Points and Spaces
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January 21, 2019 by
Louis Hissink
Physics is dominated by the idea that matter is made of sub-atomic particles, protons, neutrons, electrons and the rest of the particles in the quantum zoo.
Newton’s and Coulomb’s forces for bodies or particles are represented by equations in which time is absent, meaning that both the electric and gravitational forces operate instantaneously.
Both equations assume that bodies can be represented by a point, in the case of gravity as the centre of mass. The centre of mass is an artefact and not physical.
So what is a Newtonian body? It’s made of particles inside a bounded volume of…space. What is space? It is the absence of matter, in this case particles. Space represents “nothing”. But we cannot have nothing between one particle and another particle since for gravity and the electric force to work, something physical must connect one to the other. Physical signals cannot pass through nothing.
Physics has thus invoked the Quantum domain that is a metaphor for the Aether proposed by the 19th century scientists. The Aether allows the propagation of light, among other phenomena.
The problem is the creation of the duality of observed and observer that creates space. Physically it is the idea of describing matter as particles suspended in space that is the problem. In an inanimate universe, as assumed by the Newtonians, space is unphysical and hence the Aether had to be proposed to allow information to pass from one particle to another, As the Aether is not politically correct, the Quantum domain, in all its incomprehendibility replaced the Aether.
It is the human brain, or consciousness, that creates space by the activity of thinking and forming the space between the observer or ego, and the observed, or body/particle. In much the same way consciousness seems to have also formed the Universe in which particles are suspended in space.
It starts to make sense if we instead assume life is a complex hologram as imagined by the physicist David Bohm. Then reality is all waves and particles become interference patterns in light. Particles only exist in our imaginations, not physically as separate physical entities.
And when the temperature of matter is raised to the state of red glow, glow mode in the plasma sense, then it becomes a thermionic emitter and emits light as energy. This light seems to have been transformed into photons by the human brain’s thinking habit necessitating the existence of particles in order to allow Newton’s and Coulomb’s equations to “work”.
Physically there are no electrons, protons, neutrons or photons. They only exist in our imagination, and if this is the case, then the Indian holy-men or Yogis, who assert that reality is an illusion, are closer to the truth.
This suggests monistic idealism, the model that consciousness is continually forming physically reality, is the model of reality that is compatible with observations. This idea is best interpreted by the aphorism that it’s not the means that justify the ends, nor the end the means, but that the means are the ends.
In addition: It is the human brain by the action of thinking that creates particles and hence space. Hence as space physically exists, then consciousness has to be forming physical reality, and not vice versa.
Update: It is also the human brain that created the duality of the present and tomorrow. a metaphysical or psychological space, between which exists time. The future only exists in our imagination or mind, and because it is formed from our memory, the future is always made of the past, It does not exist and when we do arrive at the future, it is still the present. And if you have no memory, then the past and the future would cease to exist.