Palestinian Terrorist Again Using Children as Shields.


House Member
Jan 31, 2006
Do I believe this Article, yes I do. Palestinian Extremist seem devoid of even a modicum of human decency. Using their children as human bombs, using civies as human shields. I'm shaking my head at the level of cruelty they will sink to to get a shot across the bow at Israel. Their hatred is beyond my comprehension.

Palestinian Terrorists Again Using Children as Shields
15:30 Sep 20, '06 / 27 Elul 5766
by Hillel Fendel

In the course of IDF activity Tuesday in an Arab village south of Jenin, an IDF force noted another manifestation of this worrisome trend amongst Arab terrorists - the second time in a week.

The soldiers had surrounded a house in the Arab village Sanur - not far from the evacuated-and-destroyed Jewish town of Sa-Nur - hoping to catch wanted terrorist Nabil Hanani. Hanani then came out of the house holding a small child.

The soldiers refrained from shooting, as he expected. He then quickly passed the child to a man standing near him and opened fire at the soldiers. The soldiers recovered quickly and killed him with their return fire. No soldiers were hurt.

A similar case occurred last Tuesday in Bethlehem, during the arrest of terrorist cell leader Ali Tzalhat. Tzalhat headed a cell - of which all the members have been killed or arrested by Israeli forces - that was responsible for murdering four Israelis as well as a series of shooting attacks in southern Jerusalem. When the soldiers arrived to arrest him, he came out of the house with a baby in his hands. The soldiers did not shoot, arresting him peacefully instead - as was their plan from the start.

Army sources told Arutz-7 correspondent Haggai Huberman that these cases are not isolated ones, but rather indicate a growing phenomenon among Palestinian terrorists about to be arrested or caught.

The following video clip, released several months ago by the IDF Spokesman's office, shows two examples of this phenomenon. In both cases, terrorists are seen taking or trying to take little boys for use as human shields.

The story and video clip can be found at look at the links on the right side of the page, go down to the title "Islam a Religion of Peace".


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 5, 2005
Saint John, N.B.
Hideing Behind your Childeren. What a great stratgey.

What was that quote about, Palestine needing to love their once again applys

Geez, why not?

They've seen how well it worked for Hezbollah in Lebanon.............

It's a win-win situation.

If they don't shoot at you for fear of killing innocents, you escape............if they DO shoot at you despite the innocents, you have a propaganda blitz.


Time Out
Jan 5, 2006
Another perspective on the use of Palestinian civilians as human shields.

Israel: Decision to Stop Use of "Human Shields" Welcomed
(Jerusalem, May 10, 2002) - The Israel Defense Forces' (IDF) decision to prohibit the use of Palestinian civilians as "human shields" during military operations is an important step forward toward complying with the requirements of international humanitarian law, Human Rights Watch said today.
The Israeli army has taken an important step towards respecting the laws of war. But there are many other Israeli army practices that similarly violate international standards and require the same unequivocal and immediate action.

Hanny Megally
Executive Director
Middle East and North Africa division

Human Rights Watch also urged the IDF to take further action to stop the coerced use of Palestinian civilians during military operations, an issue the IDF said it would "examine," and reiterated its call for a full investigation into allegations of serious law of war violations committed by Israeli forces in Jenin. The Israeli army has taken an important step towards respecting the laws of war," said Hanny Megally, executive director of the Middle East and North Africa division of Human Rights Watch. "But there are many other Israeli army practices that similarly violate international standards and require the same unequivocal and immediate action."

In response to a High Court of Justice petition by seven Israeli and Palestinian human rights groups, the Israeli army decided on May 9 to "immediately issue an unequivocal order" to its soldiers, stating that soldiers "are absolutely forbidden to use civilians of any kind as a means of 'living shield' against gunfire or attacks by the Palestinian side, or as 'hostages.'" The order states that the prohibition applies "in houses, streets, and in every area and place in which IDF forces are acting." ....

Despite the findings of Israel's court that using civilians as shields is a war crime the IDF never stopped.

20 July 2006: Israeli Soldiers use civilians as Human Shields in Beit Hanun
B'Tselem's initial investigation indicates that, during an incursion by Israeli forces into Beit Hanun, in the northern Gaza Strip, on 17 July 2006, soldiers seized control of two buildings in the town and used residents as human shield.
After seizing control of the buildings, the soldiers held six residents, two of them minors, on the staircases of the two buildings, at the entrance to rooms in which the soldiers positioned themselves, for some twelve hours. During this time, there were intense exchanges of gunfire between the soldiers and armed Palestinians. The soldiers also demanded that one of the occupants walk in front of them during a search of all the apartments in one of the buildings, after which they released her.
International humanitarian law forbids using civilians as human shields by placing them next to soldiers or next to military facilities, with the intention of gaining immunity from attack, or by forcing the civilians to carry out dangerous military assignments.
B'Tselem has demanded that the Judge Advocate General immediately order a Military Police investigation into the matter and prosecute the soldiers responsible for the action.
Chronology of the Events...


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 5, 2005
Saint John, N.B.
Another perspective on the use of Palestinian civilians as human shields.

Despite the findings of Israel's court that using civilians as shields is a war crime the IDF never stopped.

Yeah, Earth as One, I'm afraid I have to agree with you on this one.

As you know, I am an unrepentant supporter of Israel.

BUT they have used human shields, I know that, and it is completely disgraceful, without honour, and they should damned well know better.


Electoral Member
Sep 20, 2006
In Monsoon West (B.C)
Yeah but I guess you think it is fine and dandy when Israeli soldiers use little Palestinian children for human shields, ask neighbors to knock on militant doors and tie kids to vehicles when they are in a middle of stone throwing.

Get real, anti-Arab, anti-Muslim, pro Israeli BS.


House Member
Jan 31, 2006
Care to back your post up with evidence Researcher??? I think you might be a little fuzzy it wasn't Israel who was caught using Children as "Human Shields" but the Palestinians. Stones thrown with enough force and cause serious bodily harm and injury and in some cases kill, this isn't harmless behavior at tall. Sometimes the truth prevails over "Propaganda".


Time Out
Jan 5, 2006
Yeah, Earth as One, I'm afraid I have to agree with you on this one.

As you know, I am an unrepentant supporter of Israel.

BUT they have used human shields, I know that, and it is completely disgraceful, without honour, and they should damned well know better.

Which is why we must evolve as a species beyond war as a means to resolve disputes.

Unrelated but for your consideration


Hall of Fame Member
Jun 26, 2005
Minnesota: Gopher State
As always this phony report will again be discredited by Human Rights Watch but that refutation will be ignored by hate filled Islamophobes. It is very difficult to see how or why such hatred never ends.


House Member
Jun 9, 2006
Which is why we must evolve as a species beyond war as a means to resolve disputes.

Unrelated but for your consideration



I accessed the link provided and once again it’s like reading my own work. (That always bothers me…)

I’ve been writing (for four years now…) an overview of three guys works.

David Cronenberg, Marshall McLuhan and William Gibson.

Although my professional area of expertise lies in a different area than making movies, teaching communications and writing Science Fiction novels, the thread of commonality between the ideas outlined in the Wired article and my work seems readily apparent.

These writers share a mutual vision that each has found through independent studies into the interrelationship that exists between man environment and technology.

Anthropology, paleontology and archeology all direct us to the past and while much can be learned through studying history and the expressions of many diverse and widely separated cultures and societies through studying civilization’s art and literature, even within the pages of history itself is the record of monumental change in the human condition wrought to a significant degree by the efforts of a single human being.

This gross effect on both social organizing principles and social “process” or “expression” is reflected throughout human history but the frequency of dramatic change coincides with the ballistic arc of human technological sophistication.

We live in a time when corneal transplants are common, where the human heart is temporarily stilled while a valve is repaired or an artery cleared, when people continue to live nearly as well as when their joints weren’t made of plastic and steel and an electronic gadget didn’t keep tabs on the cardiac muscle….

Cronenberg’s contributions are many but the single presentation that sticks in my mind is “ExistenZ”. As almost as casually as a youngster today buys or rents a game cartridge for one of today’s gaming machines, participants have jacks implanted in their spine so they can “plug-in” directly to their game cube and experience in all five senses the interactive game that is simultaneously created by the players (everyone jacked-into the game pod) themselves.

McLuhan spoke and wrote at length about a phenomenon he referred to as “amputation” of the human body in part, and in-whole in some circumstances as human beings use tools implements and devices to manipulate self and environment.

Gibson’s greatest work (in my opinion) is a novel titled “Neuromancer” a follow up to another work that was made into a movie titled “Johnny Mnemonic”. Both of these books take place in a not too distant future where implants that enhance physical ability agility stamina and movement, eye and brain, glandular and organ transplants of synthetic and organic manufacturing extend life and enhance awareness and cerebral function on many levels.

Invitro procedures and protocols executed in the reproduction process of human beings, genetic mapping and modern diagnostic tools that allow us to map brain function and watch the process of consciousness, mathematics and quantum physics pushed along through the presence and availability of computing power of prodigious proportions is hurling mankind into a future that is at best a guess.

My focus is in preparing people to comprehend a world that will demand more of them as human beings, as thinking feeling members of an organizing principle far larger than nation or society, as large in fact as all of existence itself.

The lesson that either will be learned so mankind survives this blood-drenched adolescence and matures to full adulthood or will be ignored and dismissed as unimportant and leave us to succumb to being selected for extinction is right before us and all we have to do is see it.

If it takes the bionic man or woman, the replicant and the zombie to tell us what we need to do then so be it, but our future can only be regarded at this juncture with altogether too much trepidation.


Time Out
Jan 5, 2006
Mikedb, I'm glad the link to the where mankind is headed caught your attention. Its sort of obvious once you think about it that our petty disputes will inevitably lead to our own self destruction as technology improves.

Time to recognize our madness.

We need an international legal system with the authority and power to objectively impose fair and just settlements based on fundamental human rights. The same country cannot play the roles of plantiff, judge, jury and executioner.

But before these changes can occur, mankind probably needs to experience yet another catastrophic world war.


Time Out
Jan 5, 2006
There is no doubt that Israel has used Palestinian civilians as human shields.

Israel and the Occupied Territories

At least 1,000 Palestinians were killed by the Israeli army, most of them unlawfully. They included some 150 children and at least 35 individuals killed in targeted assassinations. Palestinian armed groups killed more than 420 Israelis, at least 265 of them civilians and including 47 children, and some 20 foreign nationals, in targeted or indiscriminate attacks. Prolonged closures and curfews were imposed throughout the Occupied Territories and more than 2,000 homes were destroyed. Thousands of Palestinians were arrested. Most were released without charge, but more than 3,000 remained in military jails. More than 1,900 were held in administrative detention without charge or trial, and some 5,000 were charged with security offences, including involvement in attacks against Israelis. More than 3,800 were tried before military courts in trials that did not meet international standards. Ill-treatment of Palestinian detainees was widespread. Israeli soldiers used Palestinians as “human shields” during military operations. Certain abuses committed by the Israeli army constituted war crimes. These included unlawful killings, obstruction of medical assistance and targeting of medical personnel, extensive and wanton destruction of property, torture and cruel and inhuman treatment, unlawful confinement and the use of “human shields”. The deliberate targeting of civilians by Palestinian armed groups constituted crimes against humanity. At least 158 Israeli conscientious objectors and reservists who refused to serve in the Occupied Territories were imprisoned. Several Israeli soldiers and settlers were arrested on charges of selling weapons and munitions to armed Palestinian groups, and four Israeli settlers were arrested and charged with attempting to bomb a Palestinian school.

...Throughout the incursion, IDF soldiers used Palestinian civilians to protect them from danger, deploying them as "human shields" and forcing them to perform dangerous work. Human Rights Watch received many separate and credible testimonies that Palestinians were placed in vulnerable positions to protect IDF soldiers from gunfire or attack. IDF soldiers forced these Palestinians to stand for extended periods in front of exposed IDF positions, or made them accompany the soldiers as they moved from house to house. Kamal Tawalbi, the father of fourteen children, described how soldiers kept him and his fourteen-year-old son for three hours in the line of fire, using his and his son's shoulders to rest their rifles as they fired. IDF soldiers forced a sixty-five-year-old woman was forced to stand on a rooftop in front of an IDF position in the middle of a helicopter battle.
As in prior IDF operations, soldiers forced Palestinians, sometimes at gunpoint, to accompany IDF troops during their searches of homes, to enter homes, to open doors, and to perform other potentially dangerous tasks. In Jenin, such coerced use of civilians was a widespread practice; in virtually every case in which IDF soldiers entered civilian homes, residents told Human Rights Watch that IDF soldiers were accompanied by Palestinian civilians who were participating under duress. The forced use of civilians during military operations is a serious violation of the laws of war, as it exposes civilians to direct risk of death or serious injury.
Human Rights Watch has so far found no evidence that Palestinian gunmen forced Palestinian civilians to serve as human shields during the attack. But Palestinian gunmen did endanger Palestinian civilians in the camp by using it as a base for planning and launching attacks, using indiscriminate tactics such as planting improvised explosive devices within the camp, and intermingling with the civilian population during armed conflict, and, in some cases, to avoid apprehension by Israeli forces...


Johnny Utah

Council Member
Mar 11, 2006
Do I believe this Article, yes I do. Palestinian Extremist seem devoid of even a modicum of human decency. Using their children as human bombs, using civies as human shields. I'm shaking my head at the level of cruelty they will sink to to get a shot across the bow at Israel. Their hatred is beyond my comprehension.

Palestinian Terrorists Again Using Children as Shields
15:30 Sep 20, '06 / 27 Elul 5766
by Hillel Fendel

In the course of IDF activity Tuesday in an Arab village south of Jenin, an IDF force noted another manifestation of this worrisome trend amongst Arab terrorists - the second time in a week.

The soldiers had surrounded a house in the Arab village Sanur - not far from the evacuated-and-destroyed Jewish town of Sa-Nur - hoping to catch wanted terrorist Nabil Hanani. Hanani then came out of the house holding a small child.

The soldiers refrained from shooting, as he expected. He then quickly passed the child to a man standing near him and opened fire at the soldiers. The soldiers recovered quickly and killed him with their return fire. No soldiers were hurt.

A similar case occurred last Tuesday in Bethlehem, during the arrest of terrorist cell leader Ali Tzalhat. Tzalhat headed a cell - of which all the members have been killed or arrested by Israeli forces - that was responsible for murdering four Israelis as well as a series of shooting attacks in southern Jerusalem. When the soldiers arrived to arrest him, he came out of the house with a baby in his hands. The soldiers did not shoot, arresting him peacefully instead - as was their plan from the start.

Army sources told Arutz-7 correspondent Haggai Huberman that these cases are not isolated ones, but rather indicate a growing phenomenon among Palestinian terrorists about to be arrested or caught.

The following video clip, released several months ago by the IDF Spokesman's office, shows two examples of this phenomenon. In both cases, terrorists are seen taking or trying to take little boys for use as human shields.

The story and video clip can be found at look at the links on the right side of the page, go down to the title "Islam a Religion of Peace".
Sassy good thread and post alas it's fallen on deaf ears here because the Anti-Israelis had to rush to bash the evil Israel, infact they rushed so fast to bash the evil Israel they tripped over each other..


House Member
Jan 31, 2006
Thanks Johnny but every thread that deals with the ME degenerates into me being called a Racist against Muslims and further travels down the path of "Bush" did it blah blah blah. Meaningful dialog is hopeless around the "US" is evil and Israel is killing "Innocent Palestinians" crowd. The fact the Palestinians have been slaughtering Israelies day after day after day, even when Israel is willing to work toward piece they strap bombs on their children. I'm not wasting anymore time on this crowd, they hide behind words but it is still the usuall white sheet ****; Hating Jews and blaming Bush for all the worlds ills.


Electoral Member
Mar 13, 2006
Care to back your post up with evidence Researcher??? I think you might be a little fuzzy it wasn't Israel who was caught using Children as "Human Shields" but the Palestinians. Stones thrown with enough force and cause serious bodily harm and injury and in some cases kill, this isn't harmless behavior at tall. Sometimes the truth prevails over "Propaganda".

Unless already pointed out, one that I remember which stuck me was Israeli military personal tying a Palestinian child to their military vehicle that they drove around so the Palestinians wouldn’t throw stones at them. It’s all documented.


Electoral Member
Sep 20, 2006
In Monsoon West (B.C)
No these Israeli' lovers and pro Bush (idiots) just don't want to admit Israelis are just war criminals themselves.

It has been months since an Israeli has been killed in the Israeli Palestinian conflict, only 1,000 have died in the 5 year conflict while nearly 5,000 Palestinians have died, many children because of Israeli criminal action over 300 + in the last several months, over 100 hundred civilians.