You have been looking at Russian documents haven't you Comrade??
Why Did Russia Ban The Use Of Microwave Ovens? | Soren Dreier
Why Did Russia Ban The Use Of Microwave Ovens? | Soren Dreier
You can test and understand scientific plan to unify all four forces
(electromagnetic, strong, weak and gravity) at very high energies
into one singular force in your home conditions:
a) take four eggs ,
b) break them,
c) make omelet with homogeneous structure,
d) try to understand, what chicken is.
Good appetite.
And remember, in our eggs – our forces (more than four).
socratus;2335026]Scientific logic. / by Socratus /
Physicists believe that at very – very high energies (!) all four
fundamental forces of nature would behave as one. That project
is known as the search for a “theory of everything”.
My conclusion.
At the earth’s conditions we cannot reach the cosmic conditions.
It means we cannot merge all four fundamental forces of nature.
It means we don’t need more powerful LHC (useless machine)
It means the CERN project can be taken in archives.
Have a bowl of fruit loopsThe biggest idea is the universe. Means everything in the cosmological unit. There is no outside.
Western Science is very averse to a concept of an infinite void.
It was the Muslims who came up with the mathematical symbolism of Zero.