No troup support in Toronto


Satelitte Radio Addict
May 28, 2007
Toronto, ON
Shame, shame, shame.

If the city of Toronto doesn't see fit to support the troops who are fighting and dying because some people object, I'm sure they will be consistent and refuse to fly the Rainbow flag at City Hall like they do every year during Pride Week because some people object to homosexuality.

If they come out and say 'no symbols', then yes you have a very good point. If they don't come out with a blanket statement (which from what I have heard they are not) then this is very simple politiking at its worse. Miller is not looking to change city policy. It just no longer suits his needs to associate himself with that symbol anymore. When he put the symbol on he was no doubt riding the 'support the troops' bandwagon to help with his re-election. But in 3.5 years time, hopefully, Afganistan will be a distant memory and he won't need the help (from that source at least).
May 28, 2007
Honour our Fallen
The Yellow ribbon is a symbol to be used to bring our troops HOME safely.
In Iraq the first time out they were worn by everyone.
Methinks the whole bring em HOME idea is to be quashed here due to the nature of the forever ongoing war on terror....
Forget about bringing em HOME


Force majeure
May 28, 2007
If they come out and say 'no symbols', then yes you have a very good point. If they don't come out with a blanket statement (which from what I have heard they are not) then this is very simple politiking at its worse. Miller is not looking to change city policy. It just no longer suits his needs to associate himself with that symbol anymore. When he put the symbol on he was no doubt riding the 'support the troops' bandwagon to help with his re-election. But in 3.5 years time, hopefully, Afganistan will be a distant memory and he won't need the help (from that source at least).

Since when did he put it on? Council decided that the ribbons be put on Firetrucks and Ambulances for one year. After that year they were to be removed. Janet Davis says she wants them gone right now and Frances Nuziata says they should stay.

Millar said that they are supposed to be removed when the trucks go in for maintenance as per the agreement and he doesn't want to be involved in the argument.

Doesn't anyone read what's printed?

Shouldn't you be pissed at Janet Davis?


Electoral Member
May 27, 2005
Eastern Ontario
can all argue all you want but the timid tigers of Toronto backed down ran away and let voted completely for the ribbons to stay!!

Tortonto has a habit of thinking everyone thinks the same as they (core of the city thoughts) and when they find out how off they are from most of the country they run and hide..

this has not been the first or will not be the last time this plays out.