Ontario Liberals pass vote buying legislation


Hall of Fame Member
May 8, 2011
Let’s buy some votes and get businesses to pay for it.

Wynne is a communist genius.


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
Let’s buy some votes and get businesses to pay for it.

Wynne is a communist genius.

Her federal pal- Our idiot Boy Justin is no slouch when it comes to making messes either! AS I have said before- ALL LIE-beral policy is collapsing in disgrace right before our eyes! Consider:

Here is an article illustrating how hard it is for Our idiot Boy Justin to maintain his “sunny ways” in the face of reality! With some comments of my own in brackets):

Trudeau’s making it tougher on students


As doctors, other professionals and small business owners gear up for a tax war with federal Finance Minister Bill Morneau and the Liberals, post-secondary students have quietly — and for most, unknowingly — taken a serious financial hit as well.

Those groups are all angry with the federal government over proposed changes to small business tax rules that could increase the amount of taxes they have to pay.

Similarly, post-secondary students across Canada are at risk of their taxes increasing in the coming year, although this controversy isn’t as widely known.

As a fourth-year university student who has benefited from the existing education and textbook tax credits put in place by the previous federal government, I have worked every summer to gain experience for the future and to save sufficient funds to support my coming academic year.

(And how sad that though this 4th years student will no doubt be working again in future- but his wages will NOT be increasing in spite of his growing knowledge and experience because his boss has been hit with new LIE-beral taxes that will pick the pockets of both employer and employee! And this pocket picking will be all in the name of finding the funding necessary for the civil service Hog gravy train so LIE-berals- with their oh so many FAILED POLICIES- can cling to power just a little longer!)

Student summer income helps pay for school, residence and living expenses during the academic term.

(Yes. Such student employment helps minimize the amount of debt that students incur in the course of getting that NECESSARY education- over 75 percent of all jobs out there DEMAND post secondary education- and that debt is often crippling- which explains why so many kids end up back at the parents house- and it explains why 25 percent of kids end up bankrupt- the cost of major debt coupled with LOW wages, high taxes and soaring rents ensures that a lot of kids are fiscally hobbled for a LONG TIME!)

For some, this summer income allows them to take out smaller Ontario Student Assistance Plan (OSAP) loans, decreasing their debt when they graduate.

The current education and textbook tax credits which the Trudeau government is eliminating, allow student incomes to be taxed at a lower rate, leaving more funds available to support the ever increasing costs of post-secondary education.

(Post secondary education is the preserve of a pack of gravy train riding union Hogs who ENJOY their monopoly powers! College presidents made headlines last spring by demanding fifty percent raises- pretty much IMMEDIATELY! With LIE-berals telling college Hogs to cool it till after the 2018 election! LIE-berals have been caught out too many times making plans for HUGE tax and fee increases to be implemented AFTER they get re-elected- and they DO NOT like the current public reaction to their plans!)

As a full-time student, I received a credit of $4,185 — enabling me to keep more of my earned income to support myself during the school term.

The loss of that credit and the increased taxes that will result limits the funds students can generate to pay for their education.

(Face it kid- your generation has screwed itself in LIE-beral eyes- LIE-berals are totally focussed on votes and clinging to power at any price- and the younger generation does not often vote- meaning they have essentially told LIE-berals that kids do not care what LIE-berals do to them! But Hogs vote early and often- hence their value to LIE-berals- and that explains the regular supply of gravy- AS REWARD for loyalty to LIE-bberals!)

Ironically, the most pain will likely be felt in the middle class — the very group Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and the Liberals catered to in their 2015 election campaign.

(CLEARLY you are NOT studying political science or recent history or you would know that LIE-berals have hundreds of billions of dollars worth of IOU`s outstanding for Hog pensions- an economy CRIPPLING COST!)

Taxing the rich, which is what Morneau claims the Liberals are doing by changing the small business corporate taxation rules, may be an easy political win for the government.

But the Liberals’ silent attack on Canadian students who are attending colleges and universities is egregious and misguided.

These students will help to grow the Canadian economy as they move into the workforce and become higher bracket income earners and taxpayers in the coming years.

But with its proposed changes to education and textbook credits, the Liberal government will make it financially harder for students to attend post-secondary institutions.

(And do you REALLY THINK LIE-berals CARE about your troubles?)

While Trudeau and his government relied heavily on students and the youth vote to gain power in 2015, their pandering on issues such as legalizing pot doesn’t offset the pocketbook pinch students are about to feel, courtesy of the federal Liberals.

(That was then- when they needed your votes- and this is Now- and they are in power and do not need your support! But you can COUNT ON a pack of new LIE-beral promises in 2019- prior to the next federal election!)

The government has been lucky so far in not having its removal of the education and textbook credit become a major public issue; presumably because students were busy working this summer and haven’t had the time to notice or protest this misguided and incorrectly targeted tax grab.

If Trudeau and Morneau are to remain as politically savvy as they proved to be in the 2015 election campaign, there has to be federal action to help university and college students across the country defray the costs of their education.

(Politically savvy? Throwing money at special interest groups and buying votes with WORTHLESS IOU`s is not savvy- its unscrupulous and it will be their undoing as their very many promises are completely UN-AFFORDABLE! Trying to pay off even a fair portion of LIE-beral promises will BREAK our economy!)

Removing tax credits aimed at helping these students isn’t a way to do that.

The prime minister’s website says he’s working to make post-secondary education more affordable.

If so, he should reconsider this move which will do the opposite.

(You have 2 years to wait and then you can register your frustration in the ONLY way LIE-berals truly recognize- at the ballot box!)

- Robson is a fourth-year student in history and European studies at the University of Toronto


Trolling Hypocrites
May 27, 2007
Northern Ontario,
Her federal pal- Our idiot Boy Justin is no slouch when it comes to making messes either! AS I have said before- ALL LIE-beral policy is collapsing in disgrace right before our eyes! Consider:

Here is an article illustrating how hard it is for Our idiot Boy Justin to maintain his “sunny ways” in the face of reality! With some comments of my own in brackets):

Trudeau’s making it tougher on students


As doctors, other professionals and small business owners gear up for a tax war with federal Finance Minister Bill Morneau and the Liberals, post-secondary students have quietly — and for most, unknowingly — taken a serious financial hit as well.

SVP Post a link to your source....otherwise it's tantamount to plagiary!


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
What's this thread about?

Here is an old article- dusted off and recycled because it is still relevant today! Its asks and answers the question: “who hates Stephen Harper- and any other Cdn Conservative”?

Who hates Harper and Conservatives? Here is a partial list:

People who have relatives, friends and neighbours serving with Isis, Al Qaeda, Hezzbolla, Al Aqsa, Taliban, Boko Haram etc, all HATE Harper because they are afraid that Cdn soldiers will shoot their friends, relatives and neighbours during Muslim terror events!

People with a pathological hatred of Americans and all they stand for-and INCLUDING a hatred of the freedom and democracy that Yankees AND Cdns ALSO enjoy. They relentlessly mocked American concerns about Communism but think the world (by which they mean ugly Yankees) should have done more to protect Cambodians from Pol Pot and Khymer Rouge assassins in The Killing Fields. They blame Cuban poverty ENTIRELY on the US trade embargo-while ignoring the trade opportunities the inept Cuban economy could not benefit from in all of South America.

Some people hate Harper because he won't simply throw open the borders and let any jackass walk in……no matter how vile they are or what criminal violence they intend to commit when they get here.

Some people think Harper is a wimp and his wife a shameful slut because he lets her appear in public without wearing a Burqa.

Some people think all Cdns (especially Harper) are damned forever because they do not yield to Sharia law.

Some people who have never read any valid basic literature about economic issues think Harper is a fool for worrying about national debt levels.

Some people who have never read a history book and don’t realize that what Putin is doing in Ukraine is a close copy of the playbook used by Adolf Hitler to occupy much of Europe.

Some people think that because Harper supports having a strong Cdn army and because having such an army is costly and takes money away from social spending, that Harper must be immoral and a bully …..and it is these same people who would also be the FIRST to blame `others` (read Americans) for `stirring up trouble` and not properly protecting them if they got blown up by suicide bombers. And it is these same people who were SHOCKED to discover that Yankees might not bother shooting down North Korean missiles aimed at Canada since we wanted NO part of the development of their missile defence, they see no reason why we should get the benefit either!

Some people are hypocrites and blame Americans for all the problems of the world, including blaming America for not doing more to protect their home country from dictators and invasions and civil wars and these hypocrites will also quietly send their own family members off to safe havens in other countries to protect them from the violent death they demand that American soldiers risk for the benefit of people who HATE Americans and these hypocrites also consider Harper to be vile because he is friendly with Americans…..who just happen to be CLOSE allies offering major protection for Canada.

Radical environmentalist who run up HUGE carbon footprints while flying around the world and staying in fine hotels and eating good food and drinking fine wines while trying to implement economic policies that would leave most of us starving and freezing in the dark also hate Harper because he scorns their hypocrite message.

Some people support carbon taxes because they have a secret agenda which motivates them to tell lies and claim carbon taxes `work` when there is AMPLE PROOF based on the European model that they DON'T work! The only `work` a carbon tax does is CLEAN OUT THE WALLETS of ordinary people while giving the most wealthy members of our society (politicians and civil servants) a GIANT slush fund they can dip into so they can continue to ramp up THEIR carbon foot print. The carbon foot print of ordinary people (those who don’t have a place in the government financed gravy train) shrinks while the carbon footprint of hogs at the trough expands like a hot air balloon full of Lie-beral entitlements-and eliminates the benefits of our sacrifice!

Some people claim that the best way to reverse global warming is to ruin the poorest Canadians by closing down industries they deem to dirty and forcing Cdns out of work and forcing Cdns to give up their cars while ignoring the fact that 75 percent of all the air pollution related to `transportation` is produced by airplanes. Transportation is defined as anything (planes, trains, automobiles, trucks, ships) that carry any type of goods or passengers or services. A twenty five percent reduction in pollution from cars is negligible in the global picture since modern cars are such a small part of the total of pollution sources but a twenty five percent reduction in aircraft miles flown is a MAJOR environmental influence. In the 9 months after the 9/11 terror attack when twenty five percent of the world airline fleet was grounded, there was MEASURABLE IMPROVEMENT in global air quality. We need food delivered, need industrial activity to clothe and feed and house ourselves. WE DON’T need a swarm of overpaid civil servants jetting off for fun and games in the sun around the increasingly polluted world at our expense and some people hate Harper for not accepting their hypocrite views on how to solve global warming !

Justin Trudope hates Harper because Harper is smarter and keeps exposing the moral and intellectual limitations of Trudope.

Vicious criminals hate Harper because, thanks to Harper, it is now a little harder to find a `get out of jail free card` now that so many `hug a thug` Lie-beral appointees have been replaced by Conservatives.

Civil service Hogs hate Harper and Conservatives because they are threatening to destroy the wildly costly govt gravy train after the next Ontari-owe election in June, 2018.