Wow…I’m not sure where to start here.
I’ve been in this business for quite some time, & when the 2008/2009 housing crisis hit (in the US, but it ripple globally), this company went from 50+ trucks to 4. America is very protectionist. I went first plumbing for a year (there’s a reason why there’s not too many 6 foot plus plumbers), and then gravel crushing for several years until the economy got their feet back under them.
I’ve been back in the trucking industry for the better part of a decade, but I’ve seen it stumble before over economic issues that affected both countries.
Real friendships don’t fall out over politics, but business relationships stumble over economic reasons.
Not every business that went into Covid came out the other side. The same will happen if these tariffs happen. Those who have a business model based on international trade or the shipping of those commodities will be the Canaries in the coal mine.
Most of the people that I consider friends in America are in Indiana, which happens to lean greatly towards Republicans, not that that makes any difference.
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You weren’t talking about semi retiring to India recently.