Oceans and lakes on Mars
( Oceans, alleged ancient, and underground glciers )
Glaciers have been discovered on Mars below a shield of rocks with some depth under the ground.
Such under-ground glaciers are located at latitudes of 35-60 in both the north and south hemispheres. Such latitudes are middle, neither polar nor equatorial.
I think such glaciers are in fact lakes of liquid water; because Mars still has a very hot and active core. We here on earth have many water-springs and wells giving warm water because they are somewhat deep.
In Iraq there is such warm water-springs in Mosul city and in a nearby city called Hammam Alaliel. In addition, the water of wells is cold in summer and warm in winter: because it is moderate in temperature: so that in summer time it will be relatively cold, while in winter it will be relatively warm.
In some countries they use such criteria to make some conditioning in winter and summer; using some pipes that go to some considerable depth underground water; and bring this water out and circle it again; so as to moderate the temperature of house and offices, etc.
So how can that be while the internal part of Mars is still very hot? While the glaciers are present under the ground in middle regions, and yet it is ice, and moreover, this is so in the middle zones of both the south and north hemisphere: almost this is some liquid water, not ice.
A new discovery about Mars is the alleged past oceans that covered one third of the planet in the past.
Put in mind such oceans may be present now on Mars. These oceans and the glaciers may in fact be on the surface: oceans, seas and lakes of water, but they have not ascertained this yet. This goes with the map of the distribution of the hydrogen on the first meter or so of the surface of Mars.
They intend to send some new rovers to Mars next year; this time may discover important discoveries, when they go near the mountainous area, where they may find water springs, streams and people on Mars; if they take lesson from the previous missions. Such mountains are covered with ice in their tops, so will all this ice vaporise? Will some of it percolate to the underground to come as water springs, water streams and rivers? Take it easy, and give us some water to drink :smile: