Pickup truck drivers are the worst drivers on the road..


Hall of Fame Member
Jun 9, 2004
Location, Location
There are several reasons I doubt your word.

Yes, there are some crazy ones out there. Like Ron advised ... report them. The sad part is, there is a shortage of drivers and a lot of companies will hire those of any calibre. Independents are pushed to the max just to keep ahead of the repo and tax men. A lot of them are just plain tired. Then you have the out-of-province guys running just-in-time deliveries. One traffic tie up and their paycheque's shot. The truck driver schools always show a smiling trucker on a wide-open road. Why do they never show Port Union at 5 o'clock or some poor sap changing tires in a prairie midnight snowstorm?

I remember being in a truck stop where two guys who hauled wood chips were talking. One guy had just done his year end.

'I had an income of $172,900', he said.

The other guy nodded.

"course, expenses were $175,000...."

mind you, I know the kinds of stuff you can bury into your expenses if you're careful, so I took it with a grain of salt, but still - just because the numbers are big, doesn't mean there's a profit.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 14, 2006
Vancouver Island
If you were in the passing lane, you are supposed to be passing ... and as quickly as you safely can. It sounds to me like the truck was running out of road.

Totally 'wrong', he came speeding up on my right, as we were approaching the end of the passing lanes, I had been ahead of him , and was starting to slow down, and it wasn't the time for me to change lanes, the passing lanes were coming to an end,and
speed limit changed, I had never passed him, sorry to dissapoint you, but I am totally
aware of the situation, and you second guessing me, is ignorant, you were not there,
and I don't understand why you would think I was at fault, and assumed I didn't understand my situation, there was noone else around, there was no need for me to
change lanes, as lanes were coming to an end.
Yes he was running out of road, because he was speeding to try to get past me before
the lanes ran out, he was driving dangerously, and had no business trying to race up
aside me, he could have comfortably slid in behind me, he was at fault and driving
like a maniac, it wasn't my responsibility to take care of his situation, I was ahead of him
and had the right of way as we ran out of double lanes, yes, if I had noticed how fast he
was going, and saw that he was trying to race me to the end of the lanes, I could have
slowed right down to almost a stop and give him the road, that would have been kind
of strange and unusual.
He had lots of time to rethink his situation, and make adjustments, he chose not to,
and rather than think of my safety, he chose to take care of himself, and leave me to
figure out how to save myself, and I did., so we were both OK, thankfully, he must
have gone flying into the slower speed area, doing about 110.

lone wolf

Grossly Underrated
Nov 25, 2006
In the bush near Sudbury
Were you or were you not in the passing lane?

Where did I say anyone was at fault? That's your assumption. You're right. I wasn't there ... but if he was coming up on your right, that tells me you were driving in the passing lane. I can only go by your description. No matter who was right or wrong, I really only have one piece of advice for you: Never argue right of way with someone who has a 40 ton weight advantage on you. Chances are, yours wouldn't be the only report against him.
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Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan
I guess they are going to have to pass it along sooner or later. Fuel prices are said to be going down again but a man shouldn't have to live so damn close to the edge.

You might be very shocked at just how much of the increase in fuel and equipment costs
in the last couple of years HAVEN'T been passed along to the customers by the Transport
Companies due to locked in contracts, or customers just refusing to pay increasing fuel subsidies
or threatening to use out of country Transport Companies who get the benefit of their trucks
costing 25% less, and their fuel (IFTA aside) being less expensive, and less expensive insurance,
and being ten times the size with five times the driver turn-over who don't care if they bankrupt
their employee's in order to choke out the competition.

Many, many Canadian companies have just tightened their belts and crossed their fingers, while
praying that times would get better in the USA so their drivers are less desperate and have work
in their own country, and that the Liberals would lose so that "Green Shift" thing would just
fade into the sunset before it hamstrung the industry even further. Lone Wolf has to have been
involved in the business as he knows what he's talk'n about. He can verify this. Financial margins
have just gotten tighter, and tighter, and tighter....and regulations on both sides of the border are
already very tight.

Ontario is getting speed regulators very soon....if you think the 401 is dangerous now, just wait
until the Trucks are flowing at 100km/h when the rest of the traffic is flowing at 115-130km/h.
Can you imagine trying to merge or lane change something 75ft long that can only move at a
maximum speed much slower than the flow of traffic? Oh well...


May 24, 2006
Totally 'wrong', he came speeding up on my right, as we were approaching the end of the passing lanes, I had been ahead of him , and was starting to slow down, and it wasn't the time for me to change lanes, the passing lanes were coming to an end,and
speed limit changed, I had never passed him, sorry to dissapoint you, but I am totally
aware of the situation, and you second guessing me, is ignorant, you were not there,
and I don't understand why you would think I was at fault, and assumed I didn't understand my situation, there was noone else around, there was no need for me to
change lanes, as lanes were coming to an end.
Yes he was running out of road, because he was speeding to try to get past me before
the lanes ran out, he was driving dangerously, and had no business trying to race up
aside me, he could have comfortably slid in behind me, he was at fault and driving
like a maniac, it wasn't my responsibility to take care of his situation, I was ahead of him
and had the right of way as we ran out of double lanes, yes, if I had noticed how fast he
was going, and saw that he was trying to race me to the end of the lanes, I could have
slowed right down to almost a stop and give him the road, that would have been kind
of strange and unusual.
He had lots of time to rethink his situation, and make adjustments, he chose not to,
and rather than think of my safety, he chose to take care of himself, and leave me to
figure out how to save myself, and I did., so we were both OK, thankfully, he must
have gone flying into the slower speed area, doing about 110.
My only question would be why did you start to slow down?


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 14, 2006
Vancouver Island
My only question would be why did you start to slow down?
It's really amazing how I am being questioned about this incident, is it because I am not
a man. well, I am a excellent driver, have driven trucks/campers and whatever, everywhere over the years, have driven all over the province, down south to arizona, all over california, pulling trailers etc etc. Never had an accident.
If you read my post thoroughly I allready explained that the speed limit was changing as the passing lanes were coming to an end, and the little village of bowser was just ahead,
right down to 60 clicks, just before lanes ended.
I'm not going to explain myself again on this thread, it is becoming insulting.