Gravity: Dark matter + Antimatter
1 - dark matter is 27% in universe
2 - normal matter is 5% in universe,
it means anti-matter must be also 5%.
So, dark-matter cannot be anti-matter
1 - dark matter has stuff and therefore
must feel gravity (takes part in gravity process)
But it doesn't reflect light or give off light
It means dark matter doesn't have electromagnetic
force (doesn't have electric charge)
2- we don't know what kind of particles it is made of
3 - anti-matter is made of anti-particles
Anti-particles have their own pure electric charge.
So, dark-matter cannot be anti-matter
1 - if dark matter doesn't have electric charge (neither normal,
nor anti-normal) then it is passive stuff
2 - the gravity-matter is the weakest force
(it is about 10^36 times weaker than the EM force)
3 - antimatter force is also 10^36 stronger than dark-matter
It means, anti-force has enough power to manipulate
with passive dark-matter to create black - gravity effect
To create ''normal-gravity'' is needed energy and matter
Antimatter is source of energy and dark-matter is source of mass
Their interaction can (with logW of probability) create black- gravity effect
With time black-gravity evolves into normal-gravity effect