Palestinian Terrorist Again Using Children as Shields.


Custom Troll
Sep 24, 2006
Hey Gopher, was that proof good enough for you?

Just curious, you didn't say anything.

HELLLLLOOOOOO, gopher! You still out there?!!!
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Custom Troll
Sep 24, 2006
``` you didn't say anything```

see post 71 for my earlier reply

Sorry, my bad, I missed that.

Here is a quote from that HRW article. It seems pretty clear cut to me.

"Human Rights Watch’s research found that on a number of occasions Hezbollah unjustifiably endangered Lebanese civilians by storing weapons in civilian homes, firing rockets from populated areas, and allowing its fighters to operate from civilian homes. Hezbollah also used children as active combatants, another violation of the law. "

That seems pretty clear to me, the Hezbollah is just as guilty.

Do you agree?


Hall of Fame Member
Jun 26, 2005
Minnesota: Gopher State
Note how it says "research" which means that there may be some basis for the accusation. By contrast in that same article it says Israeli violations were "documented". In legal parlance there is a huge distinction.

Note that the accusations against Hezbollah made in 1996 were found to be baseless. Three months since the initial accusations have gone by and still no definitive documentation has been proferred to warrant any convictions. It would seem to me that 3 months is sufficient time to gather evidence and to make a holding that guilt has been established.


Custom Troll
Sep 24, 2006
Note how it says "research" which means that there may be some basis for the accusation. By contrast in that same article it says Israeli violations were "documented". In legal parlance there is a huge distinction.

Note that the accusations against Hezbollah made in 1996 were found to be baseless. Three months since the initial accusations have gone by and still no definitive documentation has been proferred to warrant any convictions. It would seem to me that 3 months is sufficient time to gather evidence and to make a holding that guilt has been established.

Ahhh, come on Gopher, this is getting siily. You can not just dismiss facts because you don't like them, I like your perspective, hell you're smart and passionate. Don't be so one sided, that you make your views invalid.

That article I linked there, is from Israel's last lil tete et tete with the Hezbollah. So is that qoute.


Hall of Fame Member
Jun 26, 2005
Minnesota: Gopher State
'''dismiss facts'''

The truth of those "facts", or, more correctly, accusations, are to be ascertained in a court of law or other institution charged with investigating and providing remedies for violations of the law.

We are all entitled to our opinions but must defer to those institutions to ascertain those truths.


Time Out
Jan 5, 2006
I agree with your summation of the facts CDNBear. Hezbollah is guilty of war crimes. So is Israel.

But the original Hezbollah raid which captured 2 IDF soldiers was not a war crime. Technically Israel and Lebanon are still at war. The Hezbollah raid on the IDF only involved military personnel. An important distinction is the Hezbollah raid did not target civilians and respected the April Agreement.

...In 1996, in an attempt to crush the Lebanese resistance, Israel launched a similar 16-day blitz on Lebanon. This ended with the shelling of the UN compound in Kana and the death there of 106 civilians. An informal agreement – called the April Agreement – was drawn up in which both Israel and Hezbollah agreed not to attack civilian targets. This is important as it has been pointed out that Hezbollah’s attack on Israeli outpost, whatever its merits or demerits may be, does not violate this April agreement. Israel’s so-called response in which it has attacked the infrastructure and civilian population of Lebanon does. As a matter of record, the UN monitoring body in Southern Lebanon has found Israel to be 10 times more guilty of violations across the border (or Blue Line in the current War terminology) than Hezbollah.

Hezbollah has fired a few Katyushas in the last six years and has had a few border skirmishes. Before the current war, the total casualty count from this has been one death. The large-scale rocket barrage on Northern Israel started only after Israel’s aerial bombardment of Lebanon. Before this, it had largely respected the April agreement and played within these rules of the game. Israel has also fired and shelled across the border on numerous occasions. Therefore, to argue that Israel needs a special security zone free from Hezbollah while it has been the one that has attacked Lebanon thrice only shows the skewed nature of the current media discourse...

I'm not surprised most people don't know about the April Agreement or Israel's deliberate violation of this agreement when it escalated a minor border skirmish to lay waste to all of Lebanon, kill more than 1000 innocent civlians and displace about one million people.

I believe all is fair in love and war. But lets be straight about who did what to whom and when. Israel, not Hezbollah crossed the line first to include civilian targets first. During the first two days of this dispute, Hezbollah did not target Israeli civilians as per the April Agreement. Only after it became clear that Israel had no intention of respecting the terms of the April Agreement did Hezbollah declare "war without limits".

Israel didn't have to target Lebanese civilians. They could have respected its agreement with Lebanon not to target civilians, but they made a deliberate choice to commit war crimes.

Those of you who believe that Hezbollah was wrong to target Israeli civilians in response to Israel's attacks on Lebanese civilians should post what they think would have been an appropriate response to Israel's violation of the April Agreement and subsequent war crimes.

Consider also, why did Israel finally agree to a ceasefire? If Hezbollah did not launch rocket attacks on Israeli civilians, would Israel have just kept killing Lebanese civilians?

So yes Hezbollah committed war crimes. But they were in response to Israel's far greater war crimes.

Logic 7

Council Member
Jul 17, 2006
Peace will come when the Arabs will love their children more than they hate us. - Golda Meir

Peace will come when americans will kick their governement ass, same with israelis.

Logic 7 october 2006.

This is what ALBERT EINSTEIN AND HANNA ARENGHT( two great jewish) think of israel made by people like golda meir.

"""Among the most disturbing political phenomena of our times is the emergence in the newly created state of Israel of the �Freedom Party� (Tnuat Haherut), a political party closely akin in its organization, methods, political philosophy and social appeal to the Nazi and Fascist parties. It was formed out of the membership and following of the former Irgun Zvai Leumi, a terrorist, right-wing, chauvinist organization in Palestine."""

But i guess they are anti-semite, the great popular song sang over the world by great zionists.


Custom Troll
Sep 24, 2006
I agree with your summation of the facts CDNBear. Hezbollah is guilty of war crimes. So is Israel.

But the original Hezbollah raid which captured 2 IDF soldiers was not a war crime. Technically Israel and Lebanon are still at war. The Hezbollah raid on the IDF only involved military personnel. An important distinction is the Hezbollah raid did not target civilians and respected the April Agreement.

I'm not surprised most people don't know about the April Agreement or Israel's deliberate violation of this agreement when it escalated a minor border skirmish to lay waste to all of Lebanon, kill more than 1000 innocent civlians and displace about one million people.

I believe all is fair in love and war. But lets be straight about who did what to whom and when. Israel, not Hezbollah crossed the line first to include civilian targets first. During the first two days of this dispute, Hezbollah did not target Israeli civilians as per the April Agreement. Only after it became clear that Israel had no intention of respecting the terms of the April Agreement did Hezbollah declare "war without limits".

Israel didn't have to target Lebanese civilians. They could have respected its agreement with Lebanon not to target civilians, but they made a deliberate choice to commit war crimes.

Those of you who believe that Hezbollah was wrong to target Israeli civilians in response to Israel's attacks on Lebanese civilians should post what they think would have been an appropriate response to Israel's violation of the April Agreement and subsequent war crimes.

Consider also, why did Israel finally agree to a ceasefire? If Hezbollah did not launch rocket attacks on Israeli civilians, would Israel have just kept killing Lebanese civilians?

So yes Hezbollah committed war crimes. But they were in response to Israel's far greater war crimes.

And I do see your point, but for one minute, I would like you to take a walk in my shoes.

I'm an IDF soldier, I'm at my post as ordered, I'm fufilling my obligation to my country, by serving my manditory term, or I'm a carreer soldier(I'm not sure of the soldiers cridentials).

My post is attacked, I'm over run and captured. I'm being held by a group, that neither believes in or accepts my right to exist, not the Geneva Convention.

I'm scared, I'm in deep sh*t. My only consolation is, knowing my brothers and my Nations policy of getting me back at all costs.

I have a jaded view of the Hezbollah, to say the least. The Lebonese are not my allies, and quite frankly my chances of survival are slim.

But I'm holding on to that hope, that they're coming for me.

They're coming for me.

As a soldier, not only can I sympathise with that, I'm terrified by it. I also feel his pride and his belief in his Nation, to do what is best for him. That is my point.

You may not all understand what it is like to face those facts, but I can assure you, they are real and they are terrifying. To face someone on the field of battle and know in your heart, your foe has your death on his mind, is something that not all can handle. But live lightly and freely in the fact that we are willing to do it for you. Whether you agree with it or not, that is what drives most of us.


Hall of Fame Member
Jun 26, 2005
Minnesota: Gopher State

I've marvelled at the number of times "discussions" on this site have been reduced to "ass-head" "Liberal" (I suppose for many here being called a Liberal would be tantamount to calling their parentage into question) but it seems a little childish to me....

Bear asked me to stop poking my nose in from the "dark" or some such crap and asked me to be direct...which I interpreted as use the language Bear seems most comfortable with....which as it turns out is concomitant with the level of discourse one finds on schoolyards and sleezy bars....

Sorry, I missed your post to me previously.

Bear has also said both on this thread and on another that I insulted him. Then, when I asked for specifics he said he was only joking. However, he has again said that I insulted him and others. But he still has not presented any specific quotes that show I used pejoratives on anyone.

Using pejoratives is not my style as anyone who has read my posts over the period of time I have been on this board can readily attest to. As anyone can see, I backup my views with links and with reasoned arguments. Remarkably, my answers to the questions I have gotten are ignored and the links are totally disregarded as well. Then I am the one accused of ignoring their questions!

I agree with you that at times the discourse on this forum can be childish. That is most unfortunate. Why these unwarranted accusations persist is beyond all reason. And it's time for the accusers to consider their own shortcomings before criticizing others.


Time Out
Jan 5, 2006
And I do see your point, but for one minute, I would like you to take a walk in my shoes.

I'm an IDF soldier, I'm at my post as ordered, I'm fufilling my obligation to my country, by serving my manditory term, or I'm a carreer soldier(I'm not sure of the soldiers cridentials).

My post is attacked, I'm over run and captured. I'm being held by a group, that neither believes in or accepts my right to exist, not the Geneva Convention.

I'm scared, I'm in deep sh*t. My only consolation is, knowing my brothers and my Nations policy of getting me back at all costs.

I have a jaded view of the Hezbollah, to say the least. The Lebonese are not my allies, and quite frankly my chances of survival are slim.

But I'm holding on to that hope, that they're coming for me.

They're coming for me.

As a soldier, not only can I sympathise with that, I'm terrified by it. I also feel his pride and his belief in his Nation, to do what is best for him. That is my point.

You may not all understand what it is like to face those facts, but I can assure you, they are real and they are terrifying. To face someone on the field of battle and know in your heart, your foe has your death on his mind, is something that not all can handle. But live lightly and freely in the fact that we are willing to do it for you. Whether you agree with it or not, that is what drives most of us.

In the above scenario, the soldier is defending himself or their country. I don't have any problems with soldiers who do their duty... within limits. But I do have a problem with soldiers committing war crimes or atrocities voluntarily or under orders. "I was just following orders" is not a valid defense.

Many IDF soldiers have come to the conclusion that if they carried out some IDF orders, they would be committing war crimes. They have refused to carry out those orders:

How about putting yourself in a Palestinian father's shoes for a moment. Imagine this girl was your daughter:

The Killing of Iman al-Hams

Executing Another Child in Rafah

October 25, 2004
[SIZE=-1]Iman al-Hams was a 13-year old refugee schoolgirl who was executed -- after being wounded -- by an Israeli platoon commander on the sad sands of Rafah.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=-1]According to testimonies given by soldiers in the same company to the mass Israeli daily Yedioth Ahronoth, a soldier in the watchtower identified Iman and cautioned his commander shouting, "Don't shoot. It's a little girl". The company commander, the soldiers testified, "approached her, shot two bullets into her [head], walked back towards the force, turned back to her, switched his weapon to automatic and emptied his entire magazine into her." (1) Eyewitnesses
corroborated the soldiers, account, saying that Iman was shot almost 70 meters away from the Israeli military position. After a bullet hit her leg, Iman, who was wearing her school uniform, fell. Then, they said, the officer went over to her, saw that she was bleeding from her wounds, but still shot her twice in the head to "confirm the killing", an Israeli euphemism for the practice of executing a wounded Palestinian. A cursory army investigation later cleared him of any "unethical conduct", as is customary, and suspended him only because of "poor relations with subordinates".(2)[/SIZE]

The rest here:

This was not an isolated incident. The IDF has a record of killing indiscriminately without provocation.

27 September, 2004, 14:53 GMT 15:53 UK
Gaza's tragic classroom casualties

By Alan Johnston
BBC, Gaza

Some of Raghda's classmates were too distraught to attend classes

Nine-year-old Raghda al-Assar died last week after being hit by Israeli fire while sitting at her school desk in the Gaza Strip - the fourth child hit in similar circumstances in 18 months. The BBC's Alan Johnston visits the scene of the incident:

...The UN says that the soldiers shot indiscriminately into the crowded refugee camp for more than half an hour...

Indiscriminate killing by the IDF isn't limited to Gaza and the West Bank. When the IDF went into Lebanon this summer, they also killed innocent Lebanese civilians indiscriminately:

Indiscriminate Bombardment
By Kenneth Roth, Executive Director Human Rights Watch
Published in Jerusalem Post

Why did so many Lebanese civilians lose their lives to Israeli bombing? The government line is that the IDF was doing the best it could, but these deaths were the result of Hizbullah hiding its rockets and fighters among civilians. But that assertion doesn't stand up to the facts.

Of course Hizbullah did sometimes hide among civilians, breaching its duty to do everything feasible to protect civilians and possibly committing the war crime of deliberate shielding, but that's not the full story.

Human Rights Watch investigated some two dozen bombing incidents in Lebanon involving a third of the civilians who by then had been killed. In none of those cases was Hizbullah anywhere around at the time of the attack.

How do we know? Through the same techniques we use in war zones around the world to cut through people's incentive to lie. We probed and cross-checked multiple eyewitnesses, many of whom talked openly of Hizbullah's presence elsewhere but were adamant that Hizbullah was not at the scene of the attack. We examined bombing sites for evidence of military activity such as trenches, destroyed rocket launchers and military equipment, or dead or wounded fighters....

So yes I agree with you that a soldier has a duty to defend themselves, their fellow soldiers and their country. But I do not support the indiscriminate killing of civilians. Clearly the IDF has been getting away with this for years.


Custom Troll
Sep 24, 2006
'''dismiss facts'''

The truth of those "facts", or, more correctly, accusations, are to be ascertained in a court of law or other institution charged with investigating and providing remedies for violations of the law.

We are all entitled to our opinions but must defer to those institutions to ascertain those truths.

Ok, if so what court of law has determined your conclusions that the IDF is guilty?


Custom Troll
Sep 24, 2006
Sorry, I missed your post to me previously.

Bear has also said both on this thread and on another that I insulted him. Then, when I asked for specifics he said he was only joking. However, he has again said that I insulted him and others. But he still has not presented any specific quotes that show I used pejoratives on anyone.

Using pejoratives is not my style as anyone who has read my posts over the period of time I have been on this board can readily attest to. As anyone can see, I backup my views with links and with reasoned arguments. Remarkably, my answers to the questions I have gotten are ignored and the links are totally disregarded as well. Then I am the one accused of ignoring their questions!

I agree with you that at times the discourse on this forum can be childish. That is most unfortunate. Why these unwarranted accusations persist is beyond all reason. And it's time for the accusers to consider their own shortcomings before criticizing others.

I have never accused you of insulting anyone. Perhaps, our definition of attack, is different.

I jokingly made a comment, that you took as an attack, to which I have apologised more then once. I have never attacked you in any way, and if I have, like I said before, my apologies.

You claim that you post links and back up your assertions, yet when those of us, that do not agree with your disection of the truth, post articles from your sources to the contrary, you dismiss them as accusatory, and not based in fact.

I have made more then one refferance to your intellect and my admiration of your passion. Both made in a positive way.

The only thing you have insulted, is our intellegence.

I supplied proof that the Hezbollah has committed war crimes, period. I even managed to find it at the HRW, like you said woud be the only source you would accept. Now you disregard it, and play the hurt child. Good for you. I'm not going to have a discussion with someone, that sets the rules by which they want to debate, then switches mid game, because it no longer works in their favour. Have fun.

BTW Gopher, the person you replied to with the post I quoted, began his comment to me, by calling my a communist, then later, a Neo Con. Both personal attacks. Albeit, confusing, but personal none the less.
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Hall of Fame Member
Jun 26, 2005
Minnesota: Gopher State
You say you never accused me of attacking anyone? What's this:

October 18th, 2006, 10:32 PM
CDNBear vbmenu_register("postmenu_738593", true);
Look at me!
Join Date: Sep 2006
Posts: 378

Ok, Gopher I re read your posts.

You fight the good fight, but you have attacked or rebuttled, anyone that fails to fall in line with you.

You points are valid, but your absolute-ist frame of mind, will not allow any deviation ..."


While I am mindful that you now assert to not having accused me of attacking anyone, just read your own previous words. Be also mindful that you say I "attack our intelligence" but offer no substantive proof of it.

Not so strangely, another poster used profane language and it went without any form of criticism here. That's proof of a double standard being demonstrated by certain people here, not an assault on anyone's intelligence when I point that out.

I missed the line about someone calling you a communist. While I cannot be held accountable for that, you may want to re-post it here and ask for a retraction. And note that I waited for a retraction for the insults that were directed at me but which did not come.


re the IDF in Qana in 1996 see,

it contains supplemental links with further data


Time Out
Jan 5, 2006
Ok, if so what court of law has determined your conclusions that the IDF is guilty?

I'm unsure of the context of this, but if its about the IDF use of human shields, the Israeli Supreme Court has determined the IDF is guilty of using innocent Palestinians as human shields.

Israeli court bans human shields

By Harvey Morris in Jerusalem

October 6 2005

The Israeli Supreme Court on Thursday outlawed the army's use of Palestinian civilians as human shields during round-ups of suspects in the occupied territories, ruling the practice contrary to international law.

Even though the Israeli Supreme Court has found the IDF guilty of using human shields and banned the practice, the IDF has ignored the ruling and continues to use Palestinians as human shields.

From B'TSELEM - The Israeli Information Center for Human Rights in the Occupied Territories was established in 1989 by a group of prominent academics, attorneys, journalists, and Knesset members. It endeavors to document and educate the Israeli public and policymakers about human rights violations in the Occupied Territories, combat the phenomenon of denial prevalent among the Israeli public, and help create a human rights culture in Israel.
20 July 2006: Israeli Soldiers use civilians as Human Shields in Beit Hanun
B'Tselem's initial investigation indicates that, during an incursion by Israeli forces into Beit Hanun, in the northern Gaza Strip, on 17 July 2006, soldiers seized control of two buildings in the town and used residents as human shield.
After seizing control of the buildings, the soldiers held six residents, two of them minors, on the staircases of the two buildings, at the entrance to rooms in which the soldiers positioned themselves, for some twelve hours. During this time, there were intense exchanges of gunfire between the soldiers and armed Palestinians. The soldiers also demanded that one of the occupants walk in front of them during a search of all the apartments in one of the buildings, after which they released her...

The above references events in July 2006, proving the IDF still uses innocent civilians as human shields in contempt of the Israeli Supreme Court and international law.


Custom Troll
Sep 24, 2006
You say you never accused me of attacking anyone? What's this:

October 18th, 2006, 10:32 PM
CDNBear vbmenu_register("postmenu_738593", true);
Look at me!
Join Date: Sep 2006
Posts: 378

Ok, Gopher I re read your posts.

You fight the good fight, but you have attacked or rebuttled, anyone that fails to fall in line with you.

You points are valid, but your absolute-ist frame of mind, will not allow any deviation ..."


While I am mindful that you now assert to not having accused me of attacking anyone, just read your own previous words. Be also mindful that you say I "attack our intelligence" but offer no substantive proof of it.

Not so strangely, another poster used profane language and it went without any form of criticism here. That's proof of a double standard being demonstrated by certain people here, not an assault on anyone's intelligence when I point that out.

I missed the line about someone calling you a communist. While I cannot be held accountable for that, you may want to re-post it here and ask for a retraction. And note that I waited for a retraction for the insults that were directed at me but which did not come.


re the IDF in Qana in 1996 see,

it contains supplemental links with further data

Great your feelings are hurt, you've lost the battle, so now you'll harp on and on about whom insulted who. Here ya go Gopher, I'll play Jesus. I'm so sorry for ever saying anything about anything regarding you, and as Jesus, I'm sorry anybody said anything prejoritive about you. Happy now?

You still haven't got a leg to stand on, your point of asking for proof the Hezbollah used civilians, as shield, was given. By YOUR rules, it had to come from the HRW, it did. Now it has to come from a court of law? Give it a rest. That is childish(prejortively speaking), the games not going in your favour, so you change the rules. I accept the IDF has used human shields, I don't care, but I accept it. That's because Gopher, I can accept when I'm in the wrong, I will not run off at the mouth about other issues to fog the main issue. I retract my original assertion that ITN should run for office. I think you should, you are better suited for the position.

Address that!


Custom Troll
Sep 24, 2006
OH and before you make another senseless remark, "democracy" arises from within a society, it isn't some objective plum waiting for a society to pick it like or "earn it" like some holy grail. You think you know or understand the term democracy but you don't really. Your idea of democracy is keeping everything the way it is with the few in control while the majority can't even be bothered to get out and lend their vote to the sham of democracy in which you live!

I understand though. You're a "company man", a man who believes what he's told and if he's told that the opportunity to choose between a Chevrolet and a Ford is "freedom" that's just fine with you. If your choice were between putting on a uniform and killing whomever the wealthy pointed their finger at as the bad guy, I'm sure you'd have your helmet and marching boots at the ready. Even if those whom you'd be sent to kill weren't involved but lived in a caudron of Soviet/British/American/Canadian militarism with its purpose to furher the interests of those same wealthy who let you believe you live in a democracy and are "free" so they can call on you to die when there's killing needed to secure their resources....
Another attack on the poster as apposed to the post, so what colour is the pot today?

The US earned it, which is probaly the reason behind their feverish patriotism. Nothing can be truly valued until its value is learned.

How exactly does something arise from within, if not earned in some way. My point was, having democracy forced on a nation does not do it any service. Its value will never be known by the peole under it live. Kind of like in Canada. People like you prove this point oh so well. You value nothing, but the space in which accupy, and nothing more.

You again have condridicted your own value system, please pick a side of the fence to sit on. Or perhaps you should stop copy/pasting other peoples thoughts and values. That way you won't run into this problem again.


Electoral Member
Oct 9, 2006
hey mikey all of 19,

The US earned it, which is probaly the reason behind their feverish patriotism. Nothing can be truly valued until its value is learned.

that is just too stupid to do anything but laugh...

My point was,

please Mikey do tell us, what, if anything is your point...

having democracy forced on a nation does not do it any service.

too funny...

Kind of like in Canada. People like you prove this point oh so well. You value nothing, but the space in which accupy, and nothing more.

Now here is a telling statement, from a what, a Jihad Muslim who is not allowed into our country, oh, boo-hoo, go change your diaper...


Custom Troll
Sep 24, 2006
hey mikey all of 19,

that is just too stupid to do anything but laugh...

please Mikey do tell us, what, if anything is your point...

too funny...

Now here is a telling statement, from a what, a Jihad Muslim who is not allowed into our country, oh, boo-hoo, go change your diaper...

Ummm, northstar, you just shot me in the foot. Cease fire, cease fire!!!

Those quotes you just smashed are mine, ouch, that hurts. But I still stand by them.