Ontario's disabled - question for the candidates

lone wolf

Grossly Underrated
Nov 25, 2006
In the bush near Sudbury
I have sent this question to all four leaders:

Does your party plan on recognizing Ontario's disabled and increasing pensions to a level where we can live with dignity?

Let's see what comes back....



kind and gentle
Feb 27, 2006
Backwater, Ontario.
Any replies yet??

Let us know.

I just finished reading CBC.ca, and everybody's promising everything this week, so I thought for sure, a reply to your query would be most imminent...................................:roll:

Any snow yet?


House Member
Jun 9, 2006
The disabled the infirm and the elderly are disposable commodities in modern government. Consumers and voting blocks (special interest groups) are who any aspiring politician wants to woo. Old folk will become senile and unable to make it to the voting booths, the handicapped already have difficulty so the only people worthy of a modern politicians time are youngsters and people earning incomes that slot them successfully into the "consumer" statistics of modern thinking. Industrialization has permitted the elimination of the middle class and the rise of single parent families is rapidly replacing (statistically) the scenario a few years ago when latch-key-kids paid the price for parents busily hacking off their chunk of the Canadian/American Dream...

A mortgate car payments and credit cards that allowed mom and dad and all the little kidlettes to live the life of the pseudo-successful...the temporarily prosperous...gave us a generation of children that learned to live with little to no familial interrelationships. Politicians can play the "future" card come election time...but only to those who have a future....

lone wolf

Grossly Underrated
Nov 25, 2006
In the bush near Sudbury
No replies yet.... I'm a-waitin'....
Mikey, I know too well what it is to be dumped on the scrap heap. Believe me: at every opportunity, I let those bas*ards know I matter!



Since becoming disabled Im apalled at the policies in Canada as a whole and Ontario specifically. I don't qualify for any financial benefit, but it would be nice to have wheelchair access to my apartment...we don't even have any handicap parking spaces at my building.

lone wolf

Grossly Underrated
Nov 25, 2006
In the bush near Sudbury
Since becoming disabled Im apalled at the policies in Canada as a whole and Ontario specifically. I don't qualify for any financial benefit, but it would be nice to have wheelchair access to my apartment...we don't even have any handicap parking spaces at my building.

Eventually I did (re)qualify for ODSP (glorified Welfare) - after having qualified in 1995 for Voc Rehab (a program for which the same criteria must be met as for Disability) To do it, though, over five years, I had to apply three times, attend Tribunal twice - and quite literally die once. Don't give up....



I just made a series of phone calls to find out exactly what the total family income allowance to qualify is....and of course got voice mail. Will try again tomorrow when it isn't so close to 5pm. Thanks Wolf, but seriously, I doubt I qualify financially.


Senate Member
Jul 30, 2005
Dumb Question coming...

Does Canada have an organization of retirees and the disabled and seniors like the AARP in the U.S.?


Electoral Member
May 28, 2007
A few years ago while I was still teaching, Lou and I tried to join an organization here for people who had suffered brain injuries. I wanted help in getting ways to cope with my loss of organizational abilities and the fact that time is pretty well meaningless to me anymore.

I used to be one of the best organized teachers and even though I had regained my other skills after the '91 injuries, that part of me hadn't come back. (Plus my house was...and still is... a mess!) Same with time...what used to take half an hour would now take an hour and I was always late for everything.

When we asked, the woman said they could definitely help and to come to the next meeting. Ok, so we did. But it was a different woman leading the meeting and she was not happy to see me there...I think, because I was one of the people who had suffered brain injuries. I think what made it bad was that the couple of caregivers who were there saw me, and finding out that I had gone back to work as a teacher...well, I guess maybe it gave them unrealistic hope for their son.

Anyway, they never contacted me again. I phoned them a couple of more times but obviously I was not their "ideal" candidate. But I really needed help in those areas...and still do.



Electoral Member
Aug 19, 2007
Ladies and guys..this is a problem that will get worse..
More older people and more budget cuts mean bad news for disability people..
I heard from my World Issue teacher, the budget cuts are impacting the number of hospitalized mentally needy people..
They are being thrown out.
Its going to be tough..so hang in there sir.


House Member
Jun 9, 2006

Greetings sweetness! :)

I don't remember much about my condition after the first stroke...but the second was a lulu...

After the third I was told I wouldn't leave hospital.....WRONG...

I lost fine motor function on my left side and experienced several cognitive deficits as a result but he one that seems most peculiar is tying knots..or the inability to do so...

As a healthy person I owned several large boats over the years and could tie you any kind of knot you named, kind of a seamanship thing....

After my strokes I couldn't tiey any knots of any kind and now use velcro fasteners for everything.

Some folk find the handicapped working to overcome their difficulties amusing....

Many believe that the handicapped person is playing some kind of shell game or fraud and really isn't disabled at all, just too lazy to work and be productive...

A year of physio was no shell-game and mediations for epilepsy aren't bon bons....

And I look around and know that there are folk out there a whole lot worse off than me....

Hang in there kiddo....