Man stopped by Texas trooper in Canada


House Member
Jul 10, 2004
Victoria, BC
Canadian Observer said:
I didnt mean you when I said you . You here means American Bashing canadians .

Ive been called an asshole , troll , what have you , I,m just shooting back at those members. I actuallly good natured until provoked by ABc,s ( American bashing canadians) small letter c.

Hmmm ... since I tend to believe I am the centre of the universe and your post followed mine, it was a natural assumption. :)

Certainly there is some anti-American sentiment here. There is also anti Canadian sentiment in the political threads. Canadian Observer, it's all part of being a forum member. My comments to you were based entirely upon your attack of someone I respect.

As for shooting back at members ... It's been my own personal experience that I need to frequent forums where I am stimulated, challenged and forced to use my grey matter, but I also need to avoid forums where the overriding sentiments and points of view are offensive to me. I once went to a forum called FreeDominion. I found them to be highly distasteful so I did the only thing a rational person would do ... I left. I respect their right to their opinions but I am not masochistic enough to subject myself to them!

My point, and I do have one, is that no one scores any points in the respect arena by being unpleasant or rude. Lively debate is one of the most enjoyable aspects of these forums but when it degenerates to name calling and being generally pissy, it loses all class and appeal.

My suggestion to you is to make an effort to understand where others are coming from and not attack people who are liked and respected here. From our short exchanges, I understand you do not like to see Americans denigrated. Rather than just getting mad, tell me what was said that upset you and your reasons for feeling as you do. That I can respect.


House Member
Jul 10, 2004
Victoria, BC
Canadian Observer said:
I didnt mean you when I said you . You here means American Bashing canadians .

Ive been called an asshole , troll , what have you , I,m just shooting back at those members. I actuallly good natured until provoked by ABc,s ( American bashing canadians) small letter c.

Hmmm ... since I tend to believe I am the centre of the universe and your post followed mine, it was a natural assumption. :)

Certainly there is some anti-American sentiment here. There is also anti Canadian sentiment in the political threads. Canadian Observer, it's all part of being a forum member. My comments to you were based entirely upon your attack of someone I respect.

As for shooting back at members ... It's been my own personal experience that I need to frequent forums where I am stimulated, challenged and forced to use my grey matter, but I also need to avoid forums where the overriding sentiments and points of view are offensive to me. I once went to a forum called FreeDominion. I found them to be highly distasteful so I did the only thing a rational person would do ... I left. I respect their right to their opinions but I am not masochistic enough to subject myself to them!

My point, and I do have one, is that no one scores any points in the respect arena by being unpleasant or rude. Lively debate is one of the most enjoyable aspects of these forums but when it degenerates to name calling and being generally pissy, it loses all class and appeal.

My suggestion to you is to make an effort to understand where others are coming from and not attack people who are liked and respected here. From our short exchanges, I understand you do not like to see Americans denigrated. Rather than just getting mad, tell me what was said that upset you and your reasons for feeling as you do. That I can respect.


House Member
Jul 10, 2004
Victoria, BC
Canadian Observer said:
I didnt mean you when I said you . You here means American Bashing canadians .

Ive been called an asshole , troll , what have you , I,m just shooting back at those members. I actuallly good natured until provoked by ABc,s ( American bashing canadians) small letter c.

Hmmm ... since I tend to believe I am the centre of the universe and your post followed mine, it was a natural assumption. :)

Certainly there is some anti-American sentiment here. There is also anti Canadian sentiment in the political threads. Canadian Observer, it's all part of being a forum member. My comments to you were based entirely upon your attack of someone I respect.

As for shooting back at members ... It's been my own personal experience that I need to frequent forums where I am stimulated, challenged and forced to use my grey matter, but I also need to avoid forums where the overriding sentiments and points of view are offensive to me. I once went to a forum called FreeDominion. I found them to be highly distasteful so I did the only thing a rational person would do ... I left. I respect their right to their opinions but I am not masochistic enough to subject myself to them!

My point, and I do have one, is that no one scores any points in the respect arena by being unpleasant or rude. Lively debate is one of the most enjoyable aspects of these forums but when it degenerates to name calling and being generally pissy, it loses all class and appeal.

My suggestion to you is to make an effort to understand where others are coming from and not attack people who are liked and respected here. From our short exchanges, I understand you do not like to see Americans denigrated. Rather than just getting mad, tell me what was said that upset you and your reasons for feeling as you do. That I can respect.

Canadian Observer

Nominee Member
Jan 21, 2005
I would throw the question back to you first.

Why the anti American sentiment ? Did the Americans attack Canada militarily ? Do Americans bash Canadians in their papers on a daily basis ?

Canada said no when Geoge Bush asked for help in Iraq. That was'nt enough for Canadians , they kept on attacking Bush , his family and subsequently the American people.

Its like a suitor being turned down and also kicked in the ass.

Canada cares for its criminals more than most countries. 5 years for multiple murders . 3 years off for good behaviour. Is it any wonder that a murderer like Saddam Hussein gets more respect in this country than a President bent on stopping him at any cost.

Canadian Observer

Nominee Member
Jan 21, 2005
I would throw the question back to you first.

Why the anti American sentiment ? Did the Americans attack Canada militarily ? Do Americans bash Canadians in their papers on a daily basis ?

Canada said no when Geoge Bush asked for help in Iraq. That was'nt enough for Canadians , they kept on attacking Bush , his family and subsequently the American people.

Its like a suitor being turned down and also kicked in the ass.

Canada cares for its criminals more than most countries. 5 years for multiple murders . 3 years off for good behaviour. Is it any wonder that a murderer like Saddam Hussein gets more respect in this country than a President bent on stopping him at any cost.

Canadian Observer

Nominee Member
Jan 21, 2005
I would throw the question back to you first.

Why the anti American sentiment ? Did the Americans attack Canada militarily ? Do Americans bash Canadians in their papers on a daily basis ?

Canada said no when Geoge Bush asked for help in Iraq. That was'nt enough for Canadians , they kept on attacking Bush , his family and subsequently the American people.

Its like a suitor being turned down and also kicked in the ass.

Canada cares for its criminals more than most countries. 5 years for multiple murders . 3 years off for good behaviour. Is it any wonder that a murderer like Saddam Hussein gets more respect in this country than a President bent on stopping him at any cost.


House Member
Jul 10, 2004
Victoria, BC
Canadian Observer said:
I would throw the question back to you first.

Geez, Canadian Observer, I think I already answered that. I have no malice toward Americans. Individually, they are just folk like you and I. Some good, some not so good. Politically, they are as messed up as Canadians. I think Bush is a war mongerer. I think Martin is a chickenshit. Does that make me an equal opportunity basher? :)

I find politics a troubling topic, at best, whether American or Canadian. I am, at heart, something of an anarchist so all the laws and rules and power wielding is not comfortable for me. Generally I tend to avoid talking politics because often I do not feel sufficiently educated to give opinions on many of the issues. Of the issues I do follow, I usually just get frustrated. I also think there is infinitely more going on behind closed doors than the voting public is allowed to know so it is impossible for anyone to make a truly informed decision about any political policy. Ya, I'm a paranoid conspiracy theorist too. :)

I happen to quite enjoy the cultural differences between the US and Canada. Americans are so patriotic, so proud. They are also arrogant and strident. Canadians are apathetic and overly polite but I still have a great deal of pride in my country. For me, tho, the thing that truly interests me are individuals, regardless of nationality. People fascinate me. I tend to operate on a more personal level and try not to generalize.

Now you tell me why this upsets you so deeply. :)


House Member
Jul 10, 2004
Victoria, BC
Canadian Observer said:
I would throw the question back to you first.

Geez, Canadian Observer, I think I already answered that. I have no malice toward Americans. Individually, they are just folk like you and I. Some good, some not so good. Politically, they are as messed up as Canadians. I think Bush is a war mongerer. I think Martin is a chickenshit. Does that make me an equal opportunity basher? :)

I find politics a troubling topic, at best, whether American or Canadian. I am, at heart, something of an anarchist so all the laws and rules and power wielding is not comfortable for me. Generally I tend to avoid talking politics because often I do not feel sufficiently educated to give opinions on many of the issues. Of the issues I do follow, I usually just get frustrated. I also think there is infinitely more going on behind closed doors than the voting public is allowed to know so it is impossible for anyone to make a truly informed decision about any political policy. Ya, I'm a paranoid conspiracy theorist too. :)

I happen to quite enjoy the cultural differences between the US and Canada. Americans are so patriotic, so proud. They are also arrogant and strident. Canadians are apathetic and overly polite but I still have a great deal of pride in my country. For me, tho, the thing that truly interests me are individuals, regardless of nationality. People fascinate me. I tend to operate on a more personal level and try not to generalize.

Now you tell me why this upsets you so deeply. :)


House Member
Jul 10, 2004
Victoria, BC
Canadian Observer said:
I would throw the question back to you first.

Geez, Canadian Observer, I think I already answered that. I have no malice toward Americans. Individually, they are just folk like you and I. Some good, some not so good. Politically, they are as messed up as Canadians. I think Bush is a war mongerer. I think Martin is a chickenshit. Does that make me an equal opportunity basher? :)

I find politics a troubling topic, at best, whether American or Canadian. I am, at heart, something of an anarchist so all the laws and rules and power wielding is not comfortable for me. Generally I tend to avoid talking politics because often I do not feel sufficiently educated to give opinions on many of the issues. Of the issues I do follow, I usually just get frustrated. I also think there is infinitely more going on behind closed doors than the voting public is allowed to know so it is impossible for anyone to make a truly informed decision about any political policy. Ya, I'm a paranoid conspiracy theorist too. :)

I happen to quite enjoy the cultural differences between the US and Canada. Americans are so patriotic, so proud. They are also arrogant and strident. Canadians are apathetic and overly polite but I still have a great deal of pride in my country. For me, tho, the thing that truly interests me are individuals, regardless of nationality. People fascinate me. I tend to operate on a more personal level and try not to generalize.

Now you tell me why this upsets you so deeply. :)


Hall of Fame Member
Jun 26, 2004
pumpkin pie bungalow
Hey buddy , they have more late night shows than you have up here. Great Canadian comedians move to the US because their talents there are more appreciated. Any more American putdown.

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:


Hall of Fame Member
Jun 26, 2004
pumpkin pie bungalow
Hey buddy , they have more late night shows than you have up here. Great Canadian comedians move to the US because their talents there are more appreciated. Any more American putdown.

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:


Hall of Fame Member
Jun 26, 2004
pumpkin pie bungalow
Hey buddy , they have more late night shows than you have up here. Great Canadian comedians move to the US because their talents there are more appreciated. Any more American putdown.

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Canadian Observer

Nominee Member
Jan 21, 2005
Okey , I get upset with ABc's . My parents taught me while growing up that we live in glass house and its just not right that we throw rocks at the neighbours. if you know what I mean.

I brought my kids here believing everything that newspapers were telling about Canada. tolerance , peace , excellent health care.Jobs.
As always there the footnote about the USA .

We got relatives in the USA . I have been there in out the last ten years. Our relatives are good big hearted , humble folks. To picture them as we see Americans on TV and movies is just not right.

We came four years ago hopeful , wide eyed. Four years later , we want out.Not only am I sick of attacks on the US, I'm also sick of the gloating of Abc's of how great Canada is.

What excellent health care ? Long lines , rude medical staff , outdated medical equipment .Very ,expensive too, sorry to say that.
With all those nameless taxes , much of it going to health care .
In school , everytime the US is mentioned , teachers make snide remarks . I would rather that my kids go to the US and experience America themselves and make their own judgement.

Tolerance ? Americans and Jews often get a bad rap . What about the terrorists who follow no laws.

We were proffesionals coming to Canada .Excellent experience and education . But here we are just thousand of duped skilled immigrants doing menial jobs just to survive. Meanwhile , the bad America keeps letting Illegal immigrants in to have a job the next day. Nurses , teachers , doctors . They just take the exams and if they pass , they can work .

Meanwhile , In Canada . The frustration goes on.
The next time an employer asks me about me about my canadian experience - I would say " its been a nightmare , sir".

I cant wait to bring my kids out . What pain. Do you feel it, too.

Canadian Observer

Nominee Member
Jan 21, 2005
Okey , I get upset with ABc's . My parents taught me while growing up that we live in glass house and its just not right that we throw rocks at the neighbours. if you know what I mean.

I brought my kids here believing everything that newspapers were telling about Canada. tolerance , peace , excellent health care.Jobs.
As always there the footnote about the USA .

We got relatives in the USA . I have been there in out the last ten years. Our relatives are good big hearted , humble folks. To picture them as we see Americans on TV and movies is just not right.

We came four years ago hopeful , wide eyed. Four years later , we want out.Not only am I sick of attacks on the US, I'm also sick of the gloating of Abc's of how great Canada is.

What excellent health care ? Long lines , rude medical staff , outdated medical equipment .Very ,expensive too, sorry to say that.
With all those nameless taxes , much of it going to health care .
In school , everytime the US is mentioned , teachers make snide remarks . I would rather that my kids go to the US and experience America themselves and make their own judgement.

Tolerance ? Americans and Jews often get a bad rap . What about the terrorists who follow no laws.

We were proffesionals coming to Canada .Excellent experience and education . But here we are just thousand of duped skilled immigrants doing menial jobs just to survive. Meanwhile , the bad America keeps letting Illegal immigrants in to have a job the next day. Nurses , teachers , doctors . They just take the exams and if they pass , they can work .

Meanwhile , In Canada . The frustration goes on.
The next time an employer asks me about me about my canadian experience - I would say " its been a nightmare , sir".

I cant wait to bring my kids out . What pain. Do you feel it, too.

Canadian Observer

Nominee Member
Jan 21, 2005
Okey , I get upset with ABc's . My parents taught me while growing up that we live in glass house and its just not right that we throw rocks at the neighbours. if you know what I mean.

I brought my kids here believing everything that newspapers were telling about Canada. tolerance , peace , excellent health care.Jobs.
As always there the footnote about the USA .

We got relatives in the USA . I have been there in out the last ten years. Our relatives are good big hearted , humble folks. To picture them as we see Americans on TV and movies is just not right.

We came four years ago hopeful , wide eyed. Four years later , we want out.Not only am I sick of attacks on the US, I'm also sick of the gloating of Abc's of how great Canada is.

What excellent health care ? Long lines , rude medical staff , outdated medical equipment .Very ,expensive too, sorry to say that.
With all those nameless taxes , much of it going to health care .
In school , everytime the US is mentioned , teachers make snide remarks . I would rather that my kids go to the US and experience America themselves and make their own judgement.

Tolerance ? Americans and Jews often get a bad rap . What about the terrorists who follow no laws.

We were proffesionals coming to Canada .Excellent experience and education . But here we are just thousand of duped skilled immigrants doing menial jobs just to survive. Meanwhile , the bad America keeps letting Illegal immigrants in to have a job the next day. Nurses , teachers , doctors . They just take the exams and if they pass , they can work .

Meanwhile , In Canada . The frustration goes on.
The next time an employer asks me about me about my canadian experience - I would say " its been a nightmare , sir".

I cant wait to bring my kids out . What pain. Do you feel it, too.

Canadian Observer

Nominee Member
Jan 21, 2005
You're actually doing me a favour by the echo, peapod.

Do you see yourself now in my postings.

I'm not leaving just yet. I'll hang around here, whether you like it or not.
Remember I'm the observer.

Canadian Observer

Nominee Member
Jan 21, 2005
You're actually doing me a favour by the echo, peapod.

Do you see yourself now in my postings.

I'm not leaving just yet. I'll hang around here, whether you like it or not.
Remember I'm the observer.