Greetings sweetness!
I don't remember much about my condition after the first stroke...but the second was a lulu...
After the third I was told I wouldn't leave hospital.....WRONG...
I lost fine motor function on my left side and experienced several cognitive deficits as a result but he one that seems most peculiar is tying knots..or the inability to do so...
As a healthy person I owned several large boats over the years and could tie you any kind of knot you named, kind of a seamanship thing....
After my strokes I couldn't tiey any knots of any kind and now use velcro fasteners for everything.
Some folk find the handicapped working to overcome their difficulties amusing....
Many believe that the handicapped person is playing some kind of shell game or fraud and really isn't disabled at all, just too lazy to work and be productive...
A year of physio was no shell-game and mediations for epilepsy aren't bon bons....
And I look around and know that there are folk out there a whole lot worse off than me....
Hang in there kiddo....