Ontario takes $2.2 Billions in Transfer Payments


House Member
May 18, 2010
Growing equalization payments to Ontario threaten country: expert | News | National Post

By Lee Greenberg

TORONTO — In just three years, Ontario has become the second-largest recipient of equalization payments in the country, with $2.2-billion set to flow into its “have-not” coffers this year.

Only Quebec, which takes in $7.8-billion in such payments, receives more.

And this is over and above all the money that was given to Ontario for such things as putting tires on cars because they can't compete with Japan and Korea and a slough of other things.

If one was to add up all the money that has been paid to Ontario it would probably be far in excess of $3 Billion!!

So, what's a matter with you easterners???
You like to tell us how to run the country but you can't even run your own province.
You keep saying how great immigration is for you, and Ontario has the highest levels of immigration, so where are the results??? Like Duhhhhh!!!!

Ok, so now lets hear the whining, excuses, name calling (oh yeah, your good at this, because you never have a constructive answer that makes sense), and all the other stuff that your so good at!!
Oh, and don't forget to blame the Fed Gov as well, I know you guys like to include them in your complaining..


Senate Member
Jun 24, 2011
Hey, you westerners control the federal government. You chose to do give us easterners money.


Prickly Curmudgeon Smiter
Jun 28, 2010
I was waiting for a deluded conservative to post this thread.

Funny how you left out the part of that article which indicates the cause of Ontario as a "have-not" is Alberta's oil production.



Prickly Curmudgeon Smiter
Jun 28, 2010
Ahhh, keep it coming,,,its getting good now!!

Sure why not. You enjoy getting it so I'm here to please..

"Compared to the soaring economies in B.C., Alberta, Saskatchewan and Newfoundland, all resource-rich provinces whose oil and gas are fuelling growth in India and China — Ontario is looking increasingly impoverished."

(From your own link)

Sorry you didn't count on people actually getting through your horse$hit OP.


Hall of Fame Member
Jun 9, 2004
Location, Location
I am in a Province that has never accepted equalization payments.
I have worked dam hard to do my share to keep it that way!!!

And that province appeared, fully formed, never needed anything before it was a province, never needed anything from anyone at any time.


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 27, 2006
I am in a Province that has never accepted equalization payments.
I have worked dam hard to do my share to keep it that way!!!

Right...it's a people thing, and not the resources under the ground. You're delusional, but very comical! :lol:


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
I am in a Province that has never accepted equalization payments.
I have worked dam hard to do my share to keep it that way!!!
Has it ever accepted other forms of investment from Federal coffers? Yes or No? Is there any Canadian taxpayer money being spent today as we speak? Did you fight to refuse it?


Prickly Curmudgeon Smiter
Jun 28, 2010
I am in a Province that has never accepted equalization payments.
I have worked dam hard to do my share to keep it that way!!!

It should brighten your spirits to know that Ontario was not a "have not" province until 2009-2010. That's a pretty long time. And coincidentally, only a few years after oil sand production began to ramp up. Hmm.. I wonder if there's a correlation there?

Nah.. must be greedy Ontarians, lol


House Member
May 18, 2010
Has it ever accepted other forms of investment from Federal coffers? Yes or No? Is there any Canadian taxpayer money being spent today as we speak? Did you fight to refuse it?
We're talking Transfer Payments, don't try to change the channel by trying to deflect the intent of this thread..
Start another thread if you want to discuss another issue..


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
Oil Sands.....

Investment of Canadian taxpayer money by the wheel bucket.

We're talking Transfer Payments, don't try to change the channel by trying to deflect the intent of this thread..
Start another thread if you want to discuss another issue..
Federal money is Federal money and is bang on target.

Alberta's share of stimulus cash is about $421 million...

Why does paradise need $421 million in stimulus?


Prickly Curmudgeon Smiter
Jun 28, 2010
Ontario premier decries subsidies for Western Canada's energy industry

VANCOUVER - An east-west energy battle is brewing among Canada’s premiers at the annual Council of the Federation conference being held in Vancouver.

As the country’s 13 provincial and territorial premiers gather to discuss a number of agenda items — including exporting Canada’s resource riches to lucrative Asian markets — Ontario Premier Dalton McGuinty said he’s tired of his province subsidizing Western Canada’s oil and gas industry. The Ontario Liberal premier said his province, which accounts for about 40 per cent of federal tax revenue collected, is ultimately paying for tax breaks offered to oilsands developers as well as Ottawa’s contribution to carbon capture and storage projects in Alberta and Saskatchewan.

“There is preferential tax treatment at present for people who want to develop oil and gas projects. I’ve got nothing against that. But what about some good tax treatment as well for people who want to develop clean-energy industries in Ontario?” McGuinty told reporters in Vancouver. “My focus is on ensuring that we receive fair support for our clean-energy industry in Ontario. The federal government has historically -- governments of all political stripe -- provided support to other energy sectors,” McGuinty added.

He argued Ontario is doing the “heavy lifting” in Canada’s plans to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, noting the province is shuttering its coal-fired power plants.


Senate Member
Feb 9, 2011
Vancouver, BC
I am in a Province that has never accepted equalization payments.

Oh? Which province would that be?

Here's a hint: ignore this question because every province has been a recipient of equalization payments and you'll look like a fool if actually answer it.

Oil Sands.....

If I had to guess which province he was referring to I would have guessed Ontario, which was the last province that was able to claim to have never received equalization payments. It lost that status in 2009 after actually qualifying for equalization many years before but forgoing payment. Alberta was one of the first provinces to receive payments when the program started, meaning it has never been able to claim that status.

Maybe Durry's referring to an imaginary province.

captain morgan

Hall of Fame Member
Mar 28, 2009
A Mouse Once Bit My Sister
I was waiting for a deluded conservative to post this thread.

Funny how you left out the part of that article which indicates the cause of Ontario as a "have-not" is Alberta's oil production.


Yeah! Those Western bastards... How dare they develop a world class resource and keep Canada's dollar strong when it is so much more convenient to have a Canadian Peso that will prop-up Eastern Canada's uncompetitive, uneconomic and failing manufacturing sector.


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
Oh? Which province would that be?

Here's a hint: ignore this question because every province has been a recipient of equalization payments and you'll look like a fool if actually answer it.

If I had to guess which province he was referring to I would have guessed Ontario, which was the last province that was able to claim to have never received equalization payments. It lost that status in 2009 after actually qualifying for equalization many years before but forgoing payment. Alberta was one of the first provinces to receive payments when the program started, making it never able to claim that status.
The truth always hurts.