 26, 2004
8th Circle, 7th Bolgia
The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion has been dismissed by most as a forgery, and it is considered anti-semitic hate literature by the ADL...

So yeah, you might get a few looks for that one...not that you could get a copy anyway...I'll see if I can find an online copy for you though...


Electoral Member
Dec 6, 2004
Whitby, Ontario
mrmom2 said:
They know were you live and everything about you

So what? So what that they know everything about me. I mean as long as they use what ever information in a proper way.

I mean I lead a regular life, but I have never come across any instance where I feel my rights or privacy has been violated, and I don't see how things are getting worse.

What are all of you hiding that this angers you so much?


Executive Branch Member
Jan 7, 2005
Hmmm. I thought you would have. Look it up, you will find a copy of it online....remember this is something they would ban at the boarder, it is often considered anti-Semitic, but I don't look at that way. It is required reading for any conspiracy theorist. To fully appreciate it, you have to understand the history behind the document….

It is generally referred to as The Protocols of the Wise Men of Zion.

I saw it mentioned in the link you provided. You must read it; it will blow your mind….let me know if you do read it, and what you think of it.


Electoral Member
Dec 6, 2004
Whitby, Ontario
mrmom2 said:
Now there going to tax pople by the mile in their cars :evil: F**k that shit my car will never become a cab for the goverment :wink:

This is a proposal to curtain car use in the UK as they are running out of room and the entire country is going to be in a total state of gridlock in a few decades if nothing changes. This will cost the UK billions of pounds each year.

Tolling via GPS is better than having endless toll boths or paying lump sum tolls regardless of your use.


Senate Member
Mar 8, 2005
Kamloops BC
Step right up and pay another tax hey Das :? That way only the rich will be able to use the public built roads :x Lets just track and trace everybody it would help with crime :? Why don't we all just hand over all our rights eh? :roll: Get ready to hand over your key board dude :wink:

Vanni Fucci

Senate Member
Dec 26, 2004
8th Circle, 7th Bolgia
Re: RE: Police State News 3

Jay said:
I saw it mentioned in the link you provided. You must read it; it will blow your mind….let me know if you do read it, and what you think of it.

I have read it...although it was awhile ago, and I should read it again, I remember thinking that it was relevent to what was happening in many places around the world....

...and no I don't believe that they are necessarily anti-semitic, or a forgery...but I think there are those that wish them to remain taboo...


Electoral Member
Dec 6, 2004
Whitby, Ontario
mrmom2 said:
Step right up and pay another tax hey Das :? That way only the rich will be able to use the public built roads :x Lets just track and trace everybody it would help with crime :? Why don't we all just hand over all our rights eh? :roll: Get ready to hand over your key board dude :wink:

Sure it could be construed as a tax, but really is a pay per use service. If you don't want to pay, then don't drive. Of course if they brought this in, I would expect they would cut taxes by the amount that they currently collect for roads.

Tolls roads are not violation of my rights, and as for tracking, well who cares. People can track me all they want, it is no different than how I live now.

If I go on the 407, if I use my cell phone, each time I scan in at work, each time I use my credit card or debit card. I think you are making unreal leaps.


Senate Member
Mar 8, 2005
Kamloops BC
Thanks Vanni I punched into my faves 8) The wife will be happy :lol: Another online book to read :evil: :lol: :lol: :lol:
Das why should we just give up rights our forefathers fought and died for :? Because the leeches that run our country say so :x I don't think so .Do you think its going to make you safer or something ?Are you another one of those people that have been sold the lie the big bad Arab with a bomb is coming to get them :p I tell you what if some terrorist wants to hit Canada it won't be hard .There is no way the RCMP will be able to stop it .I would be more worried about what the goverment has planned for you than some crazy terrorist :wink:


Executive Branch Member
Jan 7, 2005
It is supposed to be "forged" by a Russian after a book written in France a while back....I have never been able to find that book though.

Who ever wrote that document revealed allot IMO.

The document seems to only have a place in the under ground...I asked a history teacher of mine about it, and he had never even heard of it before, but when he did find out about it, I think I lost a few points with him...


Senate Member
Mar 8, 2005
Kamloops BC
Where to start Hmmmm .How about the goverment not knowing what I'm spending my money on for starters .How about the freedom to get in my car and go where i want without some goverment official knowing .Where do you think this will all lead ?I think it will lead to enslavement.It's called the cashless society electronic control grid and we are not very far from it :wink: Everything you buy everywhere you go everything you do track and traced by the state .I'm sorry but politicians lie corporations lie and their take of money never seems to go down only up :x