BBC News - China traffic jam stretches 'nine days, 100km'
They desperately need better mass transit.
They desperately need better mass transit.
By the end of 2009, Beijing had four million cars, a growth of 17 per cent over 2008.
Experts say the urban layout forces people to buy cars and the city planning leaves people no choice but to travel.
They say the municipal government in Beijing is unlikely to control car numbers through economic restrictions, as Shanghai does, because the automotive industry has contributed a lot to the city’s economic development. Article Here
Whims of the market? More like wishes of the consumers. People buy things because they want them.
That is what the whim of the market is. Adam Smith called it the 'invisible hand'. It is anarchical. A basic understanding of economics will show you this.
Most important to a thorough understanding of economics is this. However, Adam Smith, Ricardo, marginal utility, and macroeconomics will make my point equally well.
Jroc (Welcome Aboard, by the way), do you own a car?
I do own a car, and it makes my life easier. Although, as of late, it is falling apart8O