Omnibus Russia Ukraine crisis


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 26, 2009
Feds were warned about setting ’significant precedent’ with Ukraine visas
Author of the article:Canadian Press
Canadian Press
Laura Osman
Published Jul 23, 2024 • 4 minute read

Court documents show federal immigration officials warned the government risked undermining the temporary immigration system with the design of the emergency visa program for war displaced Ukrainians.
Court documents show federal immigration officials warned the government risked undermining the temporary immigration system with the design of the emergency visa program for war displaced Ukrainians.
OTTAWA — Federal immigration officials warned the government it risked undermining the temporary immigration system with the design of the emergency visa program for war-displaced Ukrainians, newly released court documents show.

Immigration Department staff raised the concern in a memo to Sean Fraser, immigration minister at the time, shortly after the program was announced.

The memos outline the design of the Ukraine visa program, which allowed an unlimited number of Ukrainians and their family members to come to Canada to wait out the war.

The policy also waived the requirement for fleeing Ukrainians to promise to leave when their visa expires, against the advice of department staff.

“Waiving the need for a client to establish temporary intent would set a significant precedent that is not recommended, given that it would undermine a foundational component of the (temporary resident) legal framework,” staff said in the memo to Fraser, which was signed March 14, 2022.

Staff cautioned that waiving the requirement — the foundation of the temporary resident program — would set an “expectation that it could be done for other populations, not only those affected by conflict.”

The documents were disclosed as part of a proposed lawsuit against the federal government by three Afghan Canadians, who allege Canada discriminated against Afghan refugees by treating them differently than it did Ukrainians fleeing the Russian invasion.

The lawsuit hasn’t yet been certified by the court.

“The government knew that what they were doing was unfair,” said Nicholas Pope, one of the lawyers representing the Afghan Canadians.

“That’s just what we’re arguing in this case. That it’s unfair, it’s discriminatory, and there’s not a good reason why protections shouldn’t be applied to people who aren’t from Europe.”

The lawsuit was filed by Canadians who served as language and culture advisers to the Canadian government and NATO during the war in Afghanistan, but haven’t been allowed to bring family members in Afghanistan to safety.

Canada has approved some 962,600 emergency visas for Ukrainians since the 2022 Russian invasion, which allow people fleeing the conflict to work and study while the war rages.

The program was generally well received in Canada, where people opened their homes to Ukrainians and donated clothes, furniture and other essentials to help them settle during their stay.

Roughly 298,000 actually made the trip to Canada, though it’s unclear how many have stayed, and how many have since applied for permanent residency.

The documents also warn the design of the program could disadvantage Ukrainians by effectively creating “second-class” permanent residents, without access to settlement supports or equivalent status under the law.

The government has argued the emergency program for Ukrainians can’t be compared to the program for Afghan refugees, because people from Afghanistan are unlikely to be able to return home.

In the memo, though, staff say the key distinction between temporary programs and permanent ones is the requirement that visa holders declare their intention to leave.

The department officials described the Ukraine emergency visa program as “exceptional in nature.”

“It underscores Canada’s unique relationship with Ukraine, the extensive diaspora and family links, as well as the unique nature of the conflict as a significant land invasion adjacent to EU countries with generous immigration measures,” the memo said.

“However, it risks setting a significant precedent, one which may result in future pressures on the government to take similar action for other emergencies.”

Two full pages of legal considerations outlined by the department were blacked out in the documents provided to the court.

Fraser ultimately agreed with the department’s recommendation not to publish the policy publicly, given the “unprecedented and exceptional nature” of the approach.

Pope seized on that point Tuesday.

“Why would you not publish a policy if you’re proud of it, and you think that it’s fair, and you think that it’s just and you think that it’s charter compliant?” he asked.

“I think they really understood the problematic nature of this.”

The offices of Fraser, now housing minister, and the current immigration minister, Marc Miller, did not immediately respond to requests for comment.

The government has emphasized that the Ukrainian program is intended to be temporary, and has encouraged those without family ties to Canada to apply for permanent residency through traditional means if they hope to stay.

Since Fraser announced the visa program, the government has faced accusations of unfairly limiting temporary refuge to people attempting to flee conflicts in Sudan and the war between Israel and Hamas in the Gaza Strip.

In February the Canadian Council for Refugees pointed out the disparity between the program for Ukrainians and the temporary refuge programs for Sudanese people.

“The crisis in Sudan … is of catastrophic proportions,” the group wrote to Miller earlier this year.

“Given the scale of the crisis, the limit of 3,250 applications in the family-based humanitarian pathway is inadequate to the need. In contrast, Canada admitted an unlimited number of Ukrainians on temporary visas, and the pathway to permanent residence for Ukrainians is similarly without a cap.”


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 26, 2009
Canadian woman caged in illegal Russian arms deal
The judge didn't believe she was just the banker and tax avoidance manipulator

Author of the article:Brad Hunter
Published Jul 26, 2024 • Last updated 1 day ago • 2 minute read

Russian-Canadian woman Kristina Puzyreva has been jailed for two years for her role in an arms-smuggling scheme. INSTAGRAM
Russian-Canadian woman Kristina Puzyreva has been jailed for two years for her role in an arms-smuggling scheme. INSTAGRAM
Ukraine-hating Russian-Canadian woman Kristina Puzyreva won’t be sipping Moscow Mules where she’s going.

The war profiteer, 34, was sentenced to two years in Brooklyn Federal Court for a multimillion-dollar scheme to ship weapons components to sanction-strangled Russia.

Puzyreva claimed she was her husband’s patsy but the New York Daily News reported that the Instagram-friendly stunner’s text messages torpedoed any suggestion she was a dupe.

Brooklyn Federal Court Judge LaShann DeArcy Hall said she had been inclined to give Puzyreva a lighter sentence because of the horrific conditions at Brooklyn’s Metropolitan Detention Center — her home the past nine months.

During her jolt in jail, she was attacked and then stashed in solitary while staff sorted out whether she was, in fact, a victim.

But Puzyreva’s courtroom finger-pointing soured the judge.

“When I committed this crime, I knew my husband had an illegal business … I never knew that these electronic components would go to weapons,” she protested.

“I trusted my husband, but he never mentioned to me that it would go somewhere to hurt someone.”

She added: “I hate myself that I let myself be part of that.”

Puzyreva said she was just the banker and tax avoidance manipulator. The judge didn’t believe her.

“I believe that was a patent lie,” DeArcy Hall said, referring to a text exchange between Puzyreva and her husband.

The Montreal couple discussed a package that was “not a pretty part” being intercepted by customs officials.

She pleaded guilty in February to money laundering and conspiracy. Her husband, Nikolay Goltsev, also copped a plea and is slated to be sentenced in December.

According to the News, the couple worked with a third man named Salimdzhon Nasriddinov (who pleaded guilty) and others to smuggle $7 million in weapons-related electronics in 2022 and 2023.

After leaving the U.S., the components were moved through middlemen in Turkey, Hong Kong, India, China and the United Arab Emirates.

Rather than being a rube, the feds said Puzyreva was the “linchpin” of the conspiracy through her control of the bank accounts connected to the scheme.

And she was fully behind Russian strongman Vladimir Putin’s onslaught into Ukraine that’s claimed tens of thousands of lives.

She texted her hubby: “What is Putin waiting for. He needs to destroy Ukraine. He needs to put fear into them. Those losers. … I hate (ethnic slur for Ukrainians) anyway.”

Not so, she told the judge, claiming she left the Motherland at 17 and never wants to return. She added she is half-Ukrainian but didn’t like the cheering for Russian civilian deaths.

“Although we believe the sentence was excessive considering her limited role in the conspiracy, we understand and accept the absolute horror of the war being waged against Ukraine,” her lawyer, Jeff Chabrowe, said Wednesday.

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The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
According to the News, the couple worked with a third man named Salimdzhon Nasriddinov (who pleaded guilty) and others to smuggle $7 million in weapons-related electronics in 2022 and 2023.
Another Putin loving Tajik Muslim. One of б0нерски's buddies ld wager.
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