Mansbridge interviews Obama


Hall of Fame Member
Feb 16, 2005
The Ruble went into the tank. The Russians didn't print more rubles (as far as I know) they let it sort itself out. It took a long time and there is still a ways to go but I think they handled it the correct way.

I could be wrong... again... I know very little on economics.


the universe is electric
Jan 26, 2006
RR1 Distopia 666 Discordia
Exactly... or borrowing more from China from another account. I think this package will just delay what is inevitable... a deep recession.

The market needs to adjust itself. Each day we here of a billion dollar bail out here... a billion there... where is all this money coming from!

There isn't a market Smack it's dead already, it adjusted itself to death. The only people getting bailed out are the wealthy greedy pricks that brought the house down, if we keep them arround they'll do it again to the next game like they always do. Quess what the only viable fix is. If you encourage foxes you ain't ever going to eat fried chicken.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 14, 2006
Vancouver Island
It's always a puzzle to me, that many complain and worry about how much debt the
stimulus package will put the u.s. in, but not too much complaining of, how much
was spent on killing machines, death and destruction and just plain incomprehensible irresponsibility by the u.s. government after going into iraq, and
how many dead iraqis there are, not mentioning dead americans and injured who now have to be cared for,and how much is being spent in iraq for iraq and not for u.s. citizens. That is a 100% loss of lives and government funds, can you
imagine how much would be in the account of the government right now, if you
could turn back the clock, and prevent that stupid invasion of iraq.
So, now the government is trying to help their own country, and the whining and
complaining is loud and clear.


Ace Poster
Nov 18, 2008
Aether Island
I agree, Talloola, in part, it's hubris. Perhaps karma. Perhaps deserved. Perhaps not!
And, I agree, with the Darkbeaver that the people who caused the problem are largely the ones being bailed out.

So far the bailouts have totalled over $3 000 000 000 000.00. That's $10 000 for every man woman, and child in the States. If instead of the banks, they had given the bailout to the citizens, what would those citizens have done with the money? Most would have spent it, paid off bills, invested. The auto companies would not be facing Chapter 11, homes would not be bulldozed. Just let your imagination range. Where would this money have come from? Why from the same place, the bank bailout came. How would it have been paid back? Why, from the future. But God help the future, if the present is not looked after!

There are 10's of thousands of vehicles on car lots, and no one is buying. What shall we do with them? Bulldoze them? There are alternatives to stagnating economies, with inventories that won't move. Are there no poor?


Time Out
Feb 2, 2006
The Hot Dog Vendor
In Chicago, 2002 there was a hot dog vendor who sold the very best hot dogs by the side of the road. His business was booming, people loved his hot dogs, and his business steadily increases month after month. The man loved his business and believed in the need to provide great food at a great price.
This man was so busy advertising and selling his hot dogs and making lots of money, that he didn't even have time to read the newspaper or listen to the radio. Consequently, he never heard a word about a predicted recession or the need to cut back to save for the potential economic slowdown. As long as he continued to offer his delicious hot dogs, his customers bought them. He kept selling, and they kept buying.
Then one day his college educated son told him that an economic recession was surely coming. His son told him that people wouldn't have enough money to buy his hot dogs. The successful hot dog vendor believed this, so on his son’s advice, he cut back on his advertising. Additionally, he started ordering less supplies and product, because after all, people would be cutting back soon.
He even went so far as to take down many of the billboards that lead to his roadside stand. And sure enough, people stopped coming to him. People stopped buying his hot dogs, and he eventually went broke.
Then he thought to himself. "How smart my son is in predicting this."

Author unknown


House Member
Aug 28, 2006
I don't know if a group needs 4 billion (ACORN) but I don't know the size and scope of what thats really for.

As for fraudulent voter registration, yes some people put down names like "Micky Mouse", but those registration forms had to be turned in with all the rest, by law. It is (or was) the same in Canada I believe. Its not up to the person who takes the information to make the decisions, there is a government official who makes that call (Even in obvious cases of fraud)


Doctor of Thinkology
Feb 23, 2006
The problem with the housing issue is it was placed solely on the backs of the banks. In Canada if you are foreclosed on you're still responsible for the unpaid debt. In the US you are not. So once the barrier is broken whereby the housing market in general is well below mortgage levels the entire collapse is placed in the lap of the banks. That doesn't provide a lot of motivation to hang in and wait it out, and once people start handing back the keys in droves there is no stopping it.