He didn't grow it in two. It was eight. The entire time he has been PM. Trust me, I looked into it.
Albeit a nefarious creep undoubtedly occupying a lair deep under Mt. Royal.He's smarter than you.
That's still some pretty fucking shrewd "investing", wouldn't you say?He didn't grow it in two. It was eight. The entire time he has been PM. Trust me, I looked into it.
Yes, well. . . one would only expect that, eh?Albeit a nefarious creep undoubtedly occupying a lair deep under Mt. Royal.
Really?If I was Prime Minister, the first thing I would get rid of was his political appointments, from judges to senators. Our Senate is an absolute partisan joke that gets stacked both ways, depending on who is in charge. Senators and judges are not looking out for the best interests of Canadians, they are shilling for the party who put them there in that appointment.
The Senate and the courts should be A-Political, unfortunately, they have been perverted by the politicos.
If I was Prime Minister, the first thing I would get rid of was his political appointments, from judges to senators.
Our Senate is an absolute partisan joke that gets stacked both ways, depending on who is in charge.
Senators and judges are not looking out for the best interests of Canadians, they are shilling for the party who put them there in that appointment.
The Senate and the courts should be A-Political, unfortunately, they have been perverted by the politicos.
That's still some pretty fucking shrewd "investing", wouldn't you say?
I would scrap the senate and start fresh.Would you get rid of those who Harper put in too?
I would scrap the senate and start fresh.Exactly, so getting rid of anything Trudeau put in but not Harper would prove bias.
Elected presents the same problem, but if we could isolate the senate into doing what it's supposed to do, is be the the last unbiased look at a piece of legislation before stamping it or sending it back, that would be a start.So... should we elect them like in the US?
I completely agree. Even the Privy counsel has become politicized. We need some big changes to the rules, not that what I say matters a whole lot.There is no way for them NOT to be political if appointed by people in Government.
I'd declare a national "tits out" policy.
On tits. See, this is your problem. . .Policy on what?
What is your policy on tits? Photos and good sketches welcome.On tits. See, this is your problem. . .
What part of "Tits out" do you need help with?What is your policy on tits? Photos and good sketches welcome.
The visuals.What part of "Tits out" do you need help with?