When I first entered into information auditing I was fortunate to stumble across excellent opportunites to school myself in the magic of the "whiskey and water" syndrome,what "like minded individuals" designer process's look like,of course all in the name of justice.
I felt like I hit the jackpot,it had everything and everyone involved for an information auditor such as,media,law enforcement,Ceo's,bombs,murder,people shuffling,communities, numbers,AEUB,National Energy Boardetc,etc.This information auditing case demonstrated elements of a thriller movie of the whiskey and water club,unfortunately this movie had no happy ending or sex as I know it.Unfortunately this movie demonstrated attitudes of Administrators and once again demonstrates the RCMP meddling where they do not belong.Using public resources for poltical gain is and should not be tolerated,such bad taste.
These perfect opportunites gave me insights into the power of preagenda goals in the process of administration of law and Justice.
These opportunites give me great insights into the power of response in the information process,I now know why people say nothing before a lawyer is present,if preagendas are set forth,not guilty does not count,this is what I learnt from the Karman Willis case.
One of these information auditing opportunities was the case of Karman Willis of Northern Alberta,her death was not as accidental as one would think,examining the information which made communities lawless was my first curosities upon her needless death,I was able to determine information projection played an influence in her death,Karman Willis's death is no accident.
At this time Land dispustes were happening all over Alberta from the beginning,"landowner disputes" was my primary interest,the administration of the AEUB and their Federal counterpoints was my first interest in the Northern Alberta affairs.
I was auditing information before the tragic case of Karman Willis,her death made me go into some strange form of denial.I was also directing my efforts towards examining administered process's,information projection and dividing of communities,I was really interested in the AEUB role in dividing communities.I was counting and examining their play in the dsiputes and deaths of Albertans,or more so the process administered.
O.k., I admit doing some assessments on individuals who administer poltical polices in the guise of public policies,knowing who contributed to the information process set my goals with perfected satisfaction.There was a fancy shoed CEO,which I was able to have some insights into,his role is very significant in the movie.
During my information auditing,there were many characters to examine in the role of what happened in the "North Country".
I interviewed Mr. Wiebo Ludwig in Prison,it was an expected interview,Mr.Ludwig was kind enough to invite me to stay with him and his family,I always wanted to go,however there was one significant factor from presenting myself with this opportunity,it was because I really felt I needed to visit the Willis family FIRST to explain what ,what information auditing I was doing and why.
I could never bring myself to visit the Willis's,because I was hesitant in sharing the truth,because I don't ever think I could find the words of comfort, there are not sorry's big enough,I believe I was angry at the time of this decision making time,filled with confusion,disbelief,and disgust,I was scared I could not articulate the process,these days are long gone.How could I tell the Willis the same people who should of protected you,contributed in the death of their daughter.
To make matters worse,the public was provided with information about the projected numbers of vandilism,these were the numbers which placed a community in fear,divison and lawlessness.The information provided to me stated the numbers were influenced and ARE not to be true, or if anything one should scrutnize the numbers to understand the information handling system when politics is involved within justice.I asked the Feds on the reported numbers,time frames and companies who reported vandalism,I asked about the information which was purposefully projected towards the public.I was refused this information,I felt intimidated,I shrunk and missed another opportunity to find out about the truth to these rumours.A reliable source provided this information,so I think it is worth pursuing.
The great thing about the Karman Willis case for the information auditor is the chain reaction of predictability of the process,this helps with further knowledge to pursue in different audiiting cases.Patterns help the cause.The Karman Willis case demonstrated the power of information in the handling of information,it demsonstrates the power of response when agendas are placed in the correct order,this case demonstrates how justice and politics influence each other.
Unfortunately Mr. Ludwig passed on,but beleive or not just a year and a half ago a family member invited me to copy personal writings of Mr. Ludwig,including photos,she inviited me to get to know him through the eyes of a family members,I was confused by her mixed response,it sounds like it is not good,it was strange how this opportunity dropped on my lap.Once again I missed this opportunity because once again I feel a loyality to the Karman Willis family first.
Tell me readers,should I track down this lost opportunity,please encourage me to be greedy,I keep missing these opportunities,I need some encouragement.
I am seeking encouragement to get in my car and go to Northern Alberta.
I felt like I hit the jackpot,it had everything and everyone involved for an information auditor such as,media,law enforcement,Ceo's,bombs,murder,people shuffling,communities, numbers,AEUB,National Energy Boardetc,etc.This information auditing case demonstrated elements of a thriller movie of the whiskey and water club,unfortunately this movie had no happy ending or sex as I know it.Unfortunately this movie demonstrated attitudes of Administrators and once again demonstrates the RCMP meddling where they do not belong.Using public resources for poltical gain is and should not be tolerated,such bad taste.
These perfect opportunites gave me insights into the power of preagenda goals in the process of administration of law and Justice.
These opportunites give me great insights into the power of response in the information process,I now know why people say nothing before a lawyer is present,if preagendas are set forth,not guilty does not count,this is what I learnt from the Karman Willis case.
One of these information auditing opportunities was the case of Karman Willis of Northern Alberta,her death was not as accidental as one would think,examining the information which made communities lawless was my first curosities upon her needless death,I was able to determine information projection played an influence in her death,Karman Willis's death is no accident.
At this time Land dispustes were happening all over Alberta from the beginning,"landowner disputes" was my primary interest,the administration of the AEUB and their Federal counterpoints was my first interest in the Northern Alberta affairs.
I was auditing information before the tragic case of Karman Willis,her death made me go into some strange form of denial.I was also directing my efforts towards examining administered process's,information projection and dividing of communities,I was really interested in the AEUB role in dividing communities.I was counting and examining their play in the dsiputes and deaths of Albertans,or more so the process administered.
O.k., I admit doing some assessments on individuals who administer poltical polices in the guise of public policies,knowing who contributed to the information process set my goals with perfected satisfaction.There was a fancy shoed CEO,which I was able to have some insights into,his role is very significant in the movie.
During my information auditing,there were many characters to examine in the role of what happened in the "North Country".
I interviewed Mr. Wiebo Ludwig in Prison,it was an expected interview,Mr.Ludwig was kind enough to invite me to stay with him and his family,I always wanted to go,however there was one significant factor from presenting myself with this opportunity,it was because I really felt I needed to visit the Willis family FIRST to explain what ,what information auditing I was doing and why.
I could never bring myself to visit the Willis's,because I was hesitant in sharing the truth,because I don't ever think I could find the words of comfort, there are not sorry's big enough,I believe I was angry at the time of this decision making time,filled with confusion,disbelief,and disgust,I was scared I could not articulate the process,these days are long gone.How could I tell the Willis the same people who should of protected you,contributed in the death of their daughter.
To make matters worse,the public was provided with information about the projected numbers of vandilism,these were the numbers which placed a community in fear,divison and lawlessness.The information provided to me stated the numbers were influenced and ARE not to be true, or if anything one should scrutnize the numbers to understand the information handling system when politics is involved within justice.I asked the Feds on the reported numbers,time frames and companies who reported vandalism,I asked about the information which was purposefully projected towards the public.I was refused this information,I felt intimidated,I shrunk and missed another opportunity to find out about the truth to these rumours.A reliable source provided this information,so I think it is worth pursuing.
The great thing about the Karman Willis case for the information auditor is the chain reaction of predictability of the process,this helps with further knowledge to pursue in different audiiting cases.Patterns help the cause.The Karman Willis case demonstrated the power of information in the handling of information,it demsonstrates the power of response when agendas are placed in the correct order,this case demonstrates how justice and politics influence each other.
Unfortunately Mr. Ludwig passed on,but beleive or not just a year and a half ago a family member invited me to copy personal writings of Mr. Ludwig,including photos,she inviited me to get to know him through the eyes of a family members,I was confused by her mixed response,it sounds like it is not good,it was strange how this opportunity dropped on my lap.Once again I missed this opportunity because once again I feel a loyality to the Karman Willis family first.
Tell me readers,should I track down this lost opportunity,please encourage me to be greedy,I keep missing these opportunities,I need some encouragement.
I am seeking encouragement to get in my car and go to Northern Alberta.