National Child care, a reason to do away with provinces


Electoral Member
Dec 5, 2004
Was Victoria, now Ottawa
The battle to have a national child care program further proves that provinces dont care about the country but only about retaining and gaining more power. How about when Trudeau tried to bring the constitution back to Canada? The greedy premiers tried to squash that. Shows how patriotic they are. I honestly think that they should have less power. The more they get, the weaker this country gets.


Electoral Member
Dec 5, 2004
Was Victoria, now Ottawa
The battle to have a national child care program further proves that provinces dont care about the country but only about retaining and gaining more power. How about when Trudeau tried to bring the constitution back to Canada? The greedy premiers tried to squash that. Shows how patriotic they are. I honestly think that they should have less power. The more they get, the weaker this country gets.


Electoral Member
Dec 5, 2004
Was Victoria, now Ottawa
The battle to have a national child care program further proves that provinces dont care about the country but only about retaining and gaining more power. How about when Trudeau tried to bring the constitution back to Canada? The greedy premiers tried to squash that. Shows how patriotic they are. I honestly think that they should have less power. The more they get, the weaker this country gets.

Reverend Blair

Council Member
Apr 3, 2004
RE: National Child care,

I seems to be mostly Alberta and Quebec that are raising hell this time. Martin should just impose standards and tell those two provinces that there's no funding for them because they whine too much.

Reverend Blair

Council Member
Apr 3, 2004
RE: National Child care,

I seems to be mostly Alberta and Quebec that are raising hell this time. Martin should just impose standards and tell those two provinces that there's no funding for them because they whine too much.

Reverend Blair

Council Member
Apr 3, 2004
RE: National Child care,

I seems to be mostly Alberta and Quebec that are raising hell this time. Martin should just impose standards and tell those two provinces that there's no funding for them because they whine too much.


Electoral Member
Dec 5, 2004
Was Victoria, now Ottawa
I agree. Alberta wants funding only for private, for profit child care. Thats no suprise. I'm rooting for Ken Dryden, not only because he was a great golie. He realy cares about kids.


Electoral Member
Dec 5, 2004
Was Victoria, now Ottawa
I agree. Alberta wants funding only for private, for profit child care. Thats no suprise. I'm rooting for Ken Dryden, not only because he was a great golie. He realy cares about kids.


Electoral Member
Dec 5, 2004
Was Victoria, now Ottawa
I agree. Alberta wants funding only for private, for profit child care. Thats no suprise. I'm rooting for Ken Dryden, not only because he was a great golie. He realy cares about kids.


Nominee Member
Nov 23, 2004
Child care program, or day care, along with most other childhood services - like health, social services, elementary, secondary, and post-secondary education - are under provincial jurisdiction.
It is very unlikely, not to say impossible, that any province will relinquish their turf to allow more intrusion in provincial responsibilities by Ottawa.
Quebec has its own child care program in place since 1997 and Ottawa has nothing to do with it (except for telling other provinces to copy our system.)
The Federal Govern. had very little power given by the 1867 Constitution: regulation of trade and commerce , the post office,
the census ,national defense ,employment insurance, money and banking, copyrights , criminal law , citizenship, foreign policy . That's it, nothing more.
Everything else Otawa tries to regulate outside these 10 jurisdictions have been usurped from provincial governments.


Nominee Member
Nov 23, 2004
Child care program, or day care, along with most other childhood services - like health, social services, elementary, secondary, and post-secondary education - are under provincial jurisdiction.
It is very unlikely, not to say impossible, that any province will relinquish their turf to allow more intrusion in provincial responsibilities by Ottawa.
Quebec has its own child care program in place since 1997 and Ottawa has nothing to do with it (except for telling other provinces to copy our system.)
The Federal Govern. had very little power given by the 1867 Constitution: regulation of trade and commerce , the post office,
the census ,national defense ,employment insurance, money and banking, copyrights , criminal law , citizenship, foreign policy . That's it, nothing more.
Everything else Otawa tries to regulate outside these 10 jurisdictions have been usurped from provincial governments.


Nominee Member
Nov 23, 2004
Child care program, or day care, along with most other childhood services - like health, social services, elementary, secondary, and post-secondary education - are under provincial jurisdiction.
It is very unlikely, not to say impossible, that any province will relinquish their turf to allow more intrusion in provincial responsibilities by Ottawa.
Quebec has its own child care program in place since 1997 and Ottawa has nothing to do with it (except for telling other provinces to copy our system.)
The Federal Govern. had very little power given by the 1867 Constitution: regulation of trade and commerce , the post office,
the census ,national defense ,employment insurance, money and banking, copyrights , criminal law , citizenship, foreign policy . That's it, nothing more.
Everything else Otawa tries to regulate outside these 10 jurisdictions have been usurped from provincial governments.


Electoral Member
Dec 5, 2004
Was Victoria, now Ottawa
True. But the provinces always have there hands out for more money from Ottawa. They want the money, but they dont want to be told how to spend it. And I agree, Quebec's system seems to be a good one. But I do think that the federal government should have more power. Because if the federal government is weak and doesn't control anything, whats the point in having a country?


Electoral Member
Dec 5, 2004
Was Victoria, now Ottawa
True. But the provinces always have there hands out for more money from Ottawa. They want the money, but they dont want to be told how to spend it. And I agree, Quebec's system seems to be a good one. But I do think that the federal government should have more power. Because if the federal government is weak and doesn't control anything, whats the point in having a country?


Electoral Member
Dec 5, 2004
Was Victoria, now Ottawa
True. But the provinces always have there hands out for more money from Ottawa. They want the money, but they dont want to be told how to spend it. And I agree, Quebec's system seems to be a good one. But I do think that the federal government should have more power. Because if the federal government is weak and doesn't control anything, whats the point in having a country?

Reverend Blair

Council Member
Apr 3, 2004
RE: National Child care,

Given how transient we have become as a culture, anything having to do with education, including early childcare, should be federally regulated.

Kindergarten was just coming in when I was a kid. I went to kindergarten and part of grade 1 in Edmonton. I finished grade 1 in Regina where I went school until grade 4. Then we moved to Ottawa. Then halfway through grade 7 we went back to Regina.

The changes in curriculum were goofy. Ahead in some subjects, behind in others. Either scrambling to catch up or hopelessly bored.

It needs to be federally regulated so when kids move there is some continuity in school.

That goes for childcare too. It needs to be regulated. Standards need to be set. Kids learn massive amounts when they are young and we need to make sure that all the childcare facilities are working to the same standards.

Reverend Blair

Council Member
Apr 3, 2004
RE: National Child care,

Given how transient we have become as a culture, anything having to do with education, including early childcare, should be federally regulated.

Kindergarten was just coming in when I was a kid. I went to kindergarten and part of grade 1 in Edmonton. I finished grade 1 in Regina where I went school until grade 4. Then we moved to Ottawa. Then halfway through grade 7 we went back to Regina.

The changes in curriculum were goofy. Ahead in some subjects, behind in others. Either scrambling to catch up or hopelessly bored.

It needs to be federally regulated so when kids move there is some continuity in school.

That goes for childcare too. It needs to be regulated. Standards need to be set. Kids learn massive amounts when they are young and we need to make sure that all the childcare facilities are working to the same standards.

Reverend Blair

Council Member
Apr 3, 2004
RE: National Child care,

Given how transient we have become as a culture, anything having to do with education, including early childcare, should be federally regulated.

Kindergarten was just coming in when I was a kid. I went to kindergarten and part of grade 1 in Edmonton. I finished grade 1 in Regina where I went school until grade 4. Then we moved to Ottawa. Then halfway through grade 7 we went back to Regina.

The changes in curriculum were goofy. Ahead in some subjects, behind in others. Either scrambling to catch up or hopelessly bored.

It needs to be federally regulated so when kids move there is some continuity in school.

That goes for childcare too. It needs to be regulated. Standards need to be set. Kids learn massive amounts when they are young and we need to make sure that all the childcare facilities are working to the same standards.


Electoral Member
Feb 1, 2005
i agree, RB

my husband also moved around as a brat...bc, alberta and new brunswick. he describes exactly the same problems as you encountered, as well as problems associated with different high school systems.
he went from one high school that was on the year long schedule and went to a high school that had the semester program in effect. he lost almost a whole year of school in some classes in grade 11.

the best system would be a mixture of federal and provincial. federal to oversee general the country is in tune with each other. provincial so that the govt could fine tune the curriculam to match it's particular needs.

and day care is a must.
the danes (which is under federal) actually have started paying a parent to stay at home with their children.
daycare costs were so expensive to the government...because there they have free daycare for working parents...that it was actually cheaper to have a parent stay at home.

i want to move to denmark.


Electoral Member
Feb 1, 2005
i agree, RB

my husband also moved around as a brat...bc, alberta and new brunswick. he describes exactly the same problems as you encountered, as well as problems associated with different high school systems.
he went from one high school that was on the year long schedule and went to a high school that had the semester program in effect. he lost almost a whole year of school in some classes in grade 11.

the best system would be a mixture of federal and provincial. federal to oversee general the country is in tune with each other. provincial so that the govt could fine tune the curriculam to match it's particular needs.

and day care is a must.
the danes (which is under federal) actually have started paying a parent to stay at home with their children.
daycare costs were so expensive to the government...because there they have free daycare for working parents...that it was actually cheaper to have a parent stay at home.

i want to move to denmark.