Man stopped by Texas trooper in Canada

Canadian Observer

Nominee Member
Jan 21, 2005
You're actually doing me a favour by the echo, peapod.

Do you see yourself now in my postings.

I'm not leaving just yet. I'll hang around here, whether you like it or not.
Remember I'm the observer.


Hall of Fame Member
Jun 26, 2004
pumpkin pie bungalow
eh??? I simply wished you a speedy and safe journey back to your homeland...I thought it was touching :cry:
You obviously did not have a good experience in Canada...but bitterness has a way of biting you in the ass :p Expections always lead to resentment. I am sure you must be disappointed that you did not find what you wanted here. May I offer a few words that a haida elder once told me.

Chíin dáng xiláadaa us? :wink:


Hall of Fame Member
Jun 26, 2004
pumpkin pie bungalow
eh??? I simply wished you a speedy and safe journey back to your homeland...I thought it was touching :cry:
You obviously did not have a good experience in Canada...but bitterness has a way of biting you in the ass :p Expections always lead to resentment. I am sure you must be disappointed that you did not find what you wanted here. May I offer a few words that a haida elder once told me.

Chíin dáng xiláadaa us? :wink:


Hall of Fame Member
Jun 26, 2004
pumpkin pie bungalow
eh??? I simply wished you a speedy and safe journey back to your homeland...I thought it was touching :cry:
You obviously did not have a good experience in Canada...but bitterness has a way of biting you in the ass :p Expections always lead to resentment. I am sure you must be disappointed that you did not find what you wanted here. May I offer a few words that a haida elder once told me.

Chíin dáng xiláadaa us? :wink:

Canadian Observer

Nominee Member
Jan 21, 2005
Its not so much the expectation. but the promise. Going back home ???????? We're going to the US of A , my , friend.

Resentment ? There's some. Lies about the USA though - there's a lot. See you around.

Canadian Observer

Nominee Member
Jan 21, 2005
Its not so much the expectation. but the promise. Going back home ???????? We're going to the US of A , my , friend.

Resentment ? There's some. Lies about the USA though - there's a lot. See you around.

Canadian Observer

Nominee Member
Jan 21, 2005
Its not so much the expectation. but the promise. Going back home ???????? We're going to the US of A , my , friend.

Resentment ? There's some. Lies about the USA though - there's a lot. See you around.

Reverend Blair

Council Member
Apr 3, 2004
RE: Man stopped by Texas

I've been away for a while...had to go bury my last grandmother. While I was there I sat down and drank 18 or 20 beer with a priest. He's living in Oregon right now, he can't wait to retire so he can move to Saskatoon.

Now, like I said, this man is a priest. He's spent most of his life alternating between parishes in the US and Canada. He's spent a fair bit of time in Eastern Europe too, mostly the Ukraine, and he's been pretty much everywhere. He has one thing to say about the US in it's current state, Canadian Observer. That it's gone completely insane.

One of the things that makes him angriest is how thin-skinned and completely unable to take criticism Americans who try to defend the immoral, inane, and criminal activities of the Bush administration are. That'd be people like you, Canadian Observer.

What you are incapable or unwilling to understand is that the criticisms made are valid and, unlike the vitriol and stupidity that flows out of the jingoistic, right-wing American press, they aren't meant to be negative. It's more a matter of people around the world, not just Canadians, trying to get the American people to see that their leaders are causing great harm all around the planet.

The fact is, Canadian Observer, that you don't like Canada because most Canadians have no intention of becoming Americans. We have a lot of things that we do better. We have a lot of things that we are proud of. We've put up with all kinds of name-calling and bullshit from the US over the years, Canadian Observer. Now that we are becoming a little more vocal, actually talking back, people like you are whinging like spoiled children who just got told to smarten up.

Move back to the US, Canadian Observer. Don't let the door hit you in the ass on the way across the border. Trolling Canadian web-sites with your hate and willful ignorance isn't going to change anybody's mind about the US though. If you don't want the US to be criticised for its actions around the world, then work to elect a government that isn't stacked with war-mongering greed-hogs who'd whore out their own daughters for three dollars and pat on the head.

Reverend Blair

Council Member
Apr 3, 2004
RE: Man stopped by Texas

I've been away for a while...had to go bury my last grandmother. While I was there I sat down and drank 18 or 20 beer with a priest. He's living in Oregon right now, he can't wait to retire so he can move to Saskatoon.

Now, like I said, this man is a priest. He's spent most of his life alternating between parishes in the US and Canada. He's spent a fair bit of time in Eastern Europe too, mostly the Ukraine, and he's been pretty much everywhere. He has one thing to say about the US in it's current state, Canadian Observer. That it's gone completely insane.

One of the things that makes him angriest is how thin-skinned and completely unable to take criticism Americans who try to defend the immoral, inane, and criminal activities of the Bush administration are. That'd be people like you, Canadian Observer.

What you are incapable or unwilling to understand is that the criticisms made are valid and, unlike the vitriol and stupidity that flows out of the jingoistic, right-wing American press, they aren't meant to be negative. It's more a matter of people around the world, not just Canadians, trying to get the American people to see that their leaders are causing great harm all around the planet.

The fact is, Canadian Observer, that you don't like Canada because most Canadians have no intention of becoming Americans. We have a lot of things that we do better. We have a lot of things that we are proud of. We've put up with all kinds of name-calling and bullshit from the US over the years, Canadian Observer. Now that we are becoming a little more vocal, actually talking back, people like you are whinging like spoiled children who just got told to smarten up.

Move back to the US, Canadian Observer. Don't let the door hit you in the ass on the way across the border. Trolling Canadian web-sites with your hate and willful ignorance isn't going to change anybody's mind about the US though. If you don't want the US to be criticised for its actions around the world, then work to elect a government that isn't stacked with war-mongering greed-hogs who'd whore out their own daughters for three dollars and pat on the head.

Reverend Blair

Council Member
Apr 3, 2004
RE: Man stopped by Texas

I've been away for a while...had to go bury my last grandmother. While I was there I sat down and drank 18 or 20 beer with a priest. He's living in Oregon right now, he can't wait to retire so he can move to Saskatoon.

Now, like I said, this man is a priest. He's spent most of his life alternating between parishes in the US and Canada. He's spent a fair bit of time in Eastern Europe too, mostly the Ukraine, and he's been pretty much everywhere. He has one thing to say about the US in it's current state, Canadian Observer. That it's gone completely insane.

One of the things that makes him angriest is how thin-skinned and completely unable to take criticism Americans who try to defend the immoral, inane, and criminal activities of the Bush administration are. That'd be people like you, Canadian Observer.

What you are incapable or unwilling to understand is that the criticisms made are valid and, unlike the vitriol and stupidity that flows out of the jingoistic, right-wing American press, they aren't meant to be negative. It's more a matter of people around the world, not just Canadians, trying to get the American people to see that their leaders are causing great harm all around the planet.

The fact is, Canadian Observer, that you don't like Canada because most Canadians have no intention of becoming Americans. We have a lot of things that we do better. We have a lot of things that we are proud of. We've put up with all kinds of name-calling and bullshit from the US over the years, Canadian Observer. Now that we are becoming a little more vocal, actually talking back, people like you are whinging like spoiled children who just got told to smarten up.

Move back to the US, Canadian Observer. Don't let the door hit you in the ass on the way across the border. Trolling Canadian web-sites with your hate and willful ignorance isn't going to change anybody's mind about the US though. If you don't want the US to be criticised for its actions around the world, then work to elect a government that isn't stacked with war-mongering greed-hogs who'd whore out their own daughters for three dollars and pat on the head.

Canadian Observer

Nominee Member
Jan 21, 2005
thank God for not becoming Americans , Reverend and Co.

Your trying to play the victim now eh. Americans badmouthing you. C,mon , I maybe crazy but I'm not stupid.

I,m not American , FYI. But between Canada and the US ? you know where Im headed.

You and selfrighteous ilk have done a lot of damage in the world.

How many lives have been lost in the 20 years or so that Saddam was there ? When the UN oil for food was in place? How many lives were lost in Rwanda ? in Bosnia , In Kosovo ? Now in Darfur .And you are here saying that Bush and the Americans are criminals while you fence sitters and your murderous Idols Saddam , Milosevic are having a grand time. In a perfect world , your ideas will work.

We maybe of differing opinions but You are shameless as your fellow American bashers.

Yeah sit and watch people die while throwing those beer bottles at Americans dying to rid of your Idol Saddam . Is the picture of those happy iraqis voting make you sick ?? You sick..........

Reverend who...........

Canadian Observer

Nominee Member
Jan 21, 2005
thank God for not becoming Americans , Reverend and Co.

Your trying to play the victim now eh. Americans badmouthing you. C,mon , I maybe crazy but I'm not stupid.

I,m not American , FYI. But between Canada and the US ? you know where Im headed.

You and selfrighteous ilk have done a lot of damage in the world.

How many lives have been lost in the 20 years or so that Saddam was there ? When the UN oil for food was in place? How many lives were lost in Rwanda ? in Bosnia , In Kosovo ? Now in Darfur .And you are here saying that Bush and the Americans are criminals while you fence sitters and your murderous Idols Saddam , Milosevic are having a grand time. In a perfect world , your ideas will work.

We maybe of differing opinions but You are shameless as your fellow American bashers.

Yeah sit and watch people die while throwing those beer bottles at Americans dying to rid of your Idol Saddam . Is the picture of those happy iraqis voting make you sick ?? You sick..........

Reverend who...........

Canadian Observer

Nominee Member
Jan 21, 2005
thank God for not becoming Americans , Reverend and Co.

Your trying to play the victim now eh. Americans badmouthing you. C,mon , I maybe crazy but I'm not stupid.

I,m not American , FYI. But between Canada and the US ? you know where Im headed.

You and selfrighteous ilk have done a lot of damage in the world.

How many lives have been lost in the 20 years or so that Saddam was there ? When the UN oil for food was in place? How many lives were lost in Rwanda ? in Bosnia , In Kosovo ? Now in Darfur .And you are here saying that Bush and the Americans are criminals while you fence sitters and your murderous Idols Saddam , Milosevic are having a grand time. In a perfect world , your ideas will work.

We maybe of differing opinions but You are shameless as your fellow American bashers.

Yeah sit and watch people die while throwing those beer bottles at Americans dying to rid of your Idol Saddam . Is the picture of those happy iraqis voting make you sick ?? You sick..........

Reverend who...........


Executive Branch Member
Jan 7, 2005
Sorry to hear of your grandmother's passing away Reverend. Hope all is well other wise.


Executive Branch Member
Jan 7, 2005
Sorry to hear of your grandmother's passing away Reverend. Hope all is well other wise.


Executive Branch Member
Jan 7, 2005
Sorry to hear of your grandmother's passing away Reverend. Hope all is well other wise.

Reverend Blair

Council Member
Apr 3, 2004
Sorry to hear of your grandmother's passing away Reverend. Hope all is well other wise.

When a 92 year old woman who hasn't recognised anybody for two years passes on, it's kind of like a weight being lifted. Other than that all is...interesting.

Your trying to play the victim now eh. Americans badmouthing you. C,mon , I maybe crazy but I'm not stupid.

Apparently you have blinded yourself to fact then. Kennedy and Diefenbaker, Pearson and LBJ, Nixon and Trudeau. They never got along. LBJ grabbed Pearson by the lapels. That's known as assault in legal circles.

Our major media figures don't go on TV or write in magazines that Washington is like Berlin in 1939, but major media personalities in the US have no trouble bashing us.

Oh, btw, Canada and the US had an excellent relationship for most of Chretien's time in power. The problems started when Bush became prez. That points to it being his fault that relations have suffered, not Canada's, not Chretien's.

Not playing at being the victim, just stating facts, little buddy.

How many lives have been lost in the 20 years or so that Saddam was there ?

It was the US that put him there and helped him solidify his power base. It was the US who protected him after he gassed the Kurds. US bombs killed a lot of Iraqis during Desert Storm. US depleted uranium has been killing them ever since. The sanctions the US insisted on killed many, many more.

When the UN oil for food was in place?

Oil for Food was largely successful at fulfilling its goals, providing the Iraqi people with the basics of life. Even the Bush administration does not try to deny that...60% of Iraqis were fed by that program every day. It was brought in because of those US-backed sanctions that were killing Iraqi civilians.

How many lives were lost in Rwanda ?

It was the US and France that prevented further intervention there.

in Bosnia , In Kosovo ?

You mean from DU munitions used by US forces?

Yeah sit and watch people die while throwing those beer bottles at Americans dying to rid of your Idol Saddam . Is the picture of those happy iraqis voting make you sick ?? You sick..........

Throwing beer bottles would be wrong, Canadian Observer...they are recyclable. Saying that Saddam is the idol of everybody here is a brutal bald-faced lie.

The US went into Iraq under false pretenses. They said, very clearly, that Saddam had WMD and presented a threat. Nobody believed them so they couldn't get a UN sanction. That makes the invasion illegal. The blood of up to 100,000 dead Iraqis is on George Bush's hands.

Iraqis voting would make me happy if the election wasn't just a sham designed to install a puppet government that will keep the illegal laws that Paul Bremer passed in place.

Have a nice day, little CO buddy. You obviously hate Canada and Canadians. You should move someplace where there aren't so many. I hear the US military is looking for a few mercenaries. Maybe you should sign up.