New Study Is A ‘Death Blow’ To Global Warming Hysteria


House Member
Oct 19, 2009
complete nonsense! Yet another denier talking point attempting to associate the term denier to the Holocaust. Should I call Godwin's Law? :mrgreen: The word denier is not exclusively co-opted by any single group, any single interest. In the AGW/CC context, denier is simply a label, one that is not an insult, one that is not name-calling, one that is simply a matter-of-fact categorization of non-belief in the prevailing understandings within science. The label denier is a quite matter-of-fact part of the understood lexicon within the discussion/debate surrounding AGW/CC.
You are a pis sant, a moron, a troll, and a turd.

Indeed, I have wiped better things than you off the sole of my boot after a stroll through the barnyard.

Oh, no insult intended, as these words are not solely used in relation to you.
You need to contribute something tangible or grow up.
mentalfloss: this is a classic case in point in why this board will never rise about its juvenile shyte-house positioning, when it allows... when it encourages... this type of uber-insult posting. It truly begs the question on what this board's operator(s) and moderators are striving for here...


Hall of Fame Member
Mar 18, 2013
Washington DC

mentalfloss: this is a classic case in point in why this board will never rise about its juvenile shyte-house positioning, when it allows... when it encourages... this type of uber-insult posting. It truly begs the question on what this board's operator(s) and moderators are striving for here...
Having some fun with the self-important, maybe?


House Member
Oct 19, 2009

that's quite the positive contribution you're bringing here. Considering you seem to live on this board, is there a particular reason you're not trying to improve it and bring a more positive contribution to it?


Hall of Fame Member
Mar 18, 2013
Washington DC
that's quite the positive contribution you're bringing here. Considering you seem to live on this board, is there a particular reason you're not trying to improve it and bring a more positive contribution to it?
Well, replying to ad hominems with ad hominems then claiming moral superiority is pretty funny. Do go on.


House Member
Oct 19, 2009
Well, replying to ad hominems with ad hominems then claiming moral superiority is pretty funny. Do go on.

sure... I've responded "with like" in the past... certainly not to the level I've ever received. Apparently, you feel it's open season and one should just completely ignore the purposeful insult and juvenile marginalization tactics played out here daily. On several occasions I've put a lot of research into posts only to have them... purposely... buried (pages deep) with the bullshyte posts that go on around here. Clearly, the clubhouse gang (aided and abetted by moderators here) are uncomfortable with someone who posts something that questions/challenges the preferred echo-chambers around here! And by the by... this, your post, has quite the moral superiority tude! I've never, as you say, "claimed moral superiority"...


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 5, 2005
Saint John, N.B.
mentalfloss: this is a classic case in point in why this board will never rise about its juvenile shyte-house positioning, when it allows... when it encourages... this type of uber-insult posting. It truly begs the question on what this board's operator(s) and moderators are striving for here...


You insult everyone on the board that disagrees with you by haughtily and arrogantly referring to them as "deniers", while at the same time crying in your hankie about how insulted you are.

I politely pointed out that "denier" is without a doubt an insult, as it insinuates an inherent disconnect with reality, and evokes the loathing inspired by the common political usage of the word in "Holocaust denier"

You replied thusly:

Yet another denier talking point attempting to associate the term denier to the Holocaust. Should I call Godwin's Law? :mrgreen:The word denier is not exclusively co-opted by any single group, any single interest. In the AGW/CC context, denier is simply a label, one that is not an insult, one that is not name-calling, one that is simply a matter-of-fact categorization of non-belief in the prevailing understandings within science. The label denier is a quite matter-of-fact part of the understood lexicon within the discussion/debate surrounding AGW/CC.

Then I guess "holocaust denier" is not an insult either........

Which means either you are behaving as a troll, as usual.................or you are too stupid to understand the concept of insult, (which you lead off with, despite the fact I was being polite), once again proving you are beneath treatment as a respectable member of the forum.

So fvck you.

You are simply a pis$ant. Buy a dictionary, look it up........A whiny, unintelligent pis$ant incapable (as I noticed a while back) of EVER entering your own thoughts in the debate, because you simply have never had an independent thought in your life.

You are told what to believe, and cling to it.

You have that particularly "progressive" characteristic of ignorance and arrogance mixed in equal quantities.

Fvck you.


captain morgan

Hall of Fame Member
Mar 28, 2009
A Mouse Once Bit My Sister
you were pointedly referring to this single paper referenced in this thread's OP. You spoke of the paper's "facts". Again, a paper that has yet to receive any peer-response.

The paper in the OP in concert with all the other papers.

PS - Love the 'peer review' schtick.. Should we send this to Mikey Mann for his professional opinion?.. Would he even have the time considering the lawsuits that he is presently engaged?

documented frauds??? Such as?

Sure, you play dumb... Smart move

Tard and weirdo


House Member
Oct 19, 2009
BTW, in case you cannot figure it out, i am quoting this so that everyone other than you and flossie can see your inability a answer a simple question. It must be hell to spout it but not be able to understand English.

you're not reading/comprehending again! As I stated, you've got an example right in this thread... the sensitivity related postings I've put forward. Of course, you haven't a clue about the subject matter, but why should that stop you from posturing your denial! As I said... as I challenged you, you could take up this OP, my posts and the sensitivity subject... somehow, you managed to ignore that, hey! :mrgreen:

you have no game here; your past posts have exposed you for the know-nothing denier you are.


Hall of Fame Member
Mar 18, 2013
Washington DC
sure... I've responded "with like" in the past... certainly not to the level I've ever received.
Ah, so going with the classic "It's wrong but I do it less, so I'm morally superior" argument? How unoriginal. Almost as hackneyed as "I only do it when they do it," which you implied with your "responded" comment.

Seriously, that's the best you've got?

Apparently, you feel it's open season and one should just completely ignore the purposeful insult and juvenile marginalization tactics played out here daily.
Far be it from me to question your conclusions, especially when they come from your hard-done-by attitude rather than any data from the world outside your head.

On several occasions I've put a lot of research into posts only to have them... purposely... buried (pages deep) with the bullshyte posts that go on around here.
Poor soul. Everybody's just so MEAN to you! Nothing to do with the fact that you don't engage in debate, you propound TRUTH and when people have the unmitigated gall to disagree, you pout and whine.

Clearly, the clubhouse gang (aided and abetted by moderators here) are uncomfortable with someone who posts something that questions/challenges the preferred echo-chambers around here!
Or maybe they dislike your pomposity. And maybe the mods don't really care because they've seen pompous know-it-alls come and go, and your tragic, tragic tale of woe ain't all that original.

And by the by... this, your post, has quite the moral superiority tude! I've never, as you say, "claimed moral superiority"...
I don't claim superiority in morality over you. Just in maturity.

Go whine about that for a while. Nobody understands you. Poor thing. I'd offer you a lollipop, but that would be a waste of a perfectly good lollipop.


Hall of Fame Member
Feb 16, 2005
that's quite the positive contribution you're bringing here. Considering you seem to live on this board, is there a particular reason you're not trying to improve it and bring a more positive contribution to it?

What are you talking about?


House Member
Oct 19, 2009
complete nonsense! Yet another denier talking point attempting to associate the term denier to the Holocaust. Should I call Godwin's Law? :mrgreen: The word denier is not exclusively co-opted by any single group, any single interest. In the AGW/CC context, denier is simply a label, one that is not an insult, one that is not name-calling, one that is simply a matter-of-fact categorization of non-belief in the prevailing understandings within science. The label denier is a quite matter-of-fact part of the understood lexicon within the discussion/debate surrounding AGW/CC.
You insult everyone on the board that disagrees with you by haughtily and arrogantly referring to them as "deniers", while at the same time crying in your hankie about how insulted you are.

I politely pointed out that "denier" is without a doubt an insult, as it insinuates an inherent disconnect with reality, and evokes the loathing inspired by the common political usage of the word in "Holocaust denier"
all you're doing here is showcase your naivety! The term denier is long established within the lexicon of the climate debate... the denier ploys to attach the term to the Holocaust are now many years old... and long dispatched. No self-respecting denier even tries or bothers with this nonsense any more. Think about what you're saying - really think about it. According to you, the simple word 'denier' can never be used by anyone, for anything, anywhere or anytime... because it implicitly invokes the Holocaust! :mrgreen:

what you've also done is, yet again, highlight once more that you can't accept something that counters an understanding/belief you have. And your repeat pattern resort is to completely lose it and throw down reams of insults. You've done it numerous times within your gun related posts and you've just done it again here in this thread a few short posts back... and in this post of yours, per below:
So fvck you.

You are simply a pis$ant.........A whiny, unintelligent pis$ant incapable (as I noticed a while back) of EVER entering your own thoughts in the debate, because you simply have never had an independent thought in your life.

Fvck you.


and this boards moderators continue to 'turn a blind eye' to this type of posting of yours!


House Member
Oct 19, 2009
The paper in the OP in concert with all the other papers.

of course it's not! That's why there's a range of sensitivity values... that range reflects upon the full gamut of published papers.

PS - Love the 'peer review' schtick.. Should we send this to Mikey Mann for his professional opinion?.. Would he even have the time considering the lawsuits that he is presently engaged?

its called peer-review/peer-response... you know... the fundamentals! I simply highlighted your nonsense in really, really, liking the interpretation put forward by those 2 Cato Institute deniers over a single paper from a single scientist. You know, "single paper syndrome". Let the paper take on the normal challenges of peer-response... and if the scientists arguments hold and are sound, per norm, the paper will stand and it will have added to the scientific knowledge for others to leverage and extend upon. That's how scientific knowledge progresses... that's how science progresses - ya think!

Sure, you play dumb... Smart move

noted: you refuse to take up my simple request/challenge. You made the statement/claim about "documented frauds"... apparently you're unable to... unwilling to... clarify!

Tard and weirdo

did this help you... do you feel better?

captain morgan

Hall of Fame Member
Mar 28, 2009
A Mouse Once Bit My Sister
noted: you refuse to take up my simple request/challenge. You made the statement/claim about "documented frauds"... apparently you're unable to... unwilling to... clarify!

I ain't your google bitch... But do keep on playing stupid on this front, it adds much to the already thin position that you presently maintain

did this help you... do you feel better?

I'm not the one that needs help


House Member
Oct 19, 2009
Poor soul. Everybody's just so MEAN to you! Nothing to do with the fact that you don't engage in debate, you propound TRUTH and when people have the unmitigated gall to disagree, you pout and whine.

please... I could care less about the shyte thrown at me from anonymous posters - ya think! Since you appear to want to take this on: I'm simply asking why YOU are here and why YOU don't seem to want something more from a discussion board... something more than, again, the crap around here that presumes to pass for "discussion/debate". Just look at the most recent past pages within this thread. None of this would be acceptable on any other board I've been on... that I'm currently on. The moderators of those boards would long ago have tightened this nonsense down.

Engage in debate, you say? There is no "engaging in debate" around here. What happens, repeatedly, over and over again, is a gang-pile of nattering nothingness and insult-fests... any presumptive legitimate debate gets immediately buried with insult, with purposeful derailing of the topic at hand, with posts that add nothing to the thread topic and act to simply allow those who "live on this board" to... to... to what? You tell me.

I ain't your google bitch... But do keep on playing stupid on this front, it adds much to the already thin position that you presently maintain

yes, when you're questioned/challenged to support your statements, I'm quite familiar with this "I ain't your google bitch ploy of yours".


Hall of Fame Member
Mar 18, 2013
Washington DC
please... I could care less about the shyte thrown at me from anonymous posters - ya think! Since you appear to want to take this on: I'm simply asking why YOU are here and why YOU don't seem to want something more from a discussion board... something more than, again, the crap around here that presumes to pass for "discussion/debate".
As I've said before, since they raised the ticket prices down to the zoo, this is the best place to watch apes fling poo at each other.

Just look at the most recent past pages within this thread. None of this would be acceptable on any other board I've been on... that I'm currently on. The moderators of those boards would long ago have tightened this nonsense down.
You've said that repeatedly. It led to no change whatsoever. Are you familiar with the definition of "insanity" attributed to Einstein?

Engage in debate, you say? There is no "engaging in debate" around here. What happens, repeatedly, over and over again, is a gang-pile of nattering nothingness and insult-fests... any presumptive legitimate debate gets immediately buried with insult, with purposeful derailing of the topic at hand, with posts that add nothing to the thread topic and act to simply allow those who "live on this board" to... to... to what? You tell me.
I've had some pretty good debates here. You gotta pick your moments. And again, you aren't interested in debate. That much is utterly clear from your posts. You are interested in agreement and admiration of your great big brain and heart. You have made it abundantly clear that you have no intention of taking seriously anything anybody says that isn't in perfect accord with your position. So why should anybody bother?

This place makes you unhappy, and you mention that you're on several other boards you consider better. Which begs the question. . . Why are you still here?


House Member
Oct 19, 2009
Or maybe they dislike your pomposity. And maybe the mods don't really care because they've seen pompous know-it-alls come and go, and your tragic, tragic tale of woe ain't all that original.

I wasn't speaking to myself alone... the response, rather, the lack of response to enforcing decorum (enforcing board rules) is quite universal on this board. It's a most peculiar form of trying to 'grow and nurture' a value-add and respected discussion board!


Time Out
Nov 21, 2004
Locutus posted predictions from the 60s that called for a new ice age coming because of global cooling. You basically ignored it instead of addressing it. Myself and a few others brought up dire predictions from the 70s that called for massive famines around the globe with human death rates exceeding 1/3 of the global population before the turn of the century along with massive coastal flooding due to the ice caps melting. All of this was apparently a guarantee if pollutants and ghg's were not reduced immediately. None of it has come any where near fruition even the ghg's have, in fact, increased since those dire predictions were made. They ALL, apparently , had an overwhelming consensus among the "scientific" community.

Now, how about you address this and tell us why we should believe these "new" predictions when previous "predictions" have been so far off the reality track.


House Member
Oct 19, 2009
As I've said before, since they raised the ticket prices down to the zoo, this is the best place to watch apes fling poo at each other.

then that probably says it all! Cause there's certainly no shortage of, as you say, "poo flinging apes" around here. But wait, don't you want something... more? Notwithstanding I'm forever confused why American's gravitate to a Canadian board... since there's only a brazillion U.S. focused boards available... many with a lot more poo flinging than here! :mrgreen: