New Ontario PC Leader


Hall of Fame Member
Jan 28, 2007
I voted on Sunday; here are my picks:
1. Randy Hillier
2. Tim Hudak
3. Frank Klees.


kind and gentle
Feb 27, 2006
Backwater, Ontario.
Mike Hairass is pushin Tim Hudak..................There's the boy!!!

commmmonnnncents........when ya needs it. Cents is all we'll have left.


Hope he calls nurses "hula hoops", and denigrates teachers, just like MIkey.
Caint' hardly wait.

Get rid of them pesky unions and kill couple more Dudleys........woops, he didn't have anything to do with that...........:roll: Where's them lads whut was operatin the well thing that killed a bunch of us....................We need them back........Yay Mike!!! Yay Tim!!!. Yay e.coli. Kom on Kons!!!:wav:

We get dumb libs, dumber cons. Ontariario is cursed.


kind and gentle
Feb 27, 2006
Backwater, Ontario.
I voted on Sunday; here are my picks:
1. Randy Hillier
2. Tim Hudak
3. Frank Klees.

YES!! Walter. Get that Randy in there. He'll get rid of those deer, and he'll also.........................................................:tard:,uh........make sure that...........uh..........we have, yay Randy!!!


Hall of Fame Member
Jan 28, 2007
YES!! Walter. Get that Randy in there. He'll get rid of those deer, and he'll also.........................................................:tard:,uh........make sure that...........uh..........we have, yay Randy!!!
Welcome to the con side.


Senate Member
Mar 18, 2007
Tim Hudak won the Progressive Conservative leadership race. He replaces John Tory.

Premier Dalton McGuinty has nothing to worry about because Tim Hudak was a cabinet minister of the old Mike Harris government.

The Conservative rich Ontario dumped the Harris government for a Liberal government.

Former PC leader John Tory almost won the last provincial election because he was not connected to the old Harris government but in a bold move during the election he decided to fund all religion education as opposed to the Catholic and public as it is now and he lost.

The PC party seems to think they have it in the bag but they will get the big surprise.

Tim Hudak was supported by Mike Harris during his leadership race which means he will be associated with Mike the knife Harris and even though McGuinty brought in healthcare premiums and is harmonizing the sales tax with the GST it’s small potatoes to what Mike Harris did during his time in office.

If the voters of Ontario get dissatisfied with the Liberal government they will vote NDP before they’ll ever vote Progressive Conservative.


kind and gentle
Feb 27, 2006
Backwater, Ontario.
"""If the voters of Ontario get dissatisfied with the Liberal government they will vote NDP before they’ll ever vote Progressive Conservative."""

Here's freakin hopin !!


lone wolf

Grossly Underrated
Nov 25, 2006
In the bush near Sudbury
A Red Tory has a much better chance - especially in tough times. Tory's biggest mistake was in backing down during an election. One of the horsemen of the Harass apocalypse hasn't a much better chance than a snowball's in Hell. Hydro bills make his peculiar version of Common Sense hard to forget.


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 19, 2004
Ottawa, ON
I have to say though that it's ironic that the Liberal Party of Ontario is the only major political party in the province that has chosen to reject the equality provisions (Article 26) of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, and this while Canadian troops are sacrificing their all to promote those same human rights in Afghanistan!

Article 26, to which Canada is a signatory and to which it isn't even clear if the Ontario Liberals give so much as lip service, states:

All persons are equal before the law and are entitled without any discrimination to the equal protection of the law. In this respect, the law shall prohibit any discrimination and guarantee to all persons equal and effective protection against discrimination on any ground such as race, colour, sex, language, religion, political or other opinion, national or social origin, property, birth or other status.

You can read the official criticism of Canada and Ontario by the UNHCR here:
United Nations Human Rights Website - Treaty Bodies Database - Document - Concluding Observations/Comments - Canada

And more about Equality in Education in Ontario here:
Home -

To the best of my knowledge, the Ontario NDP, Greens, and Progressive Conservatives have all chosen to conform to these most basic of human rights. If I understand correctly, the ONtario NDP and Greens have similar views to eliminate the separate school system altogether and have but one secular public school system. The Ontario Progressive Conservative Party has chosen instead, irony of all ironies, to follow the lead of what many on the left view as a model of effective social democracy, Sweden, by shifting to a voucher system and letting the parents decide.

Regardless which approach we prefer, we can't deny that the NDP, Greens, and PCs have at least chosen to set an example by showing that just as Afghanistan is not above international law, neither is Canada, nor Ontario, especially when we willingly signed onto it. A country with any self-respect does not sign on to an agreement just for the photo op. It signs onto it with intent to respect its obligations. If the Ontario Liberals had any sense of right and wrong, they'd either follow the lead of the other parties, or alternatively ask that Canada withdraw its signature from the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights. A politician with principles can't have it both ways.


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 19, 2004
Ottawa, ON
My mistake. The fact that the Ontario Liberals haven't asked the federal government to withdraw its signature from the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights does in fact equate with at least lip service. So I stand corrected; the Ontario Liberals have given Article 26 at least lip service, though still with no intent to actually respect it while cheering on Canadian troops in Afghanistan.

But hey, consistency would not make for an ideal photo-op moment now, would it?
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Hall of Fame Member
Oct 19, 2004
Ottawa, ON
I must say too that it is ironic that the Ontario PCs happen to be in the right on this point. Lately, it's been mainly the right that's snubbed international human rights laws, such as George Bush with the Iraq War and his rejection of the Geneva Convention and other rights, etc., of Canada's Conservative Party supporting Bush's war in Iraq at least in principle. Now it seems the tables are turned, with both the moderate right and moderate left in Ontario showing respect for international human rights laws, and the centre snubbing it. Ever more ironies.
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Senate Member
Mar 18, 2007
Even the Pope has spoken out against the separate school system

I guess the Pope is lying because the Roman Catholic Church that run the separate schools their priests have not demanded the province not fund their religious schools.

The Progressive Conservative party can’t be trusted on this issue and the NDP will say anything to get extra votes like the federal NDP supported to extend Canada’s mission in Afghanistan.

The Greens have proven that they are too green to be taken seriously.


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 19, 2004
Ottawa, ON
I guess the Pope is lying because the Roman Catholic Church that run the separate schools their priests have not demanded the province not fund their religious schools.

My guess is you're probably right on this point. So much for 'thou shalt not lie'.

The Progressive Conservative party can’t be trusted on this issue and the NDP will say anything to get extra votes like the federal NDP supported to extend Canada’s mission in Afghanistan.

As for the Progressive Conservatives, any examples or proof to back up your claim? As for the NDP, you might be right. I think lately the provincial NDP has shied away from the issue a little, though I don't know if they've rejected Article 26 officially altogether, or if rather they've just chosen to try to avoid the issue at all costs. Either way, it does show a lack of conviction in either direction. I remember seeing a video on the Green Party website however in which the Ontario Greens have a clear and firm policy of promoting one secular school system. Though I tend to lean more towards Greens overall, I have to say that I prefer the PC's voucher system idea. But I'll still applaud the Greens on the grounds that at least their policy too is in conformity with Article 26 of the Internation Convention on Civil and Political Rights, to which Canada is a signatory.

Especially when soldiers are sacrificing their lives abroad, it's shameful that any party should adopt a policy in contravention to the very international laws we're dieing for abroad.

I'm not saying 'don't vote Liberal' next provincial election, but I am saying don't vote for a candidate who can show no more than lip service for such basic civil and political rights to which our nation is a signatory.

The Greens have proven that they are too green to be taken seriously.

I'll admit that I still need to learn more about the Ontario Greens. But at the federal level at least, such a claim would be ridiculous considering that the NDP's carbon cap and trade policy is in fact greener than the Green Party's gas tax, which in fact is somewhat more moderate in that it doesn't actually put a legal cap on it but simply intends to gradually discourage it over time. The Green Party, at least at the Federal level, has certainly outgrown its one-issue status long ago and that many of its supporters are not encessarily die-hard environemntalists (in fact, they'd likely continue to support the NDP). But I concede that I know less about the Ontario Greens than the Federal Greens. But I have lloked at their website briefly once and it seemed to me that they had a broad policy base well beyond just environmental on-issue-ism. But I'll look into it again to be sure. Thanks for the heads up on that one.

But either way, when we're at war, showing respect for international law is the least a party can do for its troops abroad while they're fighting for those same rights for others.
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